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The Marauder: An Analysis


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When I first started playing TOR I chose the Marauder. DPS+2 Lightsabers=awesome. At least, that's what I thought at level ten. However, as time progressed I found myself struggling to do sufficient damage in PVP, and I found myself dying frequently in solo PVE missions. I looked to the forums and deduced that the class was poorly constructed--as such I got frustrated. However, in between all of the hate, I found 1 thread that indicated that the Marauder was a class that got much better by level 30 or so. So, I stuck it out. Now, my Marauder is a beast and continues to get better as I obtain level 50 gear.


The initial problem with the Marauder is that he/she takes a large amount of damage early on in the game and yet doesn't have the resources to dish it out as much. In PVE, I was dying by myself because my companions were low level and I wasnt powerful enough to kill enemies in a few seconds. In PVP, of course I died often, but more importantly, I couldnt generate more than 40K damage in a game.


Skill choice is an essential component of the Marauder build. The three choices are Annihilation (Damage over time), Carnage (PVP Build), and Rage (Critical Damage). In my opinion, carnage isn't the best. It has many advantages if one plans on doing solely PVP, however the real damage factor only comes in around level 40. Even then, I prefer a spec tree that works wonders in both PVP and PVE. This choice can be given to either Annihilation or Rage as they both dish out incredible amounts of damage--just in different ways. Annihilation does Damage per second focusing on bleed attacks and Rage focuses on AOE critical hits.


I chose the latter. Consequently, by level 40 I was doing 2500K damage hits with critical smash attacks. Finally, things started turning around. Damage in PVP was above 100K and PVE dying was much less frequent. However, there were still many PVE problems to deal with.


First, you need to have fantastic gear. I used the auction house frequently to give myself blue and purple level gear every few levels. That way, I could manage a few hits from elite and champion degree enemies.


Second, companion building is crucial. There are only 2 companions worthy of the Marauder--Quinn (Healing + Damage) or Broonmark (Tanking). Either one requires sufficient armoring which means you need to do the same for them that you did for yourself, continuously buy them better gear. Otherwise, they will die and you will soon follow their path. I think Quinn is a better deal, healing is essential, and no matter what you do Broonmark will die, he just takes some damage for you for a little while. But if Quinn is quite good at healing you, it wont matter that you take damage.


Conclusion: So, what does this rant mean? It means you need to give the Marauder a chance before you claim its a ****** class. They can dish out incredible damage in both Annihilation and Rage Specs. By level 40 you will be machines of DPS. I started out dishing no damage in PVP and now I always get the top 3. Its not because I got better, I'm not even particularly good at this game. But the skills that the Marauder gets at higher levels are very advantageous. Combine that will fantastic gear, courtesy of the galactic trade network (for both you and your companion), and you will be a fighting machine.

Edited by RyanFink
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Nice write up, but I disagree with the bit about Carnage. I *AM* Carnage, and I can break 300k damage if I try. Granted, i'm rockin full Champ/Columi, but that's in line with what everyone has said so no surprise.


Carnage really does require some skill and judgement. The reason I say that is because by now people have learned that the ****-train's a-comin whenever I use Gore. So I end up having to fake them out with Massacre. Tactics come into play in a big way.


However, saying that Anni and Rage are better than Carnage, I would fully agree with. Carnage needs to have the hitbox issue fixed, and a buff to bring it in line with the other specs. It's not broken, it's just not quite up to snuff against the others.

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I'm with you on that one. PVP is dreadful when everyone else can push you away from them given that marauder=melee combat. Only way I've been able to avoid it is to use force charge after they push us away. Still a pain though. Edited by RyanFink
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I honestly don't know what the fuzz is about with people dying or thinking we take too much damage.


Leveling my Sentinel, I died a grand total of ~20 times during leveling (not including getting my *** handed to me by level 50 Sith roaming around) and on my now level 26 Marauder I haven't died a single time. And this is me leaping into just about every pack, both with strong mobs and without.

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Nice write up, but I disagree with the bit about Carnage. I *AM* Carnage, and I can break 300k damage if I try. Granted, i'm rockin full Champ/Columi, but that's in line with what everyone has said so no surprise.


Carnage really does require some skill and judgement. The reason I say that is because by now people have learned that the ****-train's a-comin whenever I use Gore. So I end up having to fake them out with Massacre. Tactics come into play in a big way.


I agree with that. Imo, carnage is at least as good as the other two specs against GOOD players.

Good players dispel your dots as watchman and aren't grouped up for smash. carnage is also the best spec to stick on targets due to the 100 % root break on force camou (imo the most awesome ability sentinels have coupled with this talent) & deadly throw.


Against lesser skilled players, both specs (watchman and rage) can outdamage carnage, as you get all the dots rolling and big 3-4 target smash crits.

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*wax poetic*


I didn't have issues from the back half of balmora on as annihilation. I rode that horse all the way to 50 and loved every minute of it. But, i'm also an old school combat rog and part time frost dk (pre cata), and spent a few years moonlighting as a DW conq in AoC, so sustained damage via bleeds and procs is kinda my thing more so than working for the burst.


I tried rage, but just couldn't stand the set up. The crits are fantastic, don't get me wrong. And when the stars align and you level a group of mobs with one well placed smash, oooooh man. :D But, just didn't do it like anni does. I have yet to try carnage. I mean, if the set up on rage bothered me... how would that tree be any BETTER for me, right?


Ultimately, to each their own, right? You like rage, I like anni, some people here are all "carnage or ****!" But, you're spot on about the leveling skill acquisitions. You don't really see a BIG pay off till ~25-30. Then it's a another lull till 40. And then... yeah. Just sorta perfunctory "here's your shoe-phone *wink-n-nod*" skills that are only really interesting to the completely uninitiated.



I remember my first 2,500,000 damage crit. Good times.

I was thinking the same thing. But, it's an easy enough typo to make. I've done worse in more important things.

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