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Operative healing vs other classes


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Is it just me or is the healing spec for an Operative not has effective as other healing specs on other classes? When I've been in PvP, the Sorcs are out healing me even when I'm a higher level class.


Should I spec a different class as my main healer and respec my operative?

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Op healers are fine and if you enjoy the healing style stick with it, but yes generally Sorcs and Merc healers do better than us for a few reasons such as broken talents, poorly implemented skills and some seriously dumb design decisions.
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not true, we can heal on the run for raiding Agent sorc combo works great, because sorcs single target heals are great ,but agents can heal on the run and maintain energy better than any class...



Agent is a class that you need to learn unlike Sorc, not bashing them at all, but agent takes alot of thinking when healing, Merc are great for PVP, there are good for PVE, but not as good as sorc Agent combo..

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not true, we can heal on the run for raiding Agent sorc combo works great, because sorcs single target heals are great ,but agents can heal on the run and maintain energy better than any class...



Agent is a class that you need to learn unlike Sorc, not bashing them at all, but agent takes alot of thinking when healing, Merc are great for PVP, there are good for PVE, but not as good as sorc Agent combo..



Pretty much this. Ops are the more difficult class to heal with but they are fine as a whole. We clear nightmare 10/10 with 2 ops healing, works fine. And as for pvp they are the most mobile healer and can still heal for quite alot but have more trouble when being focused down due to their casted heals being generally weaker.

Edited by Everesst
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not true, we can heal on the run for raiding Agent sorc combo works great, because sorcs single target heals are great ,but agents can heal on the run and maintain energy better than any class...



Agent is a class that you need to learn unlike Sorc, not bashing them at all, but agent takes alot of thinking when healing, Merc are great for PVP, there are good for PVE, but not as good as sorc Agent combo..


Heal on the run ??? lol...


We have hots check (but damn heal for 1/25 of total hp per tick)

We have surgical probe check (same here, we need a proc before we can use it)

Total healing = fail...


Sorcerer can heal on the run 10x better, with bubble...

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This class takes finesse. If you're unable to heal, dps, and stun lock in every encounter of a fight for PVP and PVE due to difficulty then this is not the class for you.


Having said that, this is the spec I use ( http://goo.gl/gvkZe ) due to Medical Therapy not working correctly resulting in not picking up RN for this reason. Utility is what you need in a class like IA and you have it.

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Heal on the run ??? lol...


We have hots check (but damn heal for 1/25 of total hp per tick)

We have surgical probe check (same here, we need a proc before we can use it)

Total healing = fail...


Sorcerer can heal on the run 10x better, with bubble...


Because of this, essentailly Sorcs/Sages are better "on the run" healers.


Plus don't even get me started about one ability lockdowns on Ops (knock out KI, debilitate all healing due to TA ties)

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I am an Operative healer, fully 31pt healer here.


yes healing as an operative can be a challenge and most often we cannot put up numbers like sorcs and mercs but for what it is worth operative healer can be somewhat viable.


You have to think a little more with a healing Operative.


Do i have tactical advantage up?

Can i use this heal w/o killing my action?

Are these guys clustered together enough for an AOE heal?

have I stacked two kolto probes on that guy?

Can I spam surgical probe on x person...

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In addition to fixing the broken talents we have, I'd like to see Kolto Probe last longer than 18 seconds... maybe even as high as 30 seconds. Many people will tell you that one of the keys to successful Operative healing is keeping your hots up, but the timers are so short that if you have to focus big heals on a single target for a few seconds you'll more often than not end up dropping the hots off the other players and end up having to recast it twice. I'd also like to see Recuperative Nanotech with a larger radius hit more than 4 targets, and be a bigger heal. Diagnostic scan would also be great if it'd put up the numbers of a couple kolto probes.
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This class takes finesse. If you're unable to heal, dps, and stun lock in every encounter of a fight for PVP and PVE due to difficulty then this is not the class for you.


Having said that, this is the spec I use ( http://goo.gl/gvkZe ) due to Medical Therapy not working correctly resulting in not picking up RN for this reason. Utility is what you need in a class like IA and you have it.


stunlock what?


all mobs are immune to CC in 16man.


dps? with no gap closer or sprint but similar dps as ranged classes/classes with charges you have more downtime dpsing bosses since every single one of them requires either to los at some point, or to hunt down spawning adds, or knockbacks half a mile away every 20secs.


heal? i agree, we are not bad on single target healing, we are actually good. better than sorc? no, equivalent. better than merc? no, we are worse. do we have healing cds? no. can we sustain burst healing for bosses that have 10secs bursts and then nearly no damage? no. can we aoe heal? no.


so excatly what is the shining point of an operative in pve? ahot that if you spent 3secs to stack it up on someone will heal for 20%more than a single shield that it is instant and much more resource free?

Edited by Shroudveil
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As you can see by my signature I am getting around to checking out all the healing classes in the game and I have to say with my Sorc currently at a low level she is totally out healing my spec'ed Operatvive healer and even my Scoundrel healer at the same level.


Not even close, I can heal Khem Val all day and into next week and I don't even have any skills that are "supposed" to keep my force up it just stays up. Compare that to either the Operative or the Scoundrel and I am not even sure we should be calling them healers.


BTW I have ZERO points into the healing for my Sorcerer and yes she can out heal my Operative or my Scoundrel when they were her level.


They are broken Bioware dev's, could you please take a look at this issue?

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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As you can see by my signature I am getting around to checking out all the healing classes in the game and I have to say with my Sorc currently at a low level she is totally out healing my spec'ed Operatvive healer and even my Scoundrel healer at the same level.


Not even close, I can heal Khem Val all day and into next week and I don't even have any skills that are "supposed" to keep my force up it just stays up. Compare that to either the Operative or the Scoundrel and I am not even sure we should be calling them healers.


BTW I have ZERO points into the healing for my Sorcerer and yes she can out heal my Operative or my Scoundrel when they were her level.


They are broken Bioware dev's, could you please take a look at this issue?



Yup me too. I tried playing an Operative "healer" got him to level 20 and realized that this class has problems. My level 16 Corruption Sorcerer, like you, has ZERO points into the "healing" tree as of yet and he's already better at keeping the tank and group alive than my Operative. Does anyone know why the devs are ignoring this class?

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Yup me too. I tried playing an Operative "healer" got him to level 20 and realized that this class has problems. My level 16 Corruption Sorcerer, like you, has ZERO points into the "healing" tree as of yet and he's already better at keeping the tank and group alive than my Operative. Does anyone know why the devs are ignoring this class?


nope, no idea why they ignore us

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It is a pain when you feel your class is the underdog, and from my experience of resto sham from BC to cata (what a rollercoaster ride of buffs and nerfs that was), it takes time for class imbalances to be sorted.


I don't think op healing is 'broken' - currently working on Soa HM and pvped enough to have full champion gear - but there are definitely aspects of the class that are frustrating and need looking at. Op medic has amazing potential with some fun mechanics imo and I refuse to reroll from a class I enjoy just because of real or perceived imbalances.


However, I would like to sit down and talk to whoever designed the healing tree to understand some of their decisions, as some things just don't really make sense to me:


1) Diagnostic scan - has limited uses - why on earth does it just heal for such a small amount?? I can't see a good reason for it healing for so little when you have to channel it. The energy return is situationally useful though (also good as a fake cast in pvp).


2) Why make kolto infusion so expensive in terms of TA + energy when a non crit is fairly weak? There should be a clearer cut choice between SP and Kinf as either energy conservation for SP or high energy but reliable burst for KInf.


3) Why is recuperative nanotech such low range/limited targets and low power for the resource cost? Either one of these could be buffed and it would not be overpowered at all.


I would like to know if these are intended design decisions with a good reason (something to do with their point system?) or just balance issues they didn't quite get right - and therefore could use some tweaking.


UI changes allowing proper hot tracking (scalable buffs on the op frame would do this) are one positive change I am looking forward to, hopefully in March.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i have a 50 operative healing nightmare mode like a pro this **** is easy and i can outheal a sorc or merc any day crit over 12k single target is to insanse operatives are a tank based healer main focus is tanks sorcs are for groups so there nothing bad about being an operative i love it my favorite class so far
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I'm pretty new to my Operative healer and now am questioning the viability of the choice.


If Operative healers are mainly 1 person, "Tank only" healers, they fail in groups where the rest of the team is taking on damage.


This is just what I picked up so far, other than they are mobile in PvP, which doesn't interest me as of yet.


It sounds broken on some of the tree skills mentioned as well, and there is no real notion of when or if they will be fixed. Perhaps 1.2?


Thanks for the food for thought. Maybe my Op will stay alive, maybe not.

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As I always say, until they fix and improve RN, there is nothing we bring to the table that a Sorc can not do MUCH better. The Sorc/Op comment is not viable if you can have TWO sorcs in a raid. That would be optimum.
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They are broken Bioware dev's, could you please take a look at this issue?


With Georg Zoeller's recent (troll) post, it's pretty clear the devs won't, he said it's working as intended and "agents aren't inquisitors".

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With Georg Zoeller's recent (troll) post, it's pretty clear the devs won't, he said it's working as intended and "agents aren't inquisitors".


Please dude! You have taken that post TOTALLY out of context. Troll yourself.

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you really should read too much what's posted negatively on our class forums.


every class has it's issues and on every class forum you see whining and complaining.


my guild / operations team is more then happy with my healing, i am paired with a sorc healer and we get the job done fine, together. In some fight he is better then me, in others it's the other way around.

sometimes i do tank healing, sometime he does.


i agree that some skills need fine tuning and maybe more then other classes but everyone who raided along a skilled operative is convinced the class has it's purpose.

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