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MMO Vets, What do you think?


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No..it's pretty clear we can thank WoW as a whole, period.


Because they did what the casuals wanted. Blizzard is a bunch of money hungry (bleeps) also so they would take the money.


It was the casuals asking demamding threatening whatever you want to call it to have these things in the game that would make it worse. Blizzard didnt just come out one day and say lefts lift attunements or lets add a 10 man hardmode. That was the casuals wanting to get what others have without having to do the same things (that be playing the game).

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I'm enjoying the game but the second post in this thread summed up many of my feelings very well. I'm lucky because I really haven't had much time to play so I'm slowly meandering through the game with my highest being 39ish. I hope to see many more features in the game and with my very slow pace, I'm sure they will come by the time I reach the level cap. This isn't my most favorite MMO but then again, it is also not my least favorite. I would have to say that it is probably somewhere in the middle. I haven't been hooked as much as I thought I would. I do love the class stories though and that keeps me working on all my alts.


I few pet peeves:


-Don't like the hemmed in feeling of the world.

-The game seems very lonely and I do get that single player feeling. Haven't found a guild yet so that is probably not helping much. The world just feels a bit empty.

-Although I like the graphic style, sometimes I get weary of the same look everytime I wander into another warehouse. It all seems the same sometimes and blurs together.

-Inability to customize your ship in any fashion. I love that we can have a ship, now either let us customize it or give us seperate player housing.

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kinda boring. But thats my fault because as I am quickly bored by doing the same raid every week and doing dailies every day.


Also no day /night cycle and hardly anything to explore ( i surveyed every planet 100%) and nothing to fool around with and a crappy craft system makes the game not appealing on long terms for me. Meh I hope to future will bring something that will make it last longer for me. I fishing mini-game or whatever.

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is it really too much to expect that an mmo based off the Star Wars IP features decent pvp? you know, something that doesnt boil down to just trading kills back and forth in ilum since thatws all there is to do.


push to enemy spawn, die, get pushed to your spawn, repeat.


star WARS, light side vs dark side, jedi vs sith, you know... whats being told through 6 movies , books, cartoons and so on?


I suppose it isnt..... It is after all an MMO. It is too much to expect it to take priority over Story Leveling and VO, considering who's making it...


Just for the Record I do enjoy the PVP WZ, but yeah i get what you mean.... Its technically what ILUM should have been. And who knows, maybe will get it, yet.

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I suppose it isnt..... It is after all an MMO. It is too much to expect it to take priority over Story Leveling and VO, considering who's making it...


Just for the Record I do enjoy the PVP WZ, but yeah i get what you mean.... Its technically what ILUM should have been. And who knows, maybe will get it, yet.



id be happy with warhammer RVR copy/paste, too bad i dont think the hero engine in its current implementation can handle any large scale pvp.

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Because they did what the casuals wanted. Blizzard is a bunch of money hungry (bleeps) also so they would take the money.


It was the casuals asking demamding threatening whatever you want to call it to have these things in the game that would make it worse. Blizzard didnt just come out one day and say lefts lift attunements or lets add a 10 man hardmode. That was the casuals wanting to get what others have without having to do the same things (that be playing the game).



So what are you suggesting? A private company that, like all private companies, have a goal of turning a profit should cater to a small group of people and make considerably less money when it is proven they can cater to a much larger crowd and make a bigger profit while making the enjoyable for MORE people than that small subset of hardcores?


Other games can do this because they cant compete with WoW and would lose money doing so - they HAVE to cater to hardcores. You ask any developer of any other MMO if they would prefer to have their smaller playerbase or if given the choice make the game more accessible to casuals and make hundreds of millions of more in profits?


They just CANT because of WoW's success. If EvE Online tried to cater to a casual playerbase they would lose much of their hardcore base and be left with bankruptcy. If they thought for a second they could turn a bigger profit they would.


Not sure why you seem to have a problem with that.

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Not really NPC refer to you Differently.... You can respond differently and make a different choice based on your characters personality...


Im talking class to class. But even on the same class basis, it can be a different character with different moral spectrum and gender, and Adv Class/ The mission objective remains the same. How you handle the mission, its outcome, its quest-giver, your always give 3 responce and 2-3 choices.... Witch lets you, albeit slightly change the overall result..


Thats what Bioware gamers like.Most other will just have to contend with 8 classes. HE




No, many of those choices have exactly the same effect, the only difference is whether they award points to a specific companion or not, they do not affect the quest itself at all.


Only a few choices (usually DS/LS) actually affect the choice of the quest and even then there are just 2 options.




But that's just the story, every other quest you've got to go the same route, every other MMORPG I've played you could level in different areas, SWTOR you cannot, it gets very boring very quickly for that reason.

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Enjoying it immensely, despite the bugs etc. I have played (and been in at Beta) on enough MMO's to report the bugs, but live with them for the time being. They don't break my enjoyment of the game :)


My only major disapointment is the space section of the game, but I'm looking forward to seeing what BW has up its sleeve for that!

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I personally enjoy the story, story is something that has been missing from game since probbaly everquest


however the fps are not hard, the operations are easy and the hm ops are easy as well


I know the easy and hard were purposely made easy for accessability but for true veterans it is wholly unsatisfying


New ops wont help this game at all if they continue to make content that stuff just falls over with almost no effort


I always believe at 6m point you will have an understanding of where a game is heading and unfortunatly with lfd and dual specs I think I have an idea.

I wonder what else will come in the next 4 months

The legacy system, which could be great, but I have a horrible feeling it will be dumb fluff stuff, another op that will be cleared the first 2 hours after it gets released?


I dont know like I said I give 6 months and the story will carry me another couple months on alts, after that looks like I'll be done considering what they find as important to add unnecessary stuff into a game instead of adding content that is difficult so people arent bored and ofc not fixing the most basic changes to make mirror classes actual mirrors

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Space combat? You've got to be kidding..

In SWG at least we were able to use our flight/Joy sticks, & We were able to map out our button commands. With a flight stick I felt like I was more in the cockpit of a Jedi fighter or whatever I was flying. I like flying with a flight stick, never mind the on track limited type control with a simple mouse. This don't even come close to feeling like your sitting in the cockpit & flying by the seat of your pants, nor does it give you the feeling of freedom to dog fight the way we did in SWG. I'm really surprized we can't use a flight stick in this game & have more freedom of movement & better dog fights. I like feeling I'm really in my bird, you know. Give us dog fighting the way it should be, & yes some space PVP, like in SWG where we can get into dog fighting somewhere in deep space with missile locking affects & so on. What we got in this game is horrible. I have more realistic air combat in other games available. I was really looking foward to being able to get on somebodys six & launching a missile & watching the other bird explode in a burst of flames like in SWG. The space combat in this game needs alot of work for it to make me happy. How about you? What you think?

There is a link available to send your comments directly to the Dev's. Doing it here will prob get us nowhere. What we need to do is email the Dev's with all thoughts, feelings, ideas, ect.

Maybe they will listen or ignore us. Well, if they do ignore us, then they eventually suffer from loss of revenue as servers continue to loose population. This is already happening. What does that tell you? This game is still new, but the Dev's had best listen to paying customers or we're done. I have a feeling we will see a max level change from 50 to 90 or better. Just as they did in WOW. With all the people who are complaining already about having nothing to do at lvl 50. I see it comming if the Dev's are smart & want to add more life to this game. Who knows, we'll see.

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Space combat? You've got to be kidding..

In SWG at least we were able to use our flight/Joy sticks, & We were able to map out our button commands. With a flight stick I felt like I was more in the cockpit of a Jedi fighter or whatever I was flying. I like flying with a flight stick, never mind the on track limited type control with a simple mouse. This don't even come close to feeling like your sitting in the cockpit & flying by the seat of your pants, nor does it give you the feeling of freedom to dog fight the way we did in SWG. I'm really surprized we can't use a flight stick in this game & have more freedom of movement & better dog fights. I like feeling I'm really in my bird, you know. Give us dog fighting the way it should be, & yes some space PVP, like in SWG where we can get into dog fighting somewhere in deep space with missile locking affects & so on. What we got in this game is horrible. I have more realistic air combat in other games available. I was really looking foward to being able to get on somebodys six & launching a missile & watching the other bird explode in a burst of flames like in SWG. The space combat in this game needs alot of work for it to make me happy. How about you? What you think?

There is a link available to send your comments directly to the Dev's. Doing it here will prob get us nowhere. What we need to do is email the Dev's with all thoughts, feelings, ideas, ect.

Maybe they will listen or ignore us. Well, if they do ignore us, then they eventually suffer from loss of revenue as servers continue to loose population. This is already happening. What does that tell you? This game is still new, but the Dev's had best listen to paying customers or we're done. I have a feeling we will see a max level change from 50 to 90 or better. Just as they did in WOW. With all the people who are complaining already about having nothing to do at lvl 50. I see it comming if the Dev's are smart & want to add more life to this game. Who knows, we'll see.


Thats what Im saying. Why eveyone playing this game is not furious is beyond me.

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Space combat? You've got to be kidding..

In SWG at least we were able to use our flight/Joy sticks, & We were able to map out our button commands. With a flight stick I felt like I was more in the cockpit of a Jedi fighter or whatever I was flying. I like flying with a flight stick, never mind the on track limited type control with a simple mouse. This don't even come close to feeling like your sitting in the cockpit & flying by the seat of your pants, nor does it give you the feeling of freedom to dog fight the way we did in SWG. I'm really surprized we can't use a flight stick in this game & have more freedom of movement & better dog fights. I like feeling I'm really in my bird, you know. Give us dog fighting the way it should be, & yes some space PVP, like in SWG where we can get into dog fighting somewhere in deep space with missile locking affects & so on. What we got in this game is horrible. I have more realistic air combat in other games available. I was really looking foward to being able to get on somebodys six & launching a missile & watching the other bird explode in a burst of flames like in SWG. The space combat in this game needs alot of work for it to make me happy. How about you? What you think?

There is a link available to send your comments directly to the Dev's. Doing it here will prob get us nowhere. What we need to do is email the Dev's with all thoughts, feelings, ideas, ect.

Maybe they will listen or ignore us. Well, if they do ignore us, then they eventually suffer from loss of revenue as servers continue to loose population. This is already happening. What does that tell you? This game is still new, but the Dev's had best listen to paying customers or we're done. I have a feeling we will see a max level change from 50 to 90 or better. Just as they did in WOW. With all the people who are complaining already about having nothing to do at lvl 50. I see it comming if the Dev's are smart & want to add more life to this game. Who knows, we'll see.


You are indirectly suggesting that the goal of space combat was to have everything you miss from SWG.


From what I can tell it seems like they included the space combat as a mini-game diversion with small beneifts to advancement.


For me it gives me a nice little, easy break from regular questing.


If I am starting to burn out from long quest times, I might pop on and run a few space missions, go grab a drink, a snack whatever. Then I'll go back to questing.


It is just my opinion but clearly this was not supposed to be a flight simulator of any sort.


What you described sounds like a completely different game that I would not personally be interested in.

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You are indirectly suggesting that the goal of space combat was to have everything you miss from SWG.


From what I can tell it seems like they included the space combat as a mini-game diversion with small beneifts to advancement.


For me it gives me a nice little, easy break from regular questing.


If I am starting to burn out from long quest times, I might pop on and run a few space missions, go grab a drink, a snack whatever. Then I'll go back to questing.


It is just my opinion but clearly this was not supposed to be a flight simulator of any sort.


What you described sounds like a completely different game that I would not personally be interested in.


Your point is what again?


I can completly see his point but you I am clueless on what your point is.

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Your point is what again?


I can completly see his point but you I am clueless on what your point is.



my point is opposite of what your previous post was.


You agree with him - I don't. Thats the point.


He doesn't like space combat, neither do you. I do.


Relax buddy - just because someone has a divergent opinion doesn't mean you have to be a jerk.


His suggestion - imo - would make the space combat unplayable and unenjoyable for me(the way he describes it) and I would personally hope it is not implemented.

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Because they did what the casuals wanted. Blizzard is a bunch of money hungry (bleeps) also so they would take the money.


It was the casuals asking demamding threatening whatever you want to call it to have these things in the game that would make it worse. Blizzard didnt just come out one day and say lefts lift attunements or lets add a 10 man hardmode. That was the casuals wanting to get what others have without having to do the same things (that be playing the game).

I definitely agree and my fondest memories and best times in WoW was Vanilla and BC with needing attunements, aq doors opening, server events, challenging end game, etc. But I can bet now though if it stayed like that, it would hurt more to their pocket. The majority today simply don't have the time anymore. Jobs, spouses, school, social activities, kids, etc. Back then you had to raid 5-6 days 4-5 hrs a night. Most guilds still didn't see half the stuff because they either were bad or didn't have time to put in like that.


But I definitely miss those days and wish there was a happy medium.


What really ruined it though was making the same raids but having normal and HM. That is just lame. It really gets you bored of the place pretty quickly. I loved it when you had to do MC before BWL then BWL before AQ40 and AQ40 for naxx etc.

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my point is opposite of what your previous post was.


You agree with him - I don't. Thats the point.


He doesn't like space combat, neither do you. I do.


Relax buddy - just because someone has a divergent opinion doesn't mean you have to be a jerk.


His suggestion - imo - would make the space combat unplayable and unenjoyable for me(the way he describes it) and I would personally hope it is not implemented.


That part is fine. You both have differant taste. His point is that the space in this game is like a 1st grade romper room kiddy game compared to the space game that SWG had in it.


His point is absolutly 100% spot on. The space in this game is not differant than an i-phone app gamey on your iphone.


The issue is not whether you like it or not. The issue or the point he is making like it or not it is not even remotly close to being in the same legue as SWG space.

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That part is fine. You both have differant taste. His point is that the space in this game is like a 1st grade romper room kiddy game compared to the space game that SWG had in it.


His point is absolutly 100% spot on. The space in this game is not differant than an i-phone app gamey on your iphone.


The issue is not whether you like it or not. The issue or the point he is making like it or not it is not even remotly close to being in the same legue as SWG space.



... the issue is exactly if people like it or not because he suggests changing it. We are not playing SWG so the only relevancy it could have is if it was changed to mimic SWG's space combat.


I hope it's not - I'm fine with teh 1st grade romper room because the focus of the game is not on space combat.


I guess if you truly think he isn't concerned about whether the current concept of space combat is fun or not then yeah, I'd have no point....but since he suggests it should be changed so it is more enjoyable....I just don't see where you'd get he isn't concerned about it being fun or not.

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The true mmo player is dying, this game is just evidence of it.


There is probably some truth to that. I think we may be recycling a lot of older players and not bringing on enough new players. I'm surprised to find out most of the folks in the guilds I've come into contact with are in their 30's and 40's.

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