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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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Hehe i guess it's natural for people that have never known what an mmo community is to not understand the argument.


There really is no point in trying to convince anyone, decisions have already been made.


There are FAST FOOD mmorpgs and HOME COOKING mmorpgs.


Cross server tools (whether it's lfd or wz) belong to FAST FOOD mmorpgs.


SW:TOR held an unclear stance about whether it was fast food or not. They made their decisions and that's fine. They are Fast Food.


It wasn't clear so we gave it a go. Now it is, so we will stick to it knowing what it is, or move on.


I know you guys LOVE FAST FOOD. But that DOESN'T mean everybody else has to love it too.

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So your experience on 1 server gives you the power to say that it isn't true? Wow you're arrogant. I have played on dozens of servers both US and EU in my WoW career, trust me, I have better experience in this than you do.


Holy moly, such vitriol! Wow, I don't even... huh? Whaaaa?!

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So your experience on 1 server gives you the power to say that it isn't true? Wow you're arrogant. I have played on dozens of servers both US and EU in my WoW career, trust me, I have better experience in this than you do.


Who's arrogant?! lololol


What you claim to be "factual" or "true" isn't. You're just making stuff up.


This is your first MMO, isn't it.

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This is such total bull. If you are running OPS/FP's with your "FRIENDS" and your "GUILD" and they hate it as much as you, then you have ZERO FREAKING issue. Moreover, MY time bucko is important to me and spending more than 45+mins on Darth Sion spamming general chat for an FP group isn't a good use of MY time. If you dig that sorta thing power to you, I do NOT.


Nice job assuming how I see it. I didn't put my opinion in there. This is from personal experience in games that use the system. Regardless of what I or you like, this is what happens, it WILL reduce the amount of players for someone who won't use the tool.


I'm only pointing out that the "optional" argument is just as flawed as people are calling the community argument. Ie i'm not putting the system down, it has its merits, but it has its flaws too, and if you cannot recognize those, your argument in favor of it is less substantial.

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I do not understand why people cry and whine about something they absolutely NEVER have to use EVER. They can still go from 1-<whatever cap is>, they can still do whatever end-game is and NEVER EVER have to use the LFG/LFR.


ZOMG I hate <x company> for adding tools that I NEVER EVER have to use. ZOMG I hate players for using a tool that enhances their gaming experience. ZOMG I had a bad experience using an optional tool, I know I kept using it and I know it's OPTIONAL but I hate you all for putting it there and my using it.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with LFG/LFR cross-server. A localized LFG/LFR still doesn't resolve the lack of <X class here> or lower server populations. Moreover, a localized server limits interaction with the tens of thousands of people in the game to what at times appear to only be a few hundred people on a server.




I am not whining, if they choose to add it, its not something i enjoy in my MMO, so I'll move on. I won't lose any sleep over it, trust me.


Its just another cookie cutter "feature" added to this game loaded with a ton of other 'features" that will make it no different the that other game. People love that game, great, now you have two. Not my speed, its old and tired to me, no big deal.


You should try the 4 font, it may help get your point across

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I'll just point to my previous post, optional does not mean there will be no negatives for others.


So sense it would be negative for the people that dont want one, all of us should suffer? You dont make any sense, I dont know, if the game community is anything like the server community here, who cares if it gets destroyed.

Edited by Thunderslice
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And that's the issue. Optional. So the people that DO want to use it are going to use it. Those who don't because they dislike it just had the playerbase they can group with, shrink, and possibly shrink ALOT. So it's fine that people like it, but don't even try to say there's no negatives and that if you don't like it you can just not use it.


EDIT: This is similar to the "it's optional" argument for Dual Spec. Sure you want it and like it, no problem. You say if you don't just don't use it. Except the problem is many will come to EXPECT you to be using it and if you don't they exclude you. So both become much less "optional" than people like to claim.


No, the issue is that people want to dictate how other people play. If you and the other nay Sayers believe "most" people are like you and don't want lfd then you will have PLENTY of people to group with...the ones that want lfd will use it...it's their choice.


Look people IT IS COMING. Embrace it, love it, it will be your friend.

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So sense it would be negative for the people that dont want one, all of us should suffer? You dont make any sense, I dont know if the game community is anything like the server community here, who cares if it gets destroyed?


I never said a thing about the community. My point was not to say we shouldn't have it, nor that we SHOULD have it. My point was that people like to pull the "optional" argument for many things as if it meant there was no drawbacks, because it's optional you know, you don't have to use it. Except there ARE drawbacks.


And again, my views are actually neutral towards it, same with Dual spec. They go in fine, they don't, fine. But going around saying that because they are optional, that no one should have a problem with it or that there is no negative, is flawed.

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No, the issue is that people want to dictate how other people play. If you and the other nay Sayers believe "most" people are like you and don't want lfd then you will have PLENTY of people to group with...the ones that want lfd will use it...it's their choice.


Look people IT IS COMING. Embrace it, love it, it will be your friend.


Read my above post, assuming is not becoming.

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No, the issue is that people want to dictate how other people play.


Almost forgot this little tidbit. The same is true of the other side. You say it's optional, knowing full well that some amount of people, many, not so many, who knows how many, will only use that tool. That removes those players from the pool those who do not wish to use it can play with. You may not see it or think it happens, but that's pretty much the same as dictating how people should play. It's more indirect for sure, but it does happen.

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This is such total bull. If you are running OPS/FP's with your "FRIENDS" and your "GUILD" and they hate it as much as you, then you have ZERO FREAKING issue. Moreover, MY time bucko is important to me and spending more than 45+mins on Darth Sion spamming general chat for an FP group isn't a good use of MY time. If you dig that sorta thing power to you, I do NOT.

Nice in theory but it does not assist those who wish to find people on their server who are good players. Those who, when the chips are down don't lose their cool. You know... NEW PEOPLE. Why wouldn't I want to or like to expand my group of friends? You have any idea how many people add strangers they partied with to their friends list because they found out so much about how they play from parting with them? This is a lot harder to do if people just click away and end up in a party with a bunch of people they can't even communicate with at a later time.


I think this is what they mean by hurting the community.

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Almost forgot this little tidbit. The same is true of the other side. You say it's optional, knowing full well that some amount of people, many, not so many, who knows how many, will only use that tool. That removes those players from the pool those who do not wish to use it can play with. You may not see it or think it happens, but that's pretty much the same as dictating how people should play. It's more indirect for sure, but it does happen.



So what I dont want to be in you *********** POOL, pool with people that want to do it the hard way, if it get harder to get grps, tuff **** you asked for it thats what u wanted

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Who's arrogant?! lololol


What you claim to be "factual" or "true" isn't. You're just making stuff up.


This is your first MMO, isn't it.


I've been playing WoW since day 1. And no, I'm not making stuff up, stop being ignorant of the issues staring you in the face of your beloved LFD tool.


This is such total bull. If you are running OPS/FP's with your "FRIENDS" and your "GUILD" and they hate it as much as you, then you have ZERO FREAKING issue. Moreover, MY time bucko is important to me and spending more than 45+mins on Darth Sion spamming general chat for an FP group isn't a good use of MY time. If you dig that sorta thing power to you, I do NOT.


I have never had to use more than 15 minutes to get a group together. You wanna know my secret? It's called socializing. I look at the who roster for people who are tagged, if I don't find the levels that is needed for the FP, I look for people in those levels. Low and behold, there they are. Lots of people in the wanted level range, so I start throwing out whispers to find out their roles and if they are interested in joining. 1 minute later, I have a full group.


Please, stop being ignorant on the side-effects of this tool. It is not optional when 20-30% of the playerbase doesn't want to use it, they will be forced to.

Edited by Senatsu
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Nice in theory but it does not assist those who wish to find people on their server who are good players. Those who, when the chips are down don't lose their cool. You know... NEW PEOPLE. Why wouldn't I want to or like to expand my group of friends? You have any idea how many people add strangers they partied with to their friends list because they found out so much about how they play from parting with them? This is a lot harder to do if people just click away and end up in a party with a bunch of people they can't even communicate with at a later time.


I think this is what they mean by hurting the community.

Spot on


This is the issue the anti social crowd doesn't get. There is absolutely no incentive to make friends when everything is cross server with the click of a button

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Nice in theory but it does not assist those who wish to find people on their server who are good players. Those who, when the chips are down don't lose their cool. You know... NEW PEOPLE. Why wouldn't I want to or like to expand my group of friends? You have any idea how many people add strangers they partied with to their friends list because they found out so much about how they play from parting with them? This is a lot harder to do if people just click away and end up in a party with a bunch of people they can't even communicate with at a later time.


I think this is what they mean by hurting the community.


And the counter argument is, "you're better off finding a guild and when you're not able to do things with a guild then tools like this are available to you so that you are not wasting your time".


Furthermore, at least on my server the only time people talk is when there is a wipe. Other than that it's get in, get it done and move on. Frankly, I'm pretty darn OK with that. You may not be but that's you and again all this stuff is OPTIONAL.

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Do you just go from thread to thread to troll? You are a troll, I watched your arguments in the other thread this will be the last time i respond to you


I didn't say anything in any other LFD thread. My point was that I can see people on both "sides" trying to dictate their way. Your response showed that you do so as well, hence my reply of you proving my point for me. And you may wish to learn what a troll really is.

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And the counter argument is, "you're better off finding a guild and when you're not able to do things with a guild then tools like this are available to you so that you are not wasting your time".


Furthermore, at least on my server the only time people talk is when there is a wipe. Other than that it's get in, get it done and move on. Frankly, I'm pretty darn OK with that. You may not be but that's you and again all this stuff is OPTIONAL.


Except they still won't use the tool because they dislike it. So if no guildies are available for them to play with, and they can't find anyone local since they're all using LFD, they don't group. It's optional right, but now if they want to even get a group, they have to use it.


Will that always be the case? Not at all, but it does restrict those on the other side whether you like to admit it or not.

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