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Wolfshead.com's SWTOR Review: MMORPG Design & Commentary


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he writes this review as his character is level 20.


nuff said.


I could write the same review and I have 2 level 50's both of which are war hero's with HM EV/Hutt kills. This game dies at 50. Anything that makes it good ceases to exist after 49. It should have been sold as a single player game that ended at 50. Then it would have been an awesome game. But paying 15 bucks a month for that experience.. isn't worth the cash.


This game is WoW in space with a slight star wars theme and voice acting.

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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I see that I also looked at his previous posts and saw that Everquest was his first MMO and he has been trying to find a replacement ever since. He was even a volunteer guide on Everquest.


The guys just a Everquest fanboy and hasn't liked anything else since.


Not exactly an objective review is it.


Not sure I've ever found an objective review of any video game on someone's personal blog. I mean... a blog is meant to be a collection of your editorials for the whole world to see. Though I disagree with many things he has said, I'm not sure the rebuttals should center around him being objective--like I said, it's a blog, not a piece of journalism.



Edited by Traumahawk
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His concluding thoughts are spot on.


Yep, they sure are. I think the one thing you can take from it is just how bad MMO's have gotten overall in recent years. The creativity and innovation are just gone for whatever reason. "Least common denominator" was one of the phrases he used which is exactly how we see things being designed now. :o

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"I have played about 20 levels of SWTOR and this review is by no means complete or comprehensive. It is just my thoughts based on my limited experiences. However, I’ve spent enough time playing MMOs to know if I’m going to like a MMO within short order."

Yes; he used that as a disclaimer in case there was criticism, and I happened to read it.


I just chose to ignore it because disclaimers like that are stupid when you're putting your opinion in a public place and saying it should be listened to (which you do when you state such an opinion in such a place-it's implied.).

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Well,its not excactly a glowing review,so bioware Defense Force is bound to show up and point out how wrong and clueless this reviewer is :D



in 3...2 ...1..go!


HAGHAhaha how true! If the review was 'good' they would be praising this review for truth hahaha

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Although there was a few things I think the reviewer got wrong based on his limited play time (level 20) I thought it was a pretty well put together piece. Although I don't feel the same about some of his points I could see how one may feel the way he does about the game and the direction of the genre in general. Personally I am a happy subscriber does not mean the the author didn't have any valid points. that said the genre has proven it can make money so everyone waiting for the genre to go back to what it was is going to wait a long time because no one is interested in making a niche game that they know will not appeal to the majority of what is the MMO player now, doesn't make that any less sad but it is what it is.
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"My utopian MMO would not be a not utopia where everything is given to players and all irritants have been removed and players rollick around the world like omnipotent gods."
There's the quote from OP's Wolfshead article that pretty much sums up the review. Pulitzer prize winning stuff. :rolleyes: Edited by GalacticKegger
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How many hours a day to you waist trying to bash this game ? its crazy .


Minutes only. However, when I do... I do it in style. :cool: Might as well put this last bit of $14.99 to good use my friend.

Edited by Proto
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What were you expecting?


An action based mmo combat machine like DCUO?

A grind fest like Aion?

A truely innovative combat and guild system like AOC?

A pvp focused rvr onslaught like WAR?

A deep space sim like EVE with auto attack and autoflight combat?


Or, did you want an mmo with cinematic qaulity graphics that was freeflowing and flawless chorographed combat that was dynamic with shifting and moving world naratives that somehow tied into the story of millions of players that made sence even tho you have chosen to destroy a planet and they had not.


If its the latter i can understand why your disapointed. You needed the star wars matrix, and this is why you are disapointed.


Why yes....that is exactly what I was expecting. Well, aside from the whole blowing up a planet part. Changes don't have to be that encompassing to make me happy. But now that you mention it, if it was a huge event and many many players could participate in the effort to blow up the planet and we all got to reap the rewards for doing it then yes that would be quite alright with me.


What I was not expecting was another sequel to KoTOR that I have to pay monthly for and is far more static that KoTOR was.

At least in KoTOR we got to play as the one and only Darth Revan who changed the galaxy with his actions.

In TOR we are Bounty Hunter #3718345 and our experience is exactly the same as the other 300k BH's because due to the nature of online games we can't change things on a large scale without disrupting everyone elses game.


Sure, the disparity is superficial only. The millions of players who bought KoTOR had the same experience as we did but it was ok because that Revan was ours not just a numbered clone. This is somthing that devs can get away with in a SPRPG but not in a MMO.

You cannot base a succesful MMO on a static story or collection of stories.

What you get when you do that is a SPRPG that you play alone while millions of others play it alone simultaneously.

The other reason is that a SPRPG is finite and a MMO isn't.

You should never feel like you completed a MMO and I've heard the sentiment voiced many times here that people feel like they beat the game.

Sure you might come back in a year or so and play through a SPRPG again for nostalgia's sake but you certainly aren't going to pay for it while you wait for that feeling to kick in.


So yes I didn't get what I expected, a MMO. I got a SPRPG and I feel like it was a bold faced lie to advertize this game as a MMO.

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Didn't like it. Person who wrote it was reviewing it against his expectations and not how the game was.


Lucasfilm, LucasArts, Electronic Arts, BioWare, and BioWare AUSTIN, spent 6 years developing the game. All of the companies and their affiliates had executives, designers, programmers, lawyers, marketing staff, and others, out heavily promoting Star Wars: The Old Republic. Interviews, press junkets, blogs, public and private game industry event panel appearances, you name it, this game was pushed, and pushed hard. They revealed plans, claimed to know what the public wanted, revealed overarching and sweeping grand vision statements, voiced an in-depth knowledge of what they KNEW that they could and should NOT do... ...and then changed a great deal of what they said they were going to release, shredded the vision, and gave us a shadow of what they said they were going to give us.


The reviewers opinions based upon expectations are the fault of LFL, LA, EA, BW, and BWA. Don't like the truth? Tough. Subscription numbers and trends in a few months will be telling on which way things are going, but right now, BWA is acting like they're in a panic, and the stock holders know it.

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So yes I didn't get what I expected, a MMO. I got a SPRPG and I feel like it was a bold faced lie to advertize this game as a MMO.


These "this isn't a MMO" posts truly baffle me. How on earth is this game not a MMO?

Edited by krinaman
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One of the most popular MMO blogs? Really? I have been playing mmo's since EQ and I have never heard of this site.


Dude sounds butt-hurt that it's not a WoW clone btw


Why would he be butt-hurt for that? Outside of the VO and the one-button crafting, this damn thing is a WoW clone. I left WoW in 2009 never to go back, it's one reason I stepped away from this game for the time being (and why I gave Rift no more time than 3 days of a free trial).

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Wolfshead hates everything that isn't uber Hardcore; he has a long history of over the top blogging he isn't that popular and damn few take him serioulsey.


But since it plays right into the hands of the hate machimes this will be oneof the few honest reviews of TOR. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Hey I'm not trying to defend SWTOR which has more than it's fair share of issues, I'm just saying the guy is obviously biased.


It's a blog--an opinion blog. I don't complain about bias when I go to Michael Moore's twitter page and see nothing but spewed hatred against any view that's not his own. I don't clench my fist and expect balanced opinion when I visit a blog written by Bill O'Reilly about left-wing conspiracies either.


In what world is a blogger supposed to be objective when they make no claim to be writing a journalistic piece of work? We're not talking about an EPA report here.

Edited by Traumahawk
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One of the most popular MMO blogs? Really? I have been playing mmo's since EQ and I have never heard of this site.


Dude sounds butt-hurt that it's not a WoW clone btw


I don't think you read it at all. He was more upset that it is a WoW clone.

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