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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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I left WoW for ToR.


All mmos are all the same! Same goes for Fps/Rts. The difference is the story/lore, plus little stuff that you do in the game (crafting/profs/etc..). SW itself is okay, not something i'd die for (doesnt have to be a fan to enjoy this game).


I liked GW1 but that didnt last for more than a month (back in the day). I was never a quester that would sit for hours and grind lvls (referring to wow) but i did it in Tor because it was more interesting.


Each to his own.


Im definitely not leaving Tor for GW2. I'd quit mmos altogether if Tor fail to keep me entertained somewhere down the road.


1st, Tor needs to be on Mac client because i dont like having windows on my imac.

2nd, graphics issues!! Obviously everyone wants them to turn "on" the ultra graphics settings (all of it).

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I find it hilarious how hyped up GW2 is becoming. I will also find it hilarious when those great expectations are not met and you will be disappointed again.


Not that it might not be a good game, but come on, they hype surrounding that game is truly mind boggling. Its like Jesus wrapped in a gamebox, lol.


How can it NOT be hyped? Have you read about it?


Some recent news:



THAT is how you approach PvP. Not little WZs and zones like Ilum.


If that game is half as good as they say it is, it will be the best MMO on the market.

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I see a lot of people talking about GW2, and saying its something its not. It goes both ways good and bad.


One thing, guild wars is not just a pvp game, its also pve, and its about as in depth as the story is here, in fact some ways very similar minus voice acting and choosing responses.


another thing guild wars will not be everything everyone hopes it will be, i see people saying guild wars will have X and Y and i have kept up with it, a lot of people are mistaken, it wont be the game of your dreams, but probably not of your nightmares either.


Graphics of GW and SWTOR are probably going to be on the same level honestly, but GW is going tohave overall, a more realistic style, that may or may not appeal to you.


Really though i think they both give you two different flavors, i think you can have both. As for swtor, hmm it has some potential, but i doubt it will realize it, the best way for it to realize its potential is to push its limits, however my feeling is the plan on SWTOR is merely to refine itself. Just refining what is here and the mechanics already at play, will not make it great, but it can be pretty decent and kind of fun even if it fails to live up to its potential.


The real killer is the games bugs, that they cant seem to fix despite multiple attempts, the hacks that are becoming more common, and some issues with endgame balance in crafting/pvp/flashpoints/exploration etc. A lot of the interesting things while you are leveling dont really happen once you hit 50. Exploration, Solo friendly stories, crafting etc.

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Your current orange gear that you're storing really doesn't look that different from anything else though. For BH, it all looks too similar.


And then weapons? Weapons in this game are the flat out worst.



The weapons are iconic Star Wars weapons. When you play in the Star Wars universe you expect two things: Light Sabers and Blasters, and this game delivers that.


Every forum I've been on (and I can't count the number of MMOs), I see the same people complaining and complaining. Enjoy the game for what it is and could be, and if that's not what you want... Well, your consumer dollars are your own, go somewhere else and take the "hating" with you...please, because we're tired of hearing it.

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So it's not possible to play and enjoy more than one game? Is that what I'm taking from most people's opinions.


I enjoy TOR quite a bit. I also plan on picking up GW2 when it hits the shelves. I'm also forking out the significant sum of 8 euros to give TERA a shot.


Variety is the spice of life.


It's never been Game vs. Game to me.. It's always been Game + Game + Game +...

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The weapons are iconic Star Wars weapons. When you play in the Star Wars universe you expect two things: Light Sabers and Blasters, and this game delivers that.


Every forum I've been on (and I can't count the number of MMOs), I see the same people complaining and complaining. Enjoy the game for what it is and could be, and if that's not what you want... Well, your consumer dollars are your own, go somewhere else and take the "hating" with you...please, because we're tired of hearing it.


Yes they are. But at the same time they are very limiting. The only thing that changes is the hilt on sabers but it's very hard to notice.


I'm not really "hating". I can voice my opinion just like you can. I've had some constructive arguments on these forums and I'm far from one of the bigger "flamers/haters" on this forum.

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I don't know what you consider radically different but BH gear doesn't look "radically" different. They're all big pieces of armor, the helms all look similar(note not SAME but SIMILAR).


Jedis will have robes robes robes. Sith will have hoods or look like they're wearing a SM mask. It make look different, but it will never look unique.


And again, Weapons.


Social gear, also you arnt confined to bh only gear now unless you contend with the dog ugly ops gear. you can mix and match as you lvl and so so do it at 50 too, social gear is the key and the change they are making is to increase it uses to medium and heavy.


How they do that who knows, might be a system built into social gear that realises the class and and sets the armour to that and to correct lvl. With them ripping the purple armour slot back into gear that means that as they have said previously that set bonus can be moved from one set to another.


they also mention chest hue which i take as colouring the armour to match the chest so if you select what colour you want then go from the chest and you can be black or pink as a butterfly if you want.


for the weapons they are all good, there is a good mix and match between guns and swords, there aint much that can be done with sabers bar being double or single sabers, i cant see them implementing light whips any time soon or light reavers.


but there is tons you can do now for fun and giggles whilst leveling, like my sentinal, decked out in smuggler gear :cool: people charge him then think OMG and try to get away but tssh tssh to late boyoo.

Edited by Shingara
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Quit two weeks ago ;) I just enjoy watching ppl defending this bad game :)




lies, you have nothing better to do, get a life. You just like to troll, I bet he plays this still and if you think GW2 is good, think again, I been testing it on and off, its horrid, GW1 was not even an MMO, GW2 is not either... Its a joke..



SWTOR, is close to other games, but thats how it goes, investors like the same formula, until more people demand other game play and investors grow some balls, we will see the same forumla.



TSW is trying some thing different and I think it will do fine with the old school gamers, and some of the new school for the ones looking for a change, for the ones that love the raiding world , which not many SWTOR fans like raiding, compared to WOW, its like 5 % of the population likes raiding , in WOW it was about 55% or so of the population like raiding..


I think people are sick of raiding, so we all want something new... so TSW will be it,...I like SWTOR, but I dislike the fact , that there is not much to do end game, and not many people are to raid with , PVP is just Bleh! in this game, and I love PVP...

Edited by mustangmandark
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Thank you, i didnt realise how bad gw2 was until you provided me with that video, im now at a lose to what all this hype is about in concern to gw2.


He secretly is saying he loves it.


lies, you have nothing better to do, get a life. You just like to troll, I bet he plays this still and if you think GW2 is good, think again, I been testing it on and off, its horrid, GW1 was not even an MMO, GW2 is not either... Its a joke..




Lol sure you are. I totally believe you.

Edited by Chromiie
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Oh I can say that GW2 is going to be great ;) seen so much evidence for it not to be true.

Anyway I did the same mistake about this abomination :p but Im doing the same mistake again with gw2!


yea bcz videos and picture are enough to tell if a game is great or not. yea ppl saw vids of swtor and thought it was great too.

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this is SO not true.

I mean we cant say for sure until GW2 comes out, but from what I saw so far (and I saw a lot), GW2 will have way more PvE content to offer players...and actual PVE MMO content, which is something You will be finding hard in SWTOR.


So let me correct Your statement.


GW2 = MMO for PvP and PvE players

SWTOR = wonnabe MMO for Star Wars fans


GW2 provides no PVE content for massive amount of players Yet it provides PVP content for massive amount of players. the only engame pve they have is dungeons so no its not for pve players. no real pve progression. for me to even consider it to be for pve it would at least have to have gear that ppl couldnt easily obtain in pve.

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I left WoW for ToR.


All mmos are all the same! Same goes for Fps/Rts. The difference is the story/lore, plus little stuff that you do in the game (crafting/profs/etc..). SW itself is okay, not something i'd die for (doesnt have to be a fan to enjoy this game).


I liked GW1 but that didnt last for more than a month (back in the day). I was never a quester that would sit for hours and grind lvls (referring to wow) but i did it in Tor because it was more interesting.


Each to his own.


Im definitely not leaving Tor for GW2. I'd quit mmos altogether if Tor fail to keep me entertained somewhere down the road.


1st, Tor needs to be on Mac client because i dont like having windows on my imac.

2nd, graphics issues!! Obviously everyone wants them to turn "on" the ultra graphics settings (all of it).


I beg to differ. Try comparing a mmo like ffxi to wow and see what kinda similarities u get.

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How can it NOT be hyped? Have you read about it?


Some recent news:



THAT is how you approach PvP. Not little WZs and zones like Ilum.


If that game is half as good as they say it is, it will be the best MMO on the market.


I wonder how many client/server crashes are going to happen? And lag fest central.

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GW2 provides no PVE content for massive amount of players Yet it provides PVP content for massive amount of players. the only engame pve they have is dungeons so no its not for pve players. no real pve progression. for me to even consider it to be for pve it would at least have to have gear that ppl couldnt easily obtain in pve.


what? did You even try to check this out?

There is so much PvE content in GW2 lol

Do You think 100 ppl doing some dynamic world event that has like 6 stages and last stage is some huge boss is no PvE content?

Did You do any investigation on how the dungeons will work? I dont think so.


So stop trolling and do some research before making wrong statements.

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GW2 provides no PVE content for massive amount of players Yet it provides PVP content for massive amount of players. the only engame pve they have is dungeons so no its not for pve players. no real pve progression. for me to even consider it to be for pve it would at least have to have gear that ppl couldnt easily obtain in pve.


What you said makes no sense. PVE is just that. Player vs environment. Their whole dynamic event system is nothing but PVE. There is no PVP on a single server. There is no cross faction on a server. PVP will be in WvW and Arena PVP. Everything outside of this will be PVE, which includes the events and instances which have both story and exploration mode.


I wonder how many client/server crashes are going to happen? And lag fest central.


Only one way to find out lol.

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yea bcz videos and picture are enough to tell if a game is great or not. yea ppl saw vids of swtor and thought it was great too.


Its not just vids and pics. Its all the discussions with devs, managers, artists and just the whole team. They wouldnt promise all those specific things unless they would be in the game.

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Its not just vids and pics. Its all the discussions with devs, managers, artists and just the whole team. They wouldnt promise all those specific things unless they would be in the game.


As much as I'm into GW2. I disagree 100%. Look at what the devs and managers of this game promised. Look at what they delivered. There is a stark difference between the two.

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