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Everything posted by kenskog

  1. Same issue, all of my characters are on Nar Shaddaa
  2. So they give you 40 oportunitys to get stuck in a relationship without any real warning, and 0 ways to get out of it ? Its the perfect trap ! Well played Bioware, but all you've done is doomed poor Torian in KotET muahaha!
  3. So i wasnt planning on having any romances this playtrough. I avoided all flirt options except one in the middle of the story because it looked like such a hilarious line. Well i guess that was all it took. Avoiding all other flirt options and doing my darndest to make the game (and Torian) realize i wasnt interested was all in vain, and eventually Torian professed his love without any options to turn him down. What do ? Cheers !
  4. Me and the wife just got back to the game, and i want to try a bounty hunter this time around. Which class and spec has the most fun gameplay (rotation). I know it's a subjective matter but generaly if the majority perfer one over the other there's a reason for it I don't care to play a healer, but is open to anything else. Thanks !
  5. Me and the wife just got back to the game, and i want to try a bounty hunter this time around. Which class and spec has the most fun gameplay (rotation). I know it's a subjective matter but generaly if the majority perfer one over the other there's a reason for it I don't care to play a healer, but is open to anything else. Thanks !
  6. They make guides because the they want to help the community, not because they are supposed to. Just chill, they get there when they get there :-)
  7. Well if you like lightsabers and want to heal, there's only 1 choise for you. Sorcerer/Sage. One of these shoot lightning from their hands, and the other one throws pebbles. Welcome to the dark side !
  8. oh god, me too ! I look like something from a bad horror movie. Let me know if you find a fix for it.
  9. Has anyone given crit stacking a good shake ? Stacking alacrity to fit 5 abilities in the Ferocity window sounds good and all but then you'll get less burst every non-berserk window instead right ? With sever now boosting guaranteed damage bonus on DB, as well as normal crit damage on Massacre, it feels like a little crit goes a long way. Don't have anything parsed or anything, just an idea.
  10. I know right. But a smooth and fun rotation is a big no no in swtor , so they jammed an ability in there that doesnt really line up with anything just to clunk it up a bit. It's a shame, dont really feel like playing anything else.
  11. Wow, i would have thought Lance/Gore would have a higher priority then that considering the sunder. Gonna give it a try. Thanks
  12. All hail Lord Hayete ! Please tell us what buttons to press. Thinking is hard and kinda hurts Kidding aside, your guides have been a tremendous help , especially for those with limited time do play. Cheers !
  13. well regardless, the only reason to use the ability in pve is for the sunder, so you now use 2 abilities to do what 1 did before, which is pure clunkification
  14. So, new active ability in the rotation that you need to use every 45 sec then ? Feels it only serves to make a smooth and fun rotation more clunky tbh
  15. * Gore has been renamed Ferocity. * New Active Ability: Gore. Impales the target with both lightsabers, dealing weapon damage and hindering the target for 1.5 seconds, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes. Requires two lightsabers. * New Passive Ability: Disembowel. *Gore* sunders the target for 45 seconds. Sundered targets have their armor rating reduced by 20%. If they mean *Ferocity* sunders the target for 45 seconds, then it would say it makes sense, just less bursty then before. However if they are referring to the new ability Gore, which is obviously a pvp ability it would add an active ability to the rotation which does the same thing as Ferocity. Having two active sunders doesnt make much sense. Or am i not reading this correctly ? Im hoping this is a misstake. Anyway it'll be fun trying it out tomorrow ! Good luck ! Edit: can't spell
  16. Its most likely your cpu bottlenecking as the Hero engine is only utilizing one of it's cores, since the game only runs on 1 thread. Shadows has always been cpu intensive so if they are set on high try changing them to low or off, it will improve performance. Good luck
  17. Thanks for this. Has anybody given it a good try, and if so how is the damage loss compared to the 'optimal' version ? My wife just suckered me into the game again and i find it more appealing to learn a 12 gcd rotation over a 24 gcd one. Atleast at first :-D
  18. don't worry, some ppl thrive on feeling slighted by the devs so they have something new to complain about, even if they have to go by rumors of nerfs or make up nerfs themselves. Truth is this patch was just a dps nerf for those commandos that spam 1 or 2 abilities.
  19. Absolutly cannot stand Huttball, and leave it as soon as it pops, me and my wife both. We win the majority of the games so thats not it, its just an exercise in fustration, from start to finnish. At the end im always more pissed off at the stat of pvp then before i entered , regardless of easy win or not. Think it has to do with pvp being flawed in general with WAAAY too many stuns and cc , and in combination with Huttball just makes me wanna throw up.
  20. Huttball is insta leave for me, i can't stand it, win or loose its crap. The other two are okay, Civil War the best though imo.
  21. mm.. interrupt her storms, and if you cant move out of the way from it. Killed her at 31 without any problem as Kinetic, trick is to know what to interrupt/when to stun.
  22. Can't say I have that problem. The majority of my chars are guys, probably 4 out of 5 but when something bugs me about him i have no problem switching. Like in wow, i wanted a undead mage but hated the male walking animations. My wife is the same, about 1 out of 5 of her chars are male. In swtor i have 1 female char, the counsular as i didnt like the male voice acting at all, sounded like he read from a script the whole time <shrugs>. Im sure though that it could feel wierd to some people.
  23. your friend dont know what he's talking about "but they have BIG guns, they gotto do more damage right..." My Vanguard dps earns me a guard in just about any group/ops i do. If you go assault spec dps can vary between decent to amazing depending on procs however (atleast in short fights).
  24. i been running full assult spec for a while, good damage and all but as my wife is running a healing sage i wanted a tank spec for guard without loosing too much damage. Which of these looks best http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMcrzoZbIbbdG0M.1 or http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMhZMcRZbIbbdGhM.1 , its basically Rain of fire or Gut. In the first one i have Gut but loose out of rain of fire, which wont do me any good if the local firebrigade keeps putting out the incendiary round. The second one looses Gut but have i believe overall better damage IF i can keep my target burning. Ideas ? Thanks in advance
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