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Marauders are the most powerful pvp class in the game


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They have a large number of abilities, and they have dots to juggle which lead into their hard hiting attacks, they have a bit of ramp time and then hit like a truck while dots roll. The proper use of their cooldowns (camo and invis) is not at the very end of the fight when you're just prolonging the fight, invis should be used in the middle/near the start of the fight.


Basically all the power is there I just hope you like binding your entire keyboard.


A month ago, I'd disagree, saying that I'm using 40 keybinds as a Guard... then I specced Focus and wept.

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Marauders are probably the most deadly '1on1' class when backed by heals, because both of their invulnerabilty abilities allows them to be healed while using it.


Now you say being healed is not a 1on1 anymore, but that's exactly it. You're never exactly fighting someone 1on1. Assuming the Marauder specs for 100% damage reduction with Force Camo, there is no possibilty of killing them while they're using Force Camo or Undying Rage, which means the healer has 9 seconds to notice his ally is dying and heal him back up. All other defensive CDs, even stuff like Force Shroud or Energy Shield, has a significant possibility of having the user killed before a heal can land.


Say you and the Marauder hits 30%, he pops Undying Rage (his health down to 15%) and you use your best CD. You can't possibly kill the Marauder (15% health at 99% damage reduction = 1500% of his original HP). On the other hand his Execute + whatever attacks has a good possibility of killing you, even if you're being healed (since heals take time). The Marauder is guaranteed to survive for the duration of the CD. And even if he doesn't get healed, he can do Force Camo and have another 4 seconds to find some more health.


Of course people will say 'just kill the healer' but you don't always notice or the healer might not even be easily reachable. This is probably why Marauders are very devastating in Huttball where the healer can be hiding in hard to reach spots.

Edited by Astarica
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You'd be surprised. There was a Sorcerer yesterday that didn't know he had an ability called "Force Slow". I lol'd.


A week ago there was an Operative that didn't know that stealth can't be detected if you're behind someone.


In WZs I see people panic and use their knockbacks and CCs is the most stupid ways imaginable.


At this point in game's timeline there are enormous difference between players.


When I see a bad marauder it shows. In game I've seen two full BM marauders do 200-300k damage in voidstar when I was able to do 530k in PvE half columi/rakata and another marauder was able to do 440k. There are still QQ threads about Marauders/Sentinels finding it hard to break 200k damage in WZs. There are classes with very unforgiving "skill floors".


I think a lot of people are speaking about Marauders in general, and not about those which have reached Battlemaster level

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-Yes, sents and maras are good (I have one and he's past V70, won't try to assert I'm skilled because talk is worthless, just showing that I have played one for a bit)

-No, it does not take a skilled player to play a sent or marauder imo. Toss around "very difficult" when you're playing at the pro level in a game like Starcraft, give me a break...the rotation for a sent/mara in watchman involves a handful of skills and the defensives are no-brainers to use. It might take a while to get used to using a few more skills reactively and when the CD expires, but it's not difficult by any means.

-That said, I've only seen a few good sents/maras on my server (Anchorhead), goes to show how skill-less the playerbases of MMOs are, especially SWTOR. 98% of the players I find are complete idiots, the other 2% are competent and I've only found a couple that can give me a fight. WHY? because they're also at the skillcap of this game, which isn't very high. Any class if played right will do pretty well in a 1v1 situation, though there are some imbalances and advantages to certain classes and who jumps who, etc.


-TL;DR: Please stop exaggerating the skill required to play any class in this game, it's a joke. If there were macros I could press only a few buttons and mash my way to victory against 98% of the playerbase, most of you guys reading this suck, but that's okay, this game is easy.

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One of the irony I noticed is that Marauders are weak on open terrain, which is generally opposite of what you'd expect for a melee class. I've never had problem with them on Alderran/Voidstar, but in Huttball they're dangerous, because they're strongest when supported by healers and Huttball is the hardest map to eliminate healers due to terrain. In flat terrain you just kill the healer first, and once the healer is down, just ignore the Marauder when he's down to single digit HPs. He's not going to get those HP back anyway so he'd almost always die in one hit after Undying Rage runs out. This doesn't work in Huttball because the Marauder will generally be healed by a healer hiding somewhere back to 50% before Undying Rage runs out.


Also, ignoring the Marauder (until the healers are down) means Cloak of Pain won't last as long and Undying Rage is more likely to be wasted which decreases their survivality considerably.

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Say you and the Marauder hits 30%, he pops Undying Rage (his health down to 15%) and you use your best CD. You can't possibly kill the Marauder (15% health at 99% damage reduction = 1500% of his original HP)


Undying Rage only lasts 5 seconds. Once time expires, they'll be taking normal damage again. Their current health doesn't really matter while it's popped, unless they used it at like 2% health, which would bring them down to 1%.


Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say, but just figured I'd toss this in there. Most Marauders/Sentinels use that ability when around 7-10% health to lose as little health as possible.

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Undying Rage only lasts 5 seconds. Once time expires, they'll be taking normal damage again. Their current health doesn't really matter while it's popped, unless they used it at like 2% health, which would bring them down to 1%.


Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say, but just figured I'd toss this in there. Most Marauders/Sentinels use that ability when around 7-10% health to lose as little health as possible.


They just don't get it. These are the same people who'd continue to attack a Paladin in WoW after they used Divine Shield, then cried about it. And you couldn't even do anything to Paladins during it. You can CC, root, snare, anything you want to a Marauder while he's "invincible."

Edited by EternalFinality
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Undying Rage only lasts 5 seconds. Once time expires, they'll be taking normal damage again. Their current health doesn't really matter while it's popped, unless they used it at like 2% health, which would bring them down to 1%.


Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say, but just figured I'd toss this in there. Most Marauders/Sentinels use that ability when around 7-10% health to lose as little health as possible.


The point is that since the Marauder cannot die while Undying Rage is up, they don't have to worry about the possibilty of being killed while it's up, which means their healers can always get them back up.


Let's say you use Force Shroud for an Assassin, which is 1 of the strongest defensive in the game (100% negation versus Force/Tech) at 20%. However you're still vulnerable to normal melee/ranged attacks. If a healer starts healing you, there's no guaranteed you won't die before the heal lands. But with the Marauder, the heal will always land if their defensive CD didn't run out, and that's a very significant advantage in a map like Huttball where healers are very difficult to reach.

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They just don't get it. These are the same people who'd continue to attack a Paladin in WoW after they used Divine Shield, then cried about it. And you couldn't even do anything to Paladins during it. You can CC, root, snare, anything you want to a Marauder while he's "invincible."


If you know how to handle defensive CDs, you can pretty much kill anyone that used their CD when they're down to less than 30%, even if there is a healer attempting to save them.


However, you can never kill the Marauder while they use either of their two cooldowns (100% damage reduction Force Camo can't be broken by any damage).


Now without a healer this is no big deal since you just CC them and wait 5 seconds, but most successful teams do have healers.


Again I only see this as an issue on Huttball where healers will tend to be hiding in a hard to reach spot. In flat terrain I kill the healer first, and Marauders are pretty much the same as any other class without healer support.

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The point is that since the Marauder cannot die while Undying Rage is up, they don't have to worry about the possibilty of being killed while it's up, which means their healers can always get them back up.


Let's say you use Force Shroud for an Assassin, which is 1 of the strongest defensive in the game (100% negation versus Force/Tech) at 20%. However you're still vulnerable to normal melee/ranged attacks. If a healer starts healing you, there's no guaranteed you won't die before the heal lands. But with the Marauder, the heal will always land if their defensive CD didn't run out, and that's a very significant advantage in a map like Huttball where healers are very difficult to reach.


So can a vanish class. They can vanish and still be healed. (Most people)

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The point is that since the Marauder cannot die while Undying Rage is up, they don't have to worry about the possibilty of being killed while it's up, which means their healers can always get them back up..


Oh I got that part, no worries lol. It does provide an amazing "heal me!" moment. It just seemed like with the 1500% of his original health, you were implying that it lasted until he finally died. But now I just got that you were saying you would have to burn through 1500% of a health pool to kill him before he received a heal.


Sorry about all that confusion.

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Marauders are probably the most deadly '1on1' class when backed by heals, because both of their invulnerabilty abilities allows them to be healed while using it.


Now you say being healed is not a 1on1 anymore, but that's exactly it. You're never exactly fighting someone 1on1. Assuming the Marauder specs for 100% damage reduction with Force Camo, there is no possibilty of killing them while they're using Force Camo or Undying Rage, which means the healer has 9 seconds to notice his ally is dying and heal him back up. All other defensive CDs, even stuff like Force Shroud or Energy Shield, has a significant possibility of having the user killed before a heal can land.


Say you and the Marauder hits 30%, he pops Undying Rage (his health down to 15%) and you use your best CD. You can't possibly kill the Marauder (15% health at 99% damage reduction = 1500% of his original HP). On the other hand his Execute + whatever attacks has a good possibility of killing you, even if you're being healed (since heals take time). The Marauder is guaranteed to survive for the duration of the CD. And even if he doesn't get healed, he can do Force Camo and have another 4 seconds to find some more health.


Of course people will say 'just kill the healer' but you don't always notice or the healer might not even be easily reachable. This is probably why Marauders are very devastating in Huttball where the healer can be hiding in hard to reach spots.


In practice, you'll probably just get stunned. If nobody does anything to you for 9 seconds, you're quite lucky.

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If you know how to handle defensive CDs, you can pretty much kill anyone that used their CD when they're down to less than 30%, even if there is a healer attempting to save them.


However, you can never kill the Marauder while they use either of their two cooldowns (100% damage reduction Force Camo can't be broken by any damage).


Now without a healer this is no big deal since you just CC them and wait 5 seconds, but most successful teams do have healers.


Again I only see this as an issue on Huttball where healers will tend to be hiding in a hard to reach spot. In flat terrain I kill the healer first, and Marauders are pretty much the same as any other class without healer support.


So what. It's part of the class. And there are innumerable counters - go after the healer. CC. Root. Stun. Knockback. Dots.


And Marauders make TERRIBLE carriers of the ball in Huttball. They get one leap and they're done. No knockbacks to get people off them. Not nearly the mitigation of a tank to survive long runs. Force Camouflage drops the ball. They make decent escorts, and do well as the last guy in the pass chain (once you're past the fires).


Knockback screws them. Roots screws them.


(100% damage reduction Force Camo can't be broken by any damage).


Force Camouflage doesn't break even without the 100% damage reduction (Watchman tree only). It always lasts 4 seconds unless you attack out of it.

Edited by EternalFinality
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As a marauder I can confidently say PvP is a range classes playground. That's not to say I'm not having fun playing my marauder but simply put we just are not as effective as the casual Sorc/Op/BH etc. I won't lie I have only participated in about 10 warzones but in those warzones the post charts were dominated by range classes and or inquisitors.


This class will be buffed in the future there is no doubt about it and I'm certain most players would agree it's needed. If anything just give us an additional CC breaker of some sort. I think we can all agree a lot of our time in warzones are spent with knock backs, stuns, roots and constant kiting. Our dps is there but being able to apply it should be on par or equal to any other class.

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On my Sage, I would say that Merc's and Marauders are about equal. As far as how fast they kill me. I think I actually prefer fighting Marauders because at least then I can lead them out of the mass combat area. Where the Merc's just yank me back into the crowd. Then it's always like a chummed water full of sharks.


Snipers probably do a lot more dps. But they are easier to LOS. So not as big of a problem to deal with most times.


Mercs don't have a yank, you might be mistaking us for Powertechs :D common occurence, don't worry about it.

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So can a vanish class. They can vanish and still be healed. (Most people)


Assuming we're not talking about the water heal, Vanish comes with 100% heal debuff and the talent to get it isn't always on an attractive tree (unless you're planning to do water exploits). Further, Vanish is easily broken by dots/AEs and if it gets broken, you'll most likely die before the heal reaches you (otherwise you won't need to Vanish).


Force Camo, if talented for 100% damage reduction, cannot be broken so there's no possibilty of stopping the heal from landing.


Like I said many times the obvious solution is kill the healer, but this isn't always possible on Huttball, which is the map Marauder tend to dominate for precisely that reason. You can get into a '1on1' duel, and you'll both hit 30% and you both have a healer behind your back. He pops Undying Rage and gets healed up to 50% after it runs out, while you do the same but you died before the heal can land since your CD doesn't offer guaranteed survival. You know there's a healer hiding somewhere, but you can't reach him because of the elevation involved.


Then again, Huttball leads to all sorts of strange class advantages that'd never be possible in open terrain. Unfortunately this is also the map that is played the most for Empire.

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Assuming we're not talking about the water heal, Vanish comes with 100% heal debuff and the talent to get it isn't always on an attractive tree (unless you're planning to do water exploits).


Which "unattractive" tree is it not on, exactly?


Force Camo, if talented for 100% damage reduction, cannot be broken so there's no possibilty of stopping the heal from landing.


As I said, it never breaks from aoe or dots, ever. Talented or not.

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So what. It's part of the class. And there are innumerable counters - go after the healer. CC. Root. Stun. Knockback. Dots.


And Marauders make TERRIBLE carriers of the ball in Huttball. They get one leap and they're done. No knockbacks to get people off them. Not nearly the mitigation of a tank to survive long runs. Force Camouflage drops the ball. They make decent escorts, and do well as the last guy in the pass chain (once you're past the fires).


Knockback screws them. Roots screws them.




Force Camouflage doesn't break even without the 100% damage reduction (Watchman tree only). It always lasts 4 seconds unless you attack out of it.


Go after the healer isn't always possible if you're talking about Huttball, which I think is why people think Marauders are overpowered because that's the only map I notice them as especially dangerous. I don't actually find the Marauder CDs to be that impressive without a healer, because it just means I turn around and kill someone else, and they die next. It's only an issue when you've very good players who know how to kill each other through CDs, but you can never kill the Marauder through his CDs. You should kill his healer first, but this is hard on Huttball.


Having Charge still puts you near the top of the ball carrier food chain. It's not the very top but it's certainly very high up there.

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Which "unattractive" tree is it not on, exactly?




As I said, it never breaks from aoe, ever. Talented or not.


Assassin's talent to remove the heal penalty is on the Deception tree and is generally thought of as the weakest tree. Most builds are some combination of Darkness/Madness and won't have enough points in Deception to get it. At any rate even if you talented it, it's not very hard to break a Vanish if you react fast enough with AEs.

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Go after the healer isn't always possible if you're talking about Huttball, which I think is why people think Marauders are overpowered because that's the only map I notice them as especially dangerous. I don't actually find the Marauder CDs to be that impressive without a healer, because it just means I turn around and kill someone else, and they die next. It's only an issue when you've very good players who know how to kill each other through CDs, but you can never kill the Marauder through his CDs. You should kill his healer first, but this is hard on Huttball.


Having Charge still puts you near the top of the ball carrier food chain. It's not the very top but it's certainly very high up there.


You're out of your mind. Huttball is by far the worst map for Sentinels. Knockback off ledge -> leap -> knockback off ledge. /wrists


Until you experience it yourself, all your theorycraft nonsense doesn't mean a thing. Good ball carrier is a joke. A sick joke. I throw it away to someone else when I get it and cover them. A focused Sentinel lives for 5 seconds - the length of your "invulnerability." I do everything in my power to avoid being focused and holding the ball won't do it.

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Their damage is great but their lack of utility is going to make them worthless in Rated WZs I fear. I do stomp most WZs on mine though. Good Marauders that are up against bad players are fairly effective.


Roflmao u are 1 of a kind. Ur the one complaining about how op Sorc are :D


Everyone that have some clue about this game, knows that Sent/Mara is the most op class ingame. Dmg is great but lack of utility, i know u are a nabb just 4 saying that.


Go back to your Troll post NABB!

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Everyone that have some clue about this game, knows that Sent/Mara is the most op class ingame.


Is this the new Sorc talking point? I think it is. Now that they got Ops nerfed, they're moving onto the next class that has a chance of killing them 1on1.

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