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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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Well, everybody knows its true :)

Any decent gamer who is not such an amazing SW fan already quit the game..cause from the game perspective its rubbish.


This is 110% true. I am still here for two reasons: A.) I got a 60 Day Time Card for Christmas that doesn't end until March 19th and B.) I still like glowbats. However, once A.) comes to an end, B.) will be insufficient to keep me here. As a story, SW:TOR is okay (not good, but okay). As a game, an MMO in particular? Rubbish. I DID expect more after 6 years in development.

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GW2 = MMO for PvP players

SWTOR = MMO for PvE players


this is SO not true.

I mean we cant say for sure until GW2 comes out, but from what I saw so far (and I saw a lot), GW2 will have way more PvE content to offer players...and actual PVE MMO content, which is something You will be finding hard in SWTOR.


So let me correct Your statement.


GW2 = MMO for PvP and PvE players

SWTOR = wonnabe MMO for Star Wars fans

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The LA Galaxy would like to say hello.


Well he is too old for English football now. I fail to see how it disproves my point. I'm saying he was a good penalty taker and he missed...


Maradonna was a brillant footballer - When he was younger and also when he didn't cheat - now hes a fat, druggy weirdo. Still doesn't change the fact that he was good.


Plus i've never seen him play for LA Galaxy because i'd rather yank my toenails out with rusty pilars than watch American "Soccer".





Aww I bet you feel good for that, don't you.


Don't worry GW2 will solve world hunger, it'll make you live forever & you'll never need to buy another game.


I wish you the best.

Edited by CptBrit
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Aww I bet you feel good for that, don't you.


Don't worry GW2 will solve world hunger, it'll make you live forever & you'll never need to buy another game.


I wish you the best.


I do feel good and thanks for Your kind words. I wish You all the best as well :)

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this is SO not true.

I mean we cant say for sure until GW2 comes out, but from what I saw so far (and I saw a lot), GW2 will have way more PvE content to offer players...and actual PVE MMO content, which is something You will be finding hard in SWTOR.


So let me correct Your statement.


GW2 = MMO for PvP and PvE players

SWTOR = wonnabe MMO for Star Wars fans


Weren't people saying about SWTOR before it launched, what you are now saying about GW2? The logic fails me.

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Weren't people saying about SWTOR before it launched, what you are now saying about GW2? The logic fails me.


Yep. Getting hyped up about an unreleased game just sets people up for disappointment.


As to the OP you can't play potential. The game has to be judged in it's current state and it's just not that great.

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Weren't people saying about SWTOR before it launched, what you are now saying about GW2? The logic fails me.


They said it about AoC, WAR, Aion, Rift, then SWTOR, now GW2. And when GW2 comes out they'll say it about something else. It's the MMO circle of life. The only good game is the one that is just over the horizon.


It's also indicative of the incredible narcissism and ego of many, many gamers: "I don't like a game, therefore it is terrible and anyone that does like it is a terrible person".


Like the comments in this thread that all "decent" gamers will or have already left TOR. What, praytell, is a "decent" gamer? That kind of statement can only come from a complete narcissist who thinks that their opinion is completely right and everything they believe is a fact.


In sum, they are morons.

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we cant judge the potential of GW2 as it is purly a hype machine at the moment. At this moment in time swtor has more potential then wow at this moment in time as wow is now an old game with the majority playing it simply due to time invested into there chars and guilds on the game.


There is very limited scope on what wow can put into wow without totaly breaking the lore as they have already bent it so far that if you threw it there is a very good chance it would come right back to you.


Swtor is a fresh game with basically an open end on lore and a vast systems they can implement or spend dev time developing to put into the game, thousands of planets, hundreds of races, homeworlds, tech, bad guys.


Its also a multiplatform mmo right now because of the space and ground element of the game, they cant expand it overnight but the way the maps are designed including the galaxy map it means that new parts can be implanted onto it or within it to expand the universe and planets.


There are also not just new player races they can add but they could if they wished add a 3rd or 4th faction if they wished aslong as the playerbase numbers could support it and get away with it from a lore standpoint.


So yes, SWTOR has more potential in game mechanics then wow and gw2 at this time and due to the ip it also has the scope to become the biggest mmo on the market.


Only time shall tell.

Edited by Shingara
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we cant judge the potential of GW2 as it is purly a hype machine at the moment. At this moment in time swtor has more potential then wow at this moment in time as wow is now an old game with the majority playing it simply due to time invested into there chars and guilds on the game.


There is very limited scope on what wow can put into wow without totaly breaking the lore as they have already bent it so far that if you threw it there is a very good chance it would come right back to you.


Swtor is a fresh game with basically an open end on lore and a vast systems they can implement or spend dev time developing to put into the game, thousands of planets, hundreds of races, homeworlds, tech, bad guys.


Its also a multiplatform mmo right now because of the space and ground element of the game, they cant expand it overnight but the way the maps are designed including the galaxy map it means that new parts can be implanted onto it or within it to expand the universe and planets.


There are also not just new player races they can add but they could if they wished add a 3rd or 4th faction if they wished alsong as the playerbase numbers could support it and get away f=with it from a lore standpoint.


So yes, SWTOR has more potential in game mechanics then wow and gw2 at this time and due to the ip it also has the scope to become the biggest mmo on the market.


Only time shall tell.


Well said, m8.

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Not much info out about guilds yet, but it's safe to say it will be the most advanced 'guild system' ever in an MMO.


Now you see this is what annoys me a little about GW2 fans at the moment, there's not much info out, yet it's apparently a safe bet that it will be the most advanced bestest guild system in the world.


If there's no info out how could you possibly know that? it's exactly the same as the people who hyped up this game before it came out, expectations are rarely realised because people have different ideas of what makes a great mmo and you can't please everyone.


Thinking that GW2 is the second coming is a little bit naive, it will probably be a very good game, but like GW1 it will have it's flaws, just as SWTOR and WoW do. I don't understand all this competition between mmo's, you don't see it as much in other genres, why does the community have to be so polarised and each side is totally right.


If you like SWTOR, play that and be happy, if you want to play GW2 play that, there's no need to rail against the other in their respective forums.

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TOR has already hit it's potential. This is all it has to offer. There will be no more difference in gameplay. There will be no more cool looking armor. There will be no more interesting mechanics. The only place TOR hasn't hit it's potential is space combat. Everything else, is pretty much fleshed out(I'm not talking about content).


GW2 on console: Won't be on console at release and probably won't be anytime soon.

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Warhammer was a fairly big brand, it flopped.


LOTRO was an even bigger one, also flopped.


SW:TOR will follow suit.


Ummmm....LOTRO flopped? You might not like it, and it certainly won't ever be a HUGE success, but it is doign quite well. I played it for 3 years and quit because I hated the direction it was going, but they opened a bunch of new servers about 1.5 years ago, have never had to close or merge any, and seem to be making more money now than they ever did.


LOTRO is not a failure, it's just not a juggernaut. And while the LOTR IP is very valuable, it's got nothing on Star Wars' popularity.


And Warhammer? Seriously? How on EARTH can you compare the value of Warhammer as an IP to Star Wars? Warhammer is a valuable IP to people that ALREADY are interested in gaming, tabletop, miniatures, etc etc. Star Wars is known to everyone. Warhammer is known to nerds (I say that as a proud nerd).

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I really like SWTOR, but I don't think SWTOR, WoW or GW2 has much potential.


They're all variations of the same thing. Sure, GW2 is a significant departure, but not THAT far.


Now, TSW (The Secret World) I think has the most potential of any future MMO.


1st: No Levels. This is refreshing. No stupid grind to end game.

2nd: No classes. No needed to reroll the flavour of the month, no need to play a defined roll. You build your class from over 500 abilities and can change it at any time.

3rd: 3 factions. Always more fun.

4th: Not fantasy. Fantasy is boring at this point. GW2 would be a much more exciting game if it wasn't "Generic fantasy world 7".


Funcom made one of my most cherrished games of all times, The Longest Journey, which even today with its dated graphics is a real treat to play. It is an adventure game and has one of the best stories I have ever found in any game period.


I can not wait to see what they come up with in The Secret World, I can not remember a game that has me as excited as I am to play this one. :D

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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TOR has already hit it's potential. This is all it has to offer. There will be no more difference in gameplay. There will be no more cool looking armor. There will be no more interesting mechanics. The only place TOR hasn't hit it's potential is space combat. Everything else, is pretty much fleshed out(I'm not talking about content).


GW2 on console: Won't be on console at release and probably won't be anytime soon.



No more cool looking armor? i beg to differ, when they make modable gear usable at end game then people can choose to look however they want, that's an awesome improvement.


I don't care for the end game armor at the moment, but i've got a ton of saved up orange gear just waiting to be used.


*edit also look at all the crazy that happened over a white sabre crystal, there's tons of new things they could add.

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Funcom made one of my most cherrished games of all times, The Longest Journey, which even today with its dated graphics is a real treat to play. It is an adventure game and has one of the best stories I have ever found in any game period.


I can not wait to see what they come up with in The Secret World, I can not remember a game that has me as excited as I am to play this one. :D


I have to admit, TSW does look intriguing. It could be quite a good game. But I have no faith in Funcom to deliver a good product. People who think this game is "unplayable" because of bugs and flaws didn't play AoC at launch. That game was the definition of a game that was broken on release.

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No more cool looking armor? i beg to differ, when they make modable gear usable at end game then people can choose to look however they want, that's an awesome improvement.


I don't care for the end game armor at the moment, but i've got a ton of saved up orange gear just waiting to be used.


Your current orange gear that you're storing really doesn't look that different from anything else though. For BH, it all looks too similar.


And then weapons? Weapons in this game are the flat out worst.

Edited by Dantragk
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Your current orange gear that you're storing really doesn't look that different from anything else though. For BH, it all looks too similar.


And then weapons? Weapons in this game are the flat out worst.


The current orange gear im storing looks radically different, not to mention the orange gear that is suppossed tobe hitting in 1.2 is also different suggest your talking out of your rear.

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The current orange gear im storing looks radically different, not to mention the orange gear that is suppossed tobe hitting in 1.2 is also different suggest your talking out of your rear.


I don't know what you consider radically different but BH gear doesn't look "radically" different. They're all big pieces of armor, the helms all look similar(note not SAME but SIMILAR).


Jedis will have robes robes robes. Sith will have hoods or look like they're wearing a SM mask. It make look different, but it will never look unique.


And again, Weapons.

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Warhammer was a fairly big brand, it flopped.


LOTRO was an even bigger one, also flopped.


SW:TOR will follow suit.


IMHO, if Bioware breaks up the communities already established in servers, the above might well be true of SWTOR.


I look forward to the cross server PvP community in GW2. Seriously.

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I find it hilarious how hyped up GW2 is becoming. I will also find it hilarious when those great expectations are not met and you will be disappointed again.


Not that it might not be a good game, but come on, they hype surrounding that game is truly mind boggling. Its like Jesus wrapped in a gamebox, lol.

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