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After playing SWTOR will you still be purchasing ME3 at launch?


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ME 1 was fine. Nothing too original (blablabla one chosen hero - save the galaxy please... again) but it has some sweet spots to be remembered. ME 2 was dissapointment for me, never actually finished it. If ME 3 will be better I might consider it, and it will have nothing to do with TOR.
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Unfortunately, this was my first BioWare game in a while (loved Baldur's Gate and that was the only BioWare game I have played for any length of time, tried some others but couldn't get into them), and I don't think I will be picking up any other RPG's from BioWare. They just don't make good games anymore. While the stories are phenomenal, the gameplay is arduous and I get bored of having to follow the story the developers have crafted.


Not taking anything away from people who like BioWare games, but I am just of the opinion that I can read a book for an epic compelling story, and unless the rest of the game is top-notch, having a great story in a game isn't a big enough hook for me.

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I will never purchase anything that says Electronic Arts or Bioware again. Also learned by lesson about Sony Online as well.


Neither company will ever be worthy of my money and all else, have extremely low standards and truly don't understand game engines.


Blizzard and Trion, sadly are the only MMO companies that have a clue about the industry, talk to their customers and can produce a game worthy of my money.


Forum Truth Teller, and master of reality (AKA "Forum Troll)

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I will never purchase anything that says Electronic Arts or Bioware again. Also learned by lesson about Sony Online as well.


Neither company will ever be worthy of my money and all else, have extremely low standards and truly don't understand game engines.


Blizzard and Trion, sadly are the only MMO companies that have a clue about the industry, talk to their customers and can produce a game worthy of my money.


Forum Truth Teller, and master of reality (AKA "Forum Troll)

k bye then

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So, why do people even compare Mass Effect to SWTOR...aside from a conversation wheel (which existed before ME) they are nothing alike.


I dont see how your views on SWTOR have to alter that of your purchase plans for ME3.


One is a large budget MMO. You pay monthly.


One is a mostly single player RPG. No monthly price.


If you liked ME just buy the damn game. Unless your not a responsible adult, $60 isnt exactly a huge sum of money to be spent.

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I had every intention of buying and playing it upon release, but I am burned out on multiple choice conversations atm. Is it just me, or does anyone else get annoyed at continually cycling through conversations trying to get companion affection points, over and over and over.


I have over 1000 hours logged among me2/me1 and will absolutely buy ME3, I don't plan to drop my subscription for TOR though.


I am workin on my second 50's gear now and love it so much more than my first 50. I definitely rolled the wrong character.


I was BH, now I am Scoundrel. Lovin' it Mcdonalds style.


But yeah, I bought Mass Effect 3 N7 Collectors Edition.

Edited by djsmileey
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Hey pal.


This is what happened to me:


The information in my account got corrupted somehow, messing up my personal data. I contacted customer service because I wasn't able to log on.


You know what happened? I waited 12 (TWELVE!) *********** HOURS to try and get it resolved. I was bounced from department to department, always on hold, always getting people who couldn't speak English worth two *****, and always on a line with this constant "buzz" like the customer service department was housing colonies of live bees.


It was the most awful godforsaken experience I have ever had.


AND GUESS WHAT? When I finally got a manager, they told me "We are sorry sir, there is nothing we can do for you. Is there anything else I can help you with"?


What this meant for me: I lost an entire account that I had with all my characters and EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.


No refund. No ability to cancel sub (Had to do it by calling my damn BANK).


I ended up making this account now instead. Still haven't got 1/3 of the way to where I was on my other account.


There are dozens more reasons why I hate EA. All of them earned. All of them worthy of my disgust.



Perhaps now you see why I dislike EA. I never hopped on a "hate bandwagon". No, instead of a bandwagon, I was shoved directly into a Ferrari of disgust and anger at EA.


Boom. Now you know.




First, 12 hours is nothing. If I need a copier or fax serviced, I am waiting 2-4 days. If my fountain drink machine goes down, I am looking at up to a week for the guy to come by to fix it, OR I CAN PAY to have emergence service, which still takes 2-3 days. A 12 hour turn around is nothing.


Outside of business, if you want to hear about poor customer service, I have a story that is two years in counting, has two attorney's involved, and what started as a 20 dollar mistake has turned into over 10,000 dollars... even though the solution is literally one company CLICKING A BUTTON on a website.


As to your problem... protect your password and don't leave auto login on. If they can not confirm your identity they can not do anything. I have run into the same problem with my own customers. Something happened with an account, and while I FEEL they are being honest, I can not match their data with the account... my options are to go off my feeling, and open myself up to massive lawsuits, or apologize, and explain that I can not help unless I can get the information.


Not defending the CS we have here, it is far from shining, but your problem is more then likely self-created and they can not help you because of the situation. -shrug-

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you people are doomed to be disappointed. unless ME3 loses it's god forbid stupid *** Action Mode and goes back to ME1 formula, it's doomed.


and requires gayorign:mad:

Mass effect 2 was great. Just as good as 1 imo, mass effect 3 will be better than both, i thought the multiplayer was gonna be crappy but it looks like its coming together really nice =)
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will definitely demonoid it.


Cant wait for ME3, still got my savegames for me1 and me2 backed up on external hdd


For sure, I have like 6 "Perfect" saves in varying format..


Female Shepard -- Paragon

Female Shepard -- Renegade

Male Shepard -- Paragon

Male Shepard -- Renegade


Change up the romance arc's and Classes, Vanguard and Sentinel are my favorite, and that combines a few more of my stories.


First run through will probably be male/female paragon.

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I am certainly going to buy ME3, be it at launch or later, but I'm concerned it might go the way of DA2.


The addition of multiplayer is detestable to me. Sure, Bioware can walk and chew gum at the same time, but I can't help but feel it's going to be an atrocious waste of time. I like some of the things they did with ME2's combat but it should never be the focus of the game, and never in lieu of exploration and character development.


ME2 had great combat compared to ME1, but like SWTOR it was practically on-rails. I'm worried they might take the same approach here and dumb down the RPG elements even more.

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abso-friggin loutley !!!




srsly , i liked the first one soooooooo much ( 2nd one was good but **** compared to the first one in terms of history) that i played it thru about 20 dam times



the story about the reapers and bigger than life galactic conflict with a species that cant even be defined in normal terms is what i want to experience , not collectors doing something that ive yet to understand in the grand scheme of thinngs


so yes, i will be friggin buying it , what ive seen of it is ME 1 story continuation with the combat improvements of ME 2 , whats not to love?



i cant wait!!!!

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Mass effect 2 was great. Just as good as 1 imo, mass effect 3 will be better than both, i thought the multiplayer was gonna be crappy but it looks like its coming together really nice =)

I agree. I'm probably one of the few people who actually liked ME2 way more than ME1 :p, but mostly just for the characters. I enjoy games with a lot of humor, and ME2 had me rolling many times. That and I enjoyed trying to get all the different endings


Being able to actually have the main character die at the end was pretty cool to me :p


Anyways as far as the question, I probably won't buy immediately on launch, just because I'll be quite busy and won't have a lot of time to play, but I'll definitely be picking it up as soon as I have some time to spend on it.

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I am certainly going to buy ME3, be it at launch or later, but I'm concerned it might go the way of DA2.


The addition of multiplayer is detestable to me. Sure, Bioware can walk and chew gum at the same time, but I can't help but feel it's going to be an atrocious waste of time. I like some of the things they did with ME2's combat but it should never be the focus of the game, and never in lieu of exploration and character development.


ME2 had great combat compared to ME1, but like SWTOR it was practically on-rails. I'm worried they might take the same approach here and dumb down the RPG elements even more.


ill admit , yes , me2 was so "on rails" and dumbed down that it feel more like an action title than anything, regardless , the story is so awsome that i think its worth buying to play that part of the game even if its :on rails" (refering to me3 here) because frankly it looks downright amazing , and while i was a bit dissapointed with me2 because i was missing certain rpg elements, it was still a blast to play , combat much more fluid and streamlined


as long as they don screw up the story (wich i will NEVER forgive , not even kidding here) im a happy camper


DONT F IT UP PLEASE! this is like biowares god of war, you do NOT change god of war , period.

Edited by LaVolpex
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I rarely get anything at launch due to the inflated prices. I'll probably pick it up used or a year later if I get it new at the low low price of $25-30.

What inflated prices? If anything games these days are sold at lower prices than 10 years ago due to inflation.


On topic: Pre-ordered the digital CE. :)

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ill admit , yes , me2 was so "on rails" and dumbed down that it feel more like an action title than anything, regardless , the story is so awsome that i think its worth buying to play that part of the game even if its :on rails" (refering to me3 here) because frankly it looks downright amazing , and while i was a bit dissapointed with me2 because i was missing certain rpg elements, it was still a blast to play , combat much more fluid and streamlined


as long as they don screw up the story (wich i will NEVER forgive , not even kidding here) im a happy camper


DONT F IT UP PLEASE! this is like biowares god of war, you do NOT change god of war , period.


I don't see how ME2 was on rails, there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many variations. From ME1 there are like 100 different variations based on which story you choose. Saving council, not saving council etc.. Determines things like the races hating you.


They said they are taking like 1000+ choices into consideration from ME2 into 3 as part of the story variations.


in ME2 (SPOILER) you can literally let yourself die it will be part of the story. Or you can be a hero and save everyone without letting a single person die. Not to mention you have all the choices in the world at which characters you choose to engage with and which ones will advance.


Rails is about the last thing you can say about ME2. Unless you compare it to something like SKYRIM, which is just a completely different style.

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ME3 went from an automatic buy to a non-buy with ME2.


SWTOR has no bearing on it since it was made by Mythic.


DA2 was also done by a different studio (Who also helped with SWTOR funny enough).


To me, all that shows is that since Bioware joined EA, their reputation has taken a beating.


But it's mostly because EA started shovelling other development teams under the Bioware name.


Honestly, ME2 was the only game done by the real Bioware that was lack-luster to me, and that was because the story stunk. It also coincided with them drinking the EA poison.

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I don't see how ME2 was on rails, there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many variations. From ME1 there are like 100 different variations based on which story you choose. Saving council, not saving council etc.. Determines things like the races hating you.


They said they are taking like 1000+ choices into consideration from ME2 into 3 as part of the story variations.


in ME2 (SPOILER) you can literally let yourself die it will be part of the story. Or you can be a hero and save everyone without letting a single person die. Not to mention you have all the choices in the world at which characters you choose to engage with and which ones will advance.


Rails is about the last thing you can say about ME2. Unless you compare it to something like SKYRIM, which is just a completely different style.


Oh no, I do not mean that the STORY is on rails. That is certainly not the case.


The lack of exploration is really what I'm getting at. I know many people hated MAKO but it was really nice to be able to explore a planet without [many] bounds and happen across points of interest without feeling like you're being strung along.


And look at side-quest structure. Most of them were of a "move through these rooms, kill everything" nature. Some of the city hubs were even smaller and more linear than in ME1. It's also kind of boring when you realize that everything was basically set up in combat and non-combat zones.


Compound that with the fact that there was little choice in weapon and armor variety, and the game just felt so much more claustrophobic to me.

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ME2 was certainly smaller in scope than ME1, but I'll let it slide since ME2 is a bridge game. I think of it as The Two Towers of the ME universe. The combat, to me, was a lot more fun in 2 than 1. I actually experimented with all the classes and completed the game with different classes. In ME1, the only class I could tolerate was the Soldier.

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