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Everything posted by spythe

  1. Dope video, I still to stop bsing and lv my Marauder looks like fun at max lv
  2. Pretty much for pvp, I been a healing operative since lv 10. And finally spec'd concealment took me one warzone to master the spec... I mean hit 4 buttons and get people to 20% HP before they can move then blow all my energy to finish them off.
  3. Yeah spec seems pretty bad, you missed 3% healing and Combat Stims seems like a nice talent but just cost too many talents to get it.
  4. I completely agree with you. I think the problem with Kolto Injection is that it takes 2 stacks to be...decent and even then the heal is ***. Mine with solid gear about 136 rating avg with pvp/pve gear heals for about 500-700 and crits for about 1-1.1k. It was fine in pre 50 flashpoints but now it almost seems like a waste of a gcd. Without the chance to proc TA I would never cast it on anyone else but the tank. I also hate that half of our heals are semi proc based, surgical probe makes sense since its free but I don't understand it at all for Kolto Infusion, why cost a TA and 20 energy and its awful for burst dmg since its proc based. Kolto Injection to Kolto Infusion kills your energy -45, any other energy cost gets you really close to dropping before 60 which screws up your regen.
  5. 1. As medicine u will use more keybinds than dps but that is because you have your dps binds and your healing binds, I use both evenly 2.Stealth is pretty much worthless once the game gets started. Combat never seems to break as a healer, so actually using your out of combat regen is not an option 80% of the time. I've even used cloaking screen just to break combat before. 3.Healing as a operative almost seems prefect in pvp to me. I been healing spec since lv 10 and at 10.3% exp and don't have a problem healing at all hit 300k on a fairly normal basis 4. Our energy probes seem to be up at the perfect time every time, never really have energy problem when I'm grouped with friends since stuff actually dies 5. I think our cc is for getting away from people flash bang has a little range on it, and sever is perfect for kiting melee classes. 6. Yeah but that is all pugs in mmos really I think operative healing is perfect in pvp, never had a problem with. My only issue is in pve something seems horribly wrong to me. Our hots do **** for heals and getting more than 1 person up kills our energy bar quickly. I hate that our 2 most important heals are semi proc based
  6. You have correct once you get a 2 stack, you only need 1 to refresh the full duration. I would like them to remove the Diagnostic Scan talents(4 of them and the move is still a waste of a GCD) to add one of our casted heals to refresh the duration of Kolto Probes. When the tank is getting rocked its annoying/risky to waste that gcd to refresh it.
  7. Not gonna lie its a pretty terrible experience til you get surgical probe(30 talent), that completely changes the class for healing. Keep 2 stacks of HOT up and keeping TA up is not a problem at all.
  8. After playing my op for 25 lvs, its pretty much a rogue with a gun that can heal. Yes I used a wow reference don't kill me. You never use cover as a op, you can if you want to stay ranged and sniper but that is not the best form of dps. I only use cover to drop the Explosive probe
  9. If your getting healing in a Warzone actually give a vote to the person on your team with the most healings. Sick of doing Warzpmes and only seeing top dmg get voted for the MVP of the match.
  10. WHOA didn't know about how the ammo regen works, that completely changes the class for me and makes it a lot more exciting. Gives it a nice skill camp, gonna be nice destroying BH that just spam out there moves then have to regen slowly. And nice video by the one it finally got me to decided on lving a Vanguard.
  11. Good video, I read on your site that the lower your ammo is the longer it takes to regen. Didn't know that was true but that explains a lot
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