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The Lightsaber...


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This has been bothering me for a while, and actually puts me off playing the class, I was wondering what everyone else thinks...


Why exactly do we even have a Lightsaber?


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the weapon, but we don't even get to use it in any meaningful way...


I miss my Master Lightsaber / Master Healer Jedi from SWG, so this is propably where this is coming from but, why are ALL our specs for casting :/ there is not one lightsaber ability, the main weapon of every Jedi, even Yoda, who definately is a sage if you look at it, doesn't use the force in offense more than his Lightsaber.


Just throwing it out there, I don't want to be dishing out huge DPS with it, but I would like to utilize my Lightsaber AND be able to heal, is that too much to ask?


Just felt like voicing that, even though I know it is unlikely I'll ever get what I wish for, so what's everyone else thinking? Do you love being a Star Warsy Wizard , or do you miss the Jedi aspect too?

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This has been bothering me for a while, and actually puts me off playing the class, I was wondering what everyone else thinks...


Why exactly do we even have a Lightsaber?


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the weapon, but we don't even get to use it in any meaningful way...


I miss my Master Lightsaber / Master Healer Jedi from SWG, so this is propably where this is coming from but, why are ALL our specs for casting :/ there is not one lightsaber ability, the main weapon of every Jedi, even Yoda, who definately is a sage if you look at it, doesn't use the force in offense more than his Lightsaber.


Just throwing it out there, I don't want to be dishing out huge DPS with it, but I would like to utilize my Lightsaber AND be able to heal, is that too much to ask?


Just felt like voicing that, even though I know it is unlikely I'll ever get what I wish for, so what's everyone else thinking? Do you love being a Star Warsy Wizard , or do you miss the Jedi aspect too?



Well I like being at a range. Lightsaber attacks are really weak though, and you only get two. Perhaps a buff to the damage might make sages more effective on the PvE melee fighters, and maybe PvP. The jedi aspect was pretty much put into the knight, but I don't like playing the knight. So Its kind of a "yes, and no" agreement.

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I personally have no wish for Lightsaber combat as a Sage Perhaps some animations incorporating our stat stick into our ranged abilities, but w/e. If I want to be a movie Jedi I'll play a Knight DPS and run around with custom light armor.


Lore-wise Sages almost never use their Lightsaber and rely almost solely on the Force. Melee combat also makes little sense for a ranged caster class and I have no desire for BioWare to waste their precious time implementing something like this just for those few people who want a little extra roleplay (nothing wrong with RP, I do it all the time. But it has to come secondary to game mechanics).


Even after all the bugs have been ironed out BW will still have their hands full with content patches, expansions, class balances, etc. and they will not need anymore distractions.

Edited by sollinton
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Im still getting that annoying loading screen lol.


Say one thing for Blizzard, they crushed bugs with astounding speed. BioWare isn't that much of a smaller company and they have the backing of EA so there really is no excuse for such a disease-ridden game.


But patience is a virtue and I'm still naively hopeful that these bugs don't drive everyone from the game before it has a chance to truly blossom.

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Sage is ranged dps, ranged healing. You really don't want someone in your face so several of the sage's abilities remove them from your face. If a Sage wore medium armor, I'd say yea, sure, let them come and I'll wack them with my lightsaber. But they don't. If you want that, there is the Shadow. I hear rumors of the lightsaber wielding sage in beta but that was changed. Strong melee and ranged = OP and a lot of jealous whiners.
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I believe what you are looking for is more of the Shadow playstyle. They use a combination of force and saber abilities. Although I would love to see more saber action on my sage (my main), it does not fit well with the style and feel that is the direction for the class. About the only things I could think of they could really add is a Saber Throw which the Sentinels already have. I think one of the Shadow's spec get it too, but not sure.


Seeing as how we are 'mage-like', our focus is on range which inherently limits our saber utility. I can think of one other ranged saber type attack, but it would probably create an imbalance and / or more crying about sages. So, I wish the saber was more than an ornament. But, I doubt it well ever be useful past the early levels.

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But, I doubt it well ever be useful past the early levels.


For most of the 50 levels (with the exception of the Tython levels) I never swung the thing. I even removed the 2 saber attacks from my hotbars and haven't missed them.

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Yeah. I still have the free one on my bars just in case. The Double Strike or whatever I removed entirely. But I did use the regular ability some while leveling. I leveled as a Seer. So I would use it as a filler when I did not want to use force (Flashpoints or Champions). Now that I am DPS spec for PvP / 50 content (we have too many healers in guild >_>), I never even use the regular saber attack.
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i'm i the only one that is getting it ? he is not asking to play a melee class or another class, he is asking that a sage has some lightsaber moves... not to go up front and fight melee style !

say for example we have a talent tree dps(force) and dps(melee) with gives us for example at point 41 in melee tree the ability to wear medium armor ! (just somthing that popped me up not a real idea) so what he meant is to play more like a retribution paladin instead of a shadow priest something like that !


and i have to agree our lightsaber is like just a useless object, say for example our (for me main move) telekenetic trow... what are those small rocks we trow, cant we have lik instead our lightsaber that spins around the target dealing damage or force armor makes our lightsaber flying around us and thus defelecting stuff ! that would atleast make it cooler then what it is now and make use of our saber(again quick ideas to give example)

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The reason for a lightsaber as a a sage is so that you can deflect blaster bolts or lightsaber attacks that come at you. There's no other reason for it. There's also no reason to have more animations or attacks for it. Otherwise, roll something other than a sage.
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i'm i the only one that is getting it ? he is not asking to play a melee class or another class, he is asking that a sage has some lightsaber moves... not to go up front and fight melee style !

say for example we have a talent tree dps(force) and dps(melee) with gives us for example at point 41 in melee tree the ability to wear medium armor ! (just somthing that popped me up not a real idea) so what he meant is to play more like a retribution paladin instead of a shadow priest something like that !


and i have to agree our lightsaber is like just a useless object, say for example our (for me main move) telekenetic trow... what are those small rocks we trow, cant we have lik instead our lightsaber that spins around the target dealing damage or force armor makes our lightsaber flying around us and thus defelecting stuff ! that would atleast make it cooler then what it is now and make use of our saber(again quick ideas to give example)


And you did not read. I already stated that the 'ret pally' play you wanted is wrapped up in a different class. It is called a Shadow. It is the class you COULD have specialized in at level 10 instead of Sage. They go into melee range. Use a combo of melee attacks AND spells (Force attacks).


Oh wait, I don't know what the OP was posting. Ignore what I posted. I am a clueless forum poster.

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and ow wait a shadow doesn't heal and oh wait a shadow doesn't have a lightsaber... but a staff


i see star wars as the first movies from lucas !!! in those early movies there are no double wielding jedi pro's or double bladed lightsabers...


i want a class that wields a single handed lightsaber and can do some damage, since a guardian doesn't do **** i changed and go play a sage since it's the only single handed lightsaber wieldin class there is !


and like the TS sead look at yoda... all 4jedi classas should have some function and thus animations with there lightsaber !!!

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and ow wait a shadow doesn't heal and oh wait a shadow doesn't have a lightsaber... but a staff


i see star wars as the first movies from lucas !!! in those early movies there are no double wielding jedi pro's or double bladed lightsabers...


i want a class that wields a single handed lightsaber and can do some damage, since a guardian doesn't do **** i changed and go play a sage since it's the only single handed lightsaber wieldin class there is !


and like the TS sead look at yoda... all 4jedi classas should have some function and thus animations with there lightsaber !!!


Ug. What is with people not being able to even pretend they know how to type.


I am sorry you want everything all in one package. The best you can do is to close your eyes and make it up.


Staff? Okay. Sure...


You contradict yourself in the same sentence. I guess the only class that wields a single handed lightsaber... but I did not like the other one...


Oooo... this will be fun. Let's make everything the same. That way you can play four different classes to level 50 but do the same thing 4 TIMES!!!! Sign me up!.

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/facepalm ! let's get totaly owned and i can't comment on that, so i'll just talk about the typing/grammar :D how i love these people wahahahahaha !


i'm just making a guess here that, or your to stupid to get it or just insanly dumb !

4 classes and 4 same play styles ? were do i ask that ? or even close to it ? i'm asking to make more VISUAL use of our lightsaber !

instead of trowing some dust at the enemies as main attack why not trow your saber and it spins there for 3sec ! or our force armor is something like... our saber spinning around us and thus defending/deflecting etc


oh and your shadow is more like a rogue totaly not a ret pala/death knight etc... normal people know what i mean by this


now srsly go cry about my writing again or make some totaly useless comment ! or maybe grow up !

Edited by Sylfer
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/facepalm ! let's get totaly owned and i can't comment on that, so

now srsly go cry about my writing again or make some totaly useless comment ! or maybe grow up !


I think you are a baby. Now I am going to call you lame.


Okay. I will give you ONE reasonable response. You are trying to compare a game that has no single class that is a direct parallel to other classes in a different game. If you want to do that I can poke holes in every argument you make. That is not the point.


The Point is that the OP wanted a spell-wielding lightsaber slinging class. The JKs are more saber slinging. That leaves Consulars. Out of those you have the 'mage-ish' Sages and the Shammy/Pally/Rogue-ish. The reason I do not compare it to Rouges from WoW is simple. The Force regen is similar to Energy, and the Stealth is the same. The rest is not really. Rogues are masters of the stabby stabby smacky. Shadows will slice you up, but then smash you with a Force attack. This play style is akin to the Pally and Shammy more than Rogue. Since the OP was interested in play style, I quoted in response to that rather than to the energy and stealth mechanics.


Oh. And communication is important. When you have to spend as much time trying to decipher what someone is typing as comprehending it, there are problems. Can you make a perfectly valid argument without being able to communicate it? No. When you have the time to make a proper response and make an effort to make yourself understood, people will pay attention.


Do I have perfect English? Hell no. But I at least make an effort to be easily understood.

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Say one thing for Blizzard, they crushed bugs with astounding speed. BioWare isn't that much of a smaller company and they have the backing of EA so there really is no excuse for such a disease-ridden game.


What a load of hogwash, there were game breaking bugs in wow 6 months after release, i remember falling off the world, non spawning quest npcs etc etc. Seriously, do you work for fox news ?


Getting tired of the idiocy on display on these boards.

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What a load of hogwash, there were game breaking bugs in wow 6 months after release, i remember falling off the world, non spawning quest npcs etc etc. Seriously, do you work for fox news ?


Getting tired of the idiocy on display on these boards.


LMAO. Yeah. But most people only remember current WoW where they are a well oiled, practiced, and experience machine. At worst, people remember vanilla with rose colored glasses. And when people really want to wax poetic, you would think that WoW invented life as we know it. Hehe.

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Say one thing for Blizzard, they crushed bugs with astounding speed.


You're kidding, right? There were gamebreaking bugs in WoW months after release. For instance, Blink and Charge bug were in game until at least 1.11 (anyone who ever blinked over Ironforge entrance and fell to his death will confirm this) and even after that, they still occasionally didn't work. Hell, even as far in as Cataclysm, blinking over a bridge edge was a gamble. Compared to that, Bioware's bug fixing is incredibly fast - I expected some bugs to last for months, yet they were fixed in mere days.


Don't get me wrong, I loved vanilla and TBC WoW, but what you said is a load of horse poo.

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This has been bothering me for a while, and actually puts me off playing the class, I was wondering what everyone else thinks...


Why exactly do we even have a Lightsaber?


Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the weapon, but we don't even get to use it in any meaningful way...


I miss my Master Lightsaber / Master Healer Jedi from SWG, so this is propably where this is coming from but, why are ALL our specs for casting :/ there is not one lightsaber ability, the main weapon of every Jedi, even Yoda, who definately is a sage if you look at it, doesn't use the force in offense more than his Lightsaber.


Just throwing it out there, I don't want to be dishing out huge DPS with it, but I would like to utilize my Lightsaber AND be able to heal, is that too much to ask?


Just felt like voicing that, even though I know it is unlikely I'll ever get what I wish for, so what's everyone else thinking? Do you love being a Star Warsy Wizard , or do you miss the Jedi aspect too?


Same keeps me from playing a Sage. If only those 2 attacks would be meaningful...


And to all who cry about "this is a caster class"... shut up, this is not WoW, Sage is a Jedi Clas, and jedi have lightsabers...

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/sigh shiredragon realy doesn't get my point...

not even for 1 sec do compare swtor to wow or the classes from both games, i'm just giving a small look alike example !

but you rather talk about the writing instead so i'll just ignore you for now !

and like i just read the forums, they are full of people wanting to change our stupid dust trow animations with some lighsaber effects ! seems to me your out numbered aswell

Edited by Sylfer
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yeah the pebble throwing is ridiculous too... tbh I never got why there has to be 4 jedi classes, a Jedi is a jedi and a sith is a sith, heck they are the same thing with diffrent believes as well, Id much rather have a 3rd class that doesnt use the force, there is a load of professions out in that galaxy anyways, and let jedi spec the way they want, in SWG you had the ability to learn defense skills for tanks, enhacement/groupbuffs, healer, forcepowerdps or lightsaberdps, and you just picked what you wanted , whats wrong with that system?


And on the remark on jedi using blasters... Personally I wouldnt want that, but it should be in the game truth be told, what stops you from picking up a blaster and firing it if you are not trained with it? some invisible wall? :p lots of examples were jedi used blasters, same for non jedi training with lightsabers to use them


I guess I just mourn for the fact that we have derived so far from RPG and sandboxing with mmos.


Sure bioware, I want to tell my own saga, But you are not letting me, SWG may not have had content back in those days, but at least it was a sandbox that let you do whatever the heck you wanted, without all these level and class constraints, people would pick up large blasters, and you had to figure out if he was even trained to use it ;)


I recon if the social and RP aspect of this game isnt improved with simple freedoms, like choosing what lightsaber form i wish to learn, or what weapons and armor to use, by the time i finished the 6 class stories that interest me, I shall be leaving.




in lore it says sages dont fight with their lightsaber much?

guess what thats because they dont fight, if we go by lore all sages go back to tython and study the force there in peace ;)

Edited by Adoree
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/sigh shiredragon realy doesn't get my point...

not even for 1 sec do compare swtor to wow or the classes from both games, i'm just giving a small look alike example !

but you rather talk about the writing instead so i'll just ignore you for now !

and like i just read the forums, they are full of people wanting to change our stupid dust trow animations with some lighsaber effects ! seems to me your out numbered aswell


Make a point. You still have not said a thing that is coherent.


Everything you say is a chore to understand. And, your understanding of the world is woefully incomplete.


and like i just read the forums, they are full of people wanting to change our stupid dust trow animations


Ah yes. The forums where everyone who is happy with the way the current state of the game will come to post about their glowing feelings! Thank goodness the forums are a fair representation of the population!


so what he meant is to play more like a retribution paladin instead of a shadow priest something like that !


Whew! I was worried that you were trying to draw parallels to WoW. Thank you for correcting me! You were actually saying is that the Sage should play like... a Ret Pally... that exists... in this game??? Well. At least you know what you are saying. Because no one else does.


Anyone else having fun trying to translate this guy! :cool:

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