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[VIDEO] Sentinel Solo PvP | Battlemaster


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Moldran 2 - Sentinel PvP SWTOR


This video is a R62 Sentinel Combat Spec PvP Movie, most clips were frapsed in warzones.

Mostly 1v2, 1v3 and a few 1v1 fights. Two fights as watchman spec for a change. Server Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Europe.


- fast clips to show how to execute a proper cooldown rotation as sentinel vs different classes

- several longer clips against multiple opponents


Any questions please on youtube or in this thread, do not PM me personally so everyone gets to see the Q & A.


Enjoy watching!


P.S.: I know that this is the marauder forum, but I thought I'd still share the video with you guys here, as it's your mirror class with same abilities!

Edited by Moldrany
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Where do you find people that dumb?! The Assassin at around 1:10 is trying to cast Crushing Darkness. NOBODY casts Crushing Darkness, you only use it with a Raze proc, which makes it instant and free. I mean...you might as well be killing people who are AFK.


It was actually a good move by him, because I was using Pacify/Obfuscate on him which reduces melee hit rate by 90 %.

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Can you provide your pc specs?


First - having a good computer in this specific game makes a big difference when playing warzones and Ilum in SWTOR, I don't lag at all and all my abilities go off very smoothly. I have constantly over 35 fps in warzones at 1920x1080 resolution.


My specs:


CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k

GPU: Asus nvidia ENGTX 580

RAM: 16 GB, Corsair Vengeance

Motherboard: Asrock Extreme 4 Gen 3

Case: Coolermaster Haf X

Cooling: Scythe Mugen 3

SSD: Crucial M4 256 GB

HDD: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB

Power supply: Corsair AX 650

Monitor: 2x Samsung Syncmaster SA700, 2ms, 1920x1080

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Trying to cast a 2 sec cast spell against the class with arguably the most interrupts in the game was a good move? Seriously? Dude, come on.


I agree with you, was just saying why he started casting the spell (as counter to the -90 % hit debuff).

Many players in SWTOR aren't interrupting spells so sometimes you get free casts even when you shouldn't. I have watched many videos and seen people take 5 tracer missiles without interrupting them, same with sorceror spells..

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First - having a good computer in this specific game makes a big difference when playing warzones and Ilum in SWTOR, I don't lag at all and all my abilities go off very smoothly. I have constantly over 35 fps in warzones at 1920x1080 resolution.


My specs:


CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k

GPU: Asus nvidia ENGTX 580

RAM: 16 GB, Corsair Vengeance

Motherboard: Asrock Extreme 4 Gen 3

Case: Coolermaster Haf X

Cooling: Scythe Mugen 3

SSD: Crucial M4 256 GB

HDD: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB

Power supply: Corsair AX 650

Monitor: 2x Samsung Syncmaster SA700, 2ms, 1920x1080


Um. You don't lag at all in ilum during big zergs? The only difference you have is an SSD disc, my gfxcard / ram / cpu is the same as you and I get < 15 fps during clash of the titans. :C



Also, to the guy above: Anything beats black-red / black-blue lightsaber. It's an abomination and I wish bioware would get their **** together and give republic purple lightsabers already!

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Um. You don't lag at all in ilum during big zergs? The only difference you have is an SSD disc, my gfxcard / ram / cpu is the same as you and I get < 15 fps during clash of the titans. :C


The only difference with the SSD are faster loading times. So you are getting the same FPS as me considering we have the same configuration.


In the 50v100 Ilum zerg I can't play either, but even if I would have high FPS I couldn't because sentinels just get destroyed as soon as they jump in a group of 50+ people..

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