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So when is 1.2 going to come out


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How does that make sense?

Companies don't usually have major releases at the same time. Releasing 1.2 near the ME3 launch could negatively impact sales. So, 1.2 will probably be a few weeks after the ME3 launch. It won't be far enough that people will unsub, but it won't be close enough to compete with ME3.

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Companies don't usually have major releases at the same time. Releasing 1.2 near the ME3 launch could negatively impact sales. So, 1.2 will probably be a few weeks after the ME3 launch. It won't be far enough that people will unsub, but it won't be close enough to compete with ME3.


They're completely different games made by completely different teams. One has nothing to do with the other.


Have you even had a job at a major corporation?

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Companies don't usually have major releases at the same time. Releasing 1.2 near the ME3 launch could negatively impact sales. So, 1.2 will probably be a few weeks after the ME3 launch. It won't be far enough that people will unsub, but it won't be close enough to compete with ME3.


I will be honest, I didn't think of that. I do, however, not think that's a reason for EA to stall the patch, but that's just my opinion.

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LOL awwwwwwww. And no the servers haven't died considerably. I have made toons on quite a few servers and deleting them to see and servers are good!!! Go back to WoW where it is really dead now and raiding is a complete joke now.


Gotta love this cut and paste response to anyone who has something negative to say about the game. An mmo can only improve really through dealing with the reasons why it's being criticized.

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They're completely different games made by completely different teams. One has nothing to do with the other.


Have you even had a job at a major corporation?

It doesn't matter. The average player for TOR is probably interested in the ME series. Why would BW/EA release new content for TOR that might cause people to delay purchasing the new RPG hitting the streets? That is counter productive to their goal of making as much money as possible.


ME3 will be released March 6. I doubt we will see 1.2 until March 27. It is far enough out to not impact the first 2-3 weeks of sales, but close enough that most people won't unsub while they play ME3.

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Not soon enough. The dam broke. Putting some puddy on it wont stop the water at this point.


Every server I am on has died considerably since launch. I can only imagine what the real subscription numbers really are.


My servers are doing just fine :)

I can complete +4 heroics if i want, i can participate in warzones and PVP if i want. And that is both sides, republic and empire.

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You sound like a broken record. I realize your experience with Star Wars Galaxies dealt a lot with server mergers (as is the case with a game that has pitiful player numbers), but THIS game is NOT that one.


Lol, and then you woke up?


Starsider had more players just on that one server then probly any 10 of these servers combined.


Everyhwere you go and planet you were on any city you went to you would run into hoards of people 24/7.


I know there was ALOT less people playing SWG. But when you have 90 servers like this game does with not enough of a player base to make them populated it is worthless.


I would rather go back to playing SWG on Starsider with 24/7 action brimming with players everwhere then playing this game on a ghost town server.

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I never played WOW even 1 time. Never made an account there, never even plaed a friends account.


You got the wrong guy bro.


Well then I think it is time to start.


Servers are not dead from the ones that i have started a char on.


As for 1.2 some of the changes were stated to come out in March or was announced that it would be out that month.

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No the sky is just fine. The subscriptions to this game are falling though. Thats no joke.


Even if you don't believe the dev team, even if you think they LIED to their shareholders breaking federal regulations, even if you think that independent news sources have been bribed to hide the "truth" from us that play this game, even if you think all of these insane tin-foil hat conspiracies, all you have to do is /who 1-5, /who 6-10 etc etc etc and you can easily see that server is not dying, I do this about once per week, and my server Crucible Pits, is definitely growing. Go troll somewhere else.

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yup.. thats usually how they string people along in these games.


And the fanboiz will fall for it. So after 6 months you will have everything that should have been in the game at launch. Then have to wait another 6 months for anything new.

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Even if you don't believe the dev team, even if you think they LIED to their shareholders breaking federal regulations, even if you think that independent news sources have been bribed to hide the "truth" from us that play this game, even if you think all of these insane tin-foil hat conspiracies, all you have to do is /who 1-5, /who 6-10 etc etc etc and you can easily see that server is not dying, I do this about once per week, and my server Crucible Pits, is definitely growing. Go troll somewhere else.


Clicky or I call BS


There is absolutly no debating at all that these servers are dying.


Everyone and their brother is calling for server merges and charater transfers.


I play on 4 differant servers and all 4 of them are way down from launch. It is not even close. And 3 of the 4 are ghost towns. 1 of the 4 has a decent population but is still half of what it was at launch.

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Even if you don't believe the dev team, even if you think they LIED to their shareholders breaking federal regulations, even if you think that independent news sources have been bribed to hide the "truth" from us that play this game, even if you think all of these insane tin-foil hat conspiracies, all you have to do is /who 1-5, /who 6-10 etc etc etc and you can easily see that server is not dying, I do this about once per week, and my server Crucible Pits, is definitely growing. Go troll somewhere else.


Even if you want to ignore what people say.


No one said they lied about the reports. We did say they mislead them into thinking that the game was doing better than it actually was.


I have posted the numbers in some thread so no reason to keep posting them again but that 1.7 was correct but the 300,000 were people that quit and of the 1.7 million 300,000 were in their free trial. So thats 1.4 million that still included time card activation accounts, multi month sub activation accounts and players that subbed dor an additional month and then canceled. Looking more like that 1.7 million happy campers is about 1-1.2 million at the most.

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Even if you don't believe the dev team, even if you think they LIED to their shareholders breaking federal regulations, even if you think that independent news sources have been bribed to hide the "truth" from us that play this game, even if you think all of these insane tin-foil hat conspiracies, all you have to do is /who 1-5, /who 6-10 etc etc etc and you can easily see that server is not dying, I do this about once per week, and my server Crucible Pits, is definitely growing. Go troll somewhere else.

They did not lie to their shareholders. I firmly believe they had 1.7 million subs on Feb 1. Considering they played games at release by forcing people without credit cards to buy an additional 30 days of service before their account would activate, their sub numbers were a little artificially inflated on Feb 1.


If you read between the lines though, they sold more than 2 million copies of TOR. That means they lost at least 300K subscribers before the 20th of January. That's a drop of 15%. That's not the direction they want to go.

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Everything in 1.1 and 1.2 should of been in the game at launch.


No, no it shouldnt have.


To expect swtor to have every single feature that wow has is a dumb expectation.


Wow had 5 years in development (Correct me if I am wrong) and onlyh ad one 40 man raid at launch. Tack on another 7 years worth of life and upgrades and your looking at 12 years TOTAL time put into the development in that game.


SWTOR, giving it 5 years in development as well had no where NEAR the time needed to get everything in that wow has as of today reguarding features. You really need to learn that things take TIME to create and impliment and they may not be so easy to put into this game as it was in wow.


Wow uses different code as well as a different engine. To assume both are going to be just as easy to code and impliment stuff as one another is a dumb assumption. Please learn the value of time before posing a stupid expectation that is impossible for ANY MMORPG to do at launch.

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