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Trouble with Tavus


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Has anyone else had any problems fighting this guy? He's a level 32 elite, and I am now level 36. Even with Expert medpacks and all kinds of crazy stims and buffs, I cannot beat this guy!! It's just getting ridiculous! Has anyone else had this problem, or know how to fix it? Or is he simply overpowered?
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I soloed him very easy as commando at lvl 31 with Elara healing me, didn't go below 70% of my hp and i used pushbacks to interupt him healing....i was kinda supprised how easy he was. Edited by Sevonn
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No issue here, vanguard-defence, and I defence tree, lvl32. Id let 4X pull him for a minute then Id unload till he came to me. went back and forth. I had to use my buffs and one endurance stim. I tried to interupt his attacks as much as possible.
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No real problem here either. Fought him as commando with Elara healing. Not sure what level I was, though I know I was at his level or just below. I do remember that this was a LONG *** fight and if Elara hadn't been healing it would have been a lot harder to do.


What spec are you? What companion are you using?


Make sure you use all your abilities and hit him hard.

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Assault (plasma cell) Vanguard here. I just didn't let Tavus turn it into a tank and spank (me) experience. Kept him moving and harassed him with instants/DOT from Ion Pulse/Hammer Shots, taunted as needed to keep him chasing me, and let Aric get all the anger out playing turret gunner on his sorry traitorous face. Just clear the room first and you have plenty of room to do your worst. There's plenty of hard cover available to duck behind and keep him too busy moving for you while getting AC rounds drilling his skull.


Any Trooper build can take him. We all just have different methods.

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Commando AS spec lvl 31 didn't have any problems with Dorne as companion, it was interesting because i pugged a FP with a lvl 33 gunnery commando right before and he said it was really hard, i don't think Tavus even took me past 75% health.


I think armor made a big difference for me, i've got armormech and have every slot maxed out to my level, the guy i spoke to was 2 levels higher but had over 1000 less armor.


I just used run and gun keeping his DOTS up and had zero problems, was a little disappointed to be honest.

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Has anyone else had any problems fighting this guy? He's a level 32 elite, and I am now level 36. Even with Expert medpacks and all kinds of crazy stims and buffs, I cannot beat this guy!! It's just getting ridiculous! Has anyone else had this problem, or know how to fix it? Or is he simply overpowered?


SS Vangaurd. With Elara it took awhile but I got it done. Probably got down to just below half health at the end.


Started with Mortar then I kited alot, and cryo as often as I could. Basically ran circles around him and used all my high damage attacks as often as I could and StockStrike when i needed an interupt.


I did find it was really helpful to pull him the opposite direction from Elara. Then she was free to heal and fire on him without interuption.

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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If ur not using Elara this fight is gonna be a little difficult. It simply takes FOREVER to kill him (took me over 5 minutes of wailing on him with my shield vanguard).


Interupt everything you can


Keep him away from Elara so he doesnt F up her job


Medpack/stim just in case



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Interrupt. He has a couple of abilities that hit hard. He was casting faster than I can interrupt, so I interrupt the first, stun on the second, interrupt the third, pop my thing that resets stun (plus gives you and companion 2% health / sec), stun the fourth, interrupt the fifth.


At this point I had him to about 50% health and had basically taken no dmg (or if so Elara had healed it b/c I was at full health). Then I popped my 25% dmg reduction and burned him down. I still interrupted the ones that I could, but didn't worry about catching them all. I think he knocked me back at one point b/c I remember harpooning him to interrupt an ability as well (used it like a stun to give me more time for interrupt to come off cool down).


This is the basic method I use for all bosses who cast stuff. Usually you can get so far ahead on damage that you can just burn them down. I killed him at 31, and I'm pretty sure I had more than 50% health when it was over (no medpack used).


Note - this obviously applies to Vanguard. If you're Commando, IDK the strat for that.

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I did it on my Combat Medic Commando at 34 using Forex. Fight didn't seem especially hard or long to me. Just did my typical rotation of AMP and TP on Forex, dps for 9 seconds, refresh AMP, dps for 9 seconds, AMP and TP refresh, dps for 9s, rinse and repeat until he was dead.

Well. . . 1 hp and surrendered, but . . . you know what I mean.

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sorry i cant be more helpful other then saying it wasnt a hard fight for me tbh, assult specialist using 4X as a tank, probably wouldnt have been any probs using Elara either, think i was 33 or 34 at the time. Oh yeah, 1 thing, he tried to heal quite a bit, using riot strike and cryo grenade he was a push over but without it he might have been tough , healing himself.
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I fought him pretty easily I had Elara healing me and I was a combat medic commando. I had no issues beating him in one shot. Only times I died when there were to many mobs before getting to him. I used Elara when I started the quest. Then switched to Jorgan half way to help plow through the mobs, then switched back to Elara. Took Tavus down in one shot.
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elara as companion.

all gear up to date.

I did get lucky with an epic chest trooper armor drop on my jedi, when he was runnibng balmora.

e-amil it to me trooper.


but, that aside..

used knockback to start, as u standing right next to him when fight starts..

alternated using cryo round, concussive round, and butte-strike of weapon to face, to inteuppt his big casts or heals..

I always stood right next to him...

did taake a cpol of knockbacks myself..

but cryo round stopped his big nuke or big heal when I got knocked back.,


elara never let me drop below 75%, as I was taking the aggro and dmg.


did pop the 20 min healing cooldown about 1/2 way thru, for insurance.


and used 1 medpack coming out of being frozen myself once. was above 50%, but again used it for insurance.


took.. 6 mins tops...

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Hm, no problem here....


37 Assault Commando, using Forex...


Interrupted his heals and just burned his *** down :p


Had to heal Forex during the last part of the fight but that was about it.. nothing hard here... though the 32k hp scared me first..

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Hm, no problem here....


37 Assault Commando, using Forex...


Interrupted his heals and just burned his *** down :p


Had to heal Forex during the last part of the fight but that was about it.. nothing hard here... though the 32k hp scared me first..


It's all about how much firepower the bad guy delivers (or rather firepower he can actually hit with), rather than his HP total. Bruan the Durasteel Fist on Nar Shaddaa? 42K HP, and I soloed him at 31 with Aric. Long as you can minimize the incoming fire and can hit the target reliably, as a Trooper you WILL win.

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