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Straight up leveling. Combat vrs watchmen


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What one? I'm a semi decent sentinel. Done Watchmen this whole time. I'm level 17. I'm doing fine to be honest. I can at this level two about one Silver mob, and a whole normal mob, and have about half Hp done. I keybind and I use my cooldowns effectively. I want to stick to sentinel. I know that. But straight up! For easier leveling. And easiest. I've looked up and I've saw people saying combat one time, and watchmen the next time. I need some opinions. Or straight out facts. :3 Thanks~
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Stay watchman. The lower levels are rough, there is no doubt about it. Once you push past level 30, things start easing off, once you get Doc about 35 you're a wrecking ball for the last 15 levels.


Stick with it. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you maxed (quite possibly) the hardest class in the game to level, and our endgame damage is insane. Well worth the wait.


Overload Saber at level 20. Changes your game. Have that and Cauterize bound to Q and E.

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Hey! Thank you for the input! Really! appreciative! I'll go watchmen. :) And thanks for the tips on Keybinding too! I've been keybinding, been doing really well too! I appreciate that! Yeah! I'm loving the Sentinel so far. Not having really any problems at all leveling it. But I want to stick with it. So i'm trying to get the best spec. I did lots of research. So many people say Combat, so many people say Watchmen. I just dont know :p!
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You don't have to go watchmen the entire time.


Don't get me wrong I believe ultimately it's the best tree, but you can start off as whichever tree you want and then switch later when you have more points to invest in Watchmen.


Also regardless of which tree you decide to go with give consideration to putting at least one point in Defensive Forms in the first tier of the combat tree early on, you will build up centering much faster in solo and PVP.

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I'm running half watchman and half combat--my points at earlier levels were almost all put into watchman but once I got 3 points into the third tier I've devoted the rest to combat.


I'm currently 37 and have been running missions and class quests as much as 3-4 levels under with relative ease. I got my 3rd companion at 31, 4th at 36 and the 5th at 37. My gear is decent but not top of the line so I am fairly convinced that the skill boxes I've chosen are making the biggest difference.

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Also regardless of which tree you decide to go with give consideration to putting at least one point in Defensive Forms in the first tier of the combat tree early on, you will build up centering much faster in solo and PVP.


I want to second putting points into Defensive Forms. I'd do it after getting Overload Saber. It's amazing for two points.

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If I would not have a feeling that I am cornered and have to be Watchman for end game raiding - I would never leave Combat tree.


Sure, I have had some problems staying alive but because of Doc being fit for cleaning kingston on ship not for healing*. I have learned to use companion (mostly Kira) to soak some damage as well, make an aggro ping-pong on stronger mobs instead full out dps and it worked out better than with healing comp.


Combat has one more advantage - Watchman takes long to unwind and mobs are mostly dead by then, you need large HP pool mobs to better benefit from that tree.






* this will sound like heresy but I pulled out C2-N2 on Belsavis to heal me while Doc was on mission and I felt more stable and secure than with Doc.

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