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I hate space combat{too hard}


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From level 1 to 40 I thought they were really easy. However I just hit 40 and the 2 new missions I have bene given do seem to be rather difficult. I have grade 4 prototype gear and the mine layer mission I hadn't destroyed the bay despite spamming it with missles. As far as the 2nd destroy 60 ships I failed it twice not being able to destroy enough ships despite having the power converter set to blaster damage. Kind of a huge jump in difficulty considering before hitting lvl 40 I never even came close to failing a mission and now I can't pass them.
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I have quite a few toons going right now (at various levels between 6 and 42) and at times, I have hard time keeping up with which toons have what upgrades, etc. Well, last night, I was waiting for my group to get ready for a quest, so I decided to just do a couple of space missions on one of my level 20 toons. I did Jabim Escort, Cartel Listening, and Salucemi BEFORE I realized that I had NO upgrades on my ship. I was wondering why my health was so low when I was finishing, and wondering how I spent all my missiles. I got the credit for all the missions, then checked the ship and voila! No upgrades. I actually found it more fun when it was a little difficult. Once you put the Grade 1 upgrades on the ship, the missions are just too easy and the only "challenge" is to beat your own time. Now that the upgrades are on the ship, I now have 5 levels (since I leveled with the XP from space missions) until I can get new missions. :(
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On your FIRST Space mission, you MUST buy upgrades (level 1) which is cheap (200cr each) this will help you A lot. Flying "naked" will hurt.


I know the mission said that you don't have to, but your life will be much easier with it. you will start off with higher armor, shield, regen, blasters, and missile bay (which is nice to have)


note: when you are NOT firing, you can regen shields.


I found out that the first mission is WAY easier once I bought level 1 upgrades.


note: it is doable without any upgrade, but it is much much harder.


As you progress in space mission, make sure you upgrade when you can to make YOUR life easier.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is one thing that could be getting you. I play on two computers, both laptops. One is more business oriented and one more games oriented. On my games laptop I have done all the space missions and for the most part they are pretty easy.


The first time I did a space mission on my business laptop was just after a patch, and I failed horribly. I assumed the missions had been tweaked in the patch, until my friend informed me he was noticing no change.


After going back to my other laptop and confirming they were easy again, I did some experimenting.


It turns out for some reason on my business laptop when I do space combat, about 80% of fighters are flat out immune to my blasters. I can divert all power to blasters and nail them from the second the come on screen until they fly back off, dozens of apparent hits, and they just blow them off. Missles do take them out though, so I'm not really sure what's going on.


Needless to say, this makes most of the space missions incredibly hard or downright impossible.


I haven't resolved or even bothered to report the issue, as I assume it is a low end pc issue and for me not worth reporting since I can just not run space combat on that laptop, but before shouting l2p at the OP, know that there may be something else going on that is legitimately making the missions more difficult for them.

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Upgrades like shields don't work that well for taspan ambush though. It's not you getting killed, it's the defector shuttle. I struggled the first times I did that quest, too. What worked for me was the actual opposite of what people told me to do: I focussed on all the little fighter planes and completely ignored the big frigates (unless no little ones around, ofc). Especially in that bit when it goes through the mine field, being quick on picking up those fighters saves the mission.
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Honestly you need to have upgraded parts for each mission. Its not that hard at all. For escorts if you want to succeed you HAVE to take out the fleet ships turrets for teh guy you are escorting to stay alive. Keep trucking some of the ladder missions are hard, but once you get used to the pattern it is fairly easy.
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if hes talking about the first one: fondor / jabim escort... thats pretty shameful... the Re run upgrade is much harder because well frankly the game cheats... because you are stuck on rails, enemy ships can fire while off screen and there isnt squat you can do about it except wait for them to come on screen and blow them to pieces.


expect for the shuttle to be at least half dead by the end of the mission.

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Hmmm... space combat has always been easy for me...

I've beaten the Impossible Sector with a mix of grade 1 and 3 ship upgrades for defense... (needed to have grade 5 blasters for completing objectives) though this does make it challenging...


As for tips... enemy ships have a distinct engine exhaust that is visible from very far away... use that to target them long before they can shoot at you or your escort.

You can shoot through rocks and debris... (which should probably be a bug) so there are some ships you can shoot down before they even show up if you know where they're coming from.

Learn to use your Power Conversion Module as that really makes a lot of the space combat missions trivial. (i.e. when to switch to shields, since there's a lot of 'quiet' time for shield recharging).

You can shoot your blasters and missiles simultaneously... this can increase your damage dealt significantly

When you're faced with a lot of incoming fire you can use the wasd keys to move your ship to avoid some of it. When escorting a ship, you can use your own ship to shield the shuttle by moving into the shots.

If you still can't beat the mission... buy appropriate upgrades (i.e. dying? buy a new shield)

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The escort mission is very difficult when you first try it.


With NO ship upgrades, it can be almost impossible unless you know exactly how to do it.


Personally, I had to get a bunch of the green ship upgrades before it became easy for me.


I suggest grabbing some of the green upgrades OR check the GTN and buy a couple of the blue upgrades.

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How are you supposed to be able to guide that one ship to it's transport. I don't have enough health and they keep destroying the ship before I can get to it. I keep hearing it's easy but it's hard. It need's a massive boost. I spend 60k in space credit's and I have nearly NOTHING to show for it. Remove it or reboot it.


And so we have 4 pages of speculation and still don't know what mission the OP is referring too.

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If you do any of the escort quests, the main focus is on the fighters going in the same direction you are. Why? because those little suckers will stay on the other ship until you kill them. Plus they are mean and spiteful so kill them as soon as you can. The ones coming towards you are pretty much done shooting at the shuttle when they fly past it and you. The bonus is to kill the fighters. The goal is to escort the shuttle to safety. This is one mission where you need to complete and go beyond the bonus to escort the shuttle to safety.


The ship turrets are kind of like distractions. If you want look for the red circles. Those are the turrets and can usually be killed with one to two missiles. The yellow circles are usually something else like shields.


Also look at your level for the missions as you level up. You will get 4 level higher missions. These are doable at the level but extrememly tough if you are 42 andf the mission is 46. Suggestion just wait until you are within two levels to attempt a mission.


You need to complete all the missions to get the daily comms operation - ascendacy barrier.


Always upgrade your ship and know what upgrades you can do at what level. Once you get to 50 spend the cash from doing dailies and buy the purple upgrades. Or if you can make them yourself.


Another thing to note here to complete a mission you do not have to complete the bonus missions. You just have to complete the objective and remain alive when the timer runs out. This might mean shooting no fighters and flying with just your shield on until the timer runs out. There is no shame in doing this because once you complete the original mission you get a great boost of experience and about 13K in credits. In addition, every two single missions unlocks an Operation which also yeilds experience and credits.


If you do not want to pay for purple gear you can always rely on the RNG system with the boxes. The purple box costs 375 fleet comms. Besides ship gear you can also get orange armor and weapons. I save up my comms and get two boxes at a time. You can't get three because the comm cap is set to 1K.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Atreas
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To a certain degree I have to agree with the OP and the follow up posters. Space combat is both easy and hard until you follow the appropriate strategies, purchase the appropriate upgrades, etc. The OP was making a point to say that the escort missions in particular were difficult, but because they did not specify which one everything else is just speculation. Myself being a veteran video games player and a former player of the original x-wing series found portions of the missions way too easy, then found others way too difficult. That is until you figure out what to do, then you can do the exact same thing every time and it will work since the missions are on rails.
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If you do any of the escort quests, the main focus is on the fighters going in the same direction you are. Why? because those little suckers will stay on the other ship until you kill them. Plus they are mean and spiteful so kill them as soon as you can. The ones coming towards you are pretty much done shooting at the shuttle when they fly past it and you. The bonus is to kill the fighters. The goal is to escort the shuttle to safety. This is one mission where you need to complete and go beyond the bonus to escort the shuttle to safety.

However, the fighters in the first couple of missions are fragile enough that you can and should be killing nearly all of them, and the best way to do that is focus on the ones approaching from head-on first. You'll have the least time to deal with them because of the aggregate closing speed, and you should still have time to nail the chasers before they've done much damage.


The ship turrets are kind of like distractions. If you want look for the red circles. Those are the turrets and can usually be killed with one to two missiles.

They're also something that can be usefully killed with missiles, and especially on the second escort quest (with the asteroid field lace in the middle), those pursuing frigates will handily geek the escape shuttle unaided by their little interceptor friends, you you do have to kill off as many turrets as you can. There's usually only one turret per ship that takes more than a single missile to pop, so you can take 6 out of 7 with salvo missile launches when there are no fighter targets.

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Well, they don't call it the "Impossible Sector" for NOTHING... :)


Seriously, though- I often find the best effort comes from going all out attack mode when escorting. If you're L25+, have your blasters double charged, and hose down EVERYTHING. Open up on bigger ships by donating a full missile spread to one set of turrets, then blast the rest with your guns. Even on the first escorts, it helps to know where to put your missiles though.


The red turrets are your easiest way to cut down enemy fire. Kill them first. The orange one on the nose of smaller capital ships takes more punishment, so at least dump a missile into that. Shield generators and engines are bonus targets. Don't waste the firepower if you're having trouble.


It also helps knowing you can blow away some stuff at extreme ranges- you can actually hit things on big ships for a fair bit before they actually show up on screen as lit "targets" for missiles with your blasters, and the second you can see the thruster glows on fighters, you can blast them before they can get on your case or your escort's.

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H'OK SO.......... here's what you have to do! FIRST, you have to buy ship upgrades and no being like "TOO EXPENSIVE". Then enter the space mission fire at EVERYTHING! (unless it is an escort mission if you do that it will end very badly). If youre shields are low kill everything shooting at you and stop shooting. You're shields will come back up. Then YOU WIN! If this difficult you must be 5, a troll, Jim Carrey, and/or don't know how to do simple gameplay mechanics. You're welcome.
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I've noticed the problem is the PILOT. Whoever is flying this ship must be drink.


"Finally, I've got a clear shot at my primary tar-" VEER SUDDENLY TO THE LEFT. "Well ok we'll come back again there almost in my sights-" VEER SUDDENLY TO THE RIGHT....

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...It turns out for some reason on my business laptop when I do space combat, about 80% of fighters are flat out immune to my blasters. I can divert all power to blasters and nail them from the second the come on screen until they fly back off, dozens of apparent hits, and they just blow them off. Missles do take them out though, so I'm not really sure what's going on. ...


...I haven't resolved or even bothered to report the issue, as I assume it is a low end pc issue and for me not worth reporting since I can just not run space combat on that laptop, but before shouting l2p at the OP, know that there may be something else going on that is legitimately making the missions more difficult for them.


You should report it. This is definitely NOT a low-end PC issue. I have a fairly good desktop I built in Oct '10. The only thing I really could do to upgrade it at the moment is slap on Win7 64bit and grab some more RAM, and buy a new (2) GPUs. With that said, I still run SWTOR in Ultra with no issues.


I am constantly exiting/re-entering Space Combat due to the annoying blaster bug. It is a bug, and I have no idea what causes it. Really hope they fix this soon.

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No way!

I love the space missions! They are so fun to do (though at times they can be very frustrating, but it's all part of the game)


I've completed the first space mission with flying colours.

The other ones needed a few tries to get there. But challenge is part of the fun (exclude the frustrations involved :D). I've completed 4 different missions without any starship upgrades.


It's like a good break from the normal activities in the game, when you are not in the mood for quest (or whatever it is) then just do some shooting :p. When you get frustrated from shooting then just get back to the normal game. Awesome! Thanks BioWare!

Edited by SpacePiglet
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The only ones I hate are the mine field ones- getting a 7 minute mission only to have whether you pass or fail decided in three awkwardly angled passes in the final minute is absolutely awful.


The minefield missions are at least 8 minutes long if not more. I am able to use the EMP device twice during the minefield mission. The cooldown on the emp is at least 4 minutes. I try to take out as many mines I can with the EMP as soon as I can so it will be up near the end of the mission. With that first strike I usually end up getting 96 mines. I can probably get more if I waited a tad bit longer into the minefield.


By the time the EMP is up for the second time during the mission, I have already met my quota for the mines and can use it on the attack of the final ship where there are the last of my heavy fighters. The emp doesn't always destroy the hangar bays.


Also in the minefield mission, I only worry about the mines, the heavy fighters, the bonus ship, the minelayer engines and the final ship. The small fighters are actually insignificant if you are lvl 50. I usually cruise through the minefield and asteroids with my shields on and barely firing until I need to. The final approach through the last minefield you can attack the final ship. I blast through the mines then load the ship on missiles. By the time I get to that ship I usually only have one yellow circle left and blow that up as I go by.


It can get a little hectic after you pass the final ship as you have a good deal of fighters firing at you including the non destroyable turrets from the final ship. I just use my jammer (up for 10 long seconds) until I am through while looking for that final heavy fighter to kill. Then put up my shields and head home repeatedly pressing the spacebar all the while. BTW if I feel like killing a ship or two during the trek through the asteroids, I do.

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  • 1 month later...
You should report it. This is definitely NOT a low-end PC issue. I have a fairly good desktop I built in Oct '10. The only thing I really could do to upgrade it at the moment is slap on Win7 64bit and grab some more RAM, and buy a new (2) GPUs. With that said, I still run SWTOR in Ultra with no issues.


I am constantly exiting/re-entering Space Combat due to the annoying blaster bug. It is a bug, and I have no idea what causes it. Really hope they fix this soon.


I also have this problem. Even before patch 1.2, I would run into a few fighters invulnerable to beam weapons. Since the patch, many of the fighters are invulnerable to my beams, but missiles still work. I have all level three upgrades and the power converter, but my beams don't seem to hurt fighters at all no matter what setting they are on (ship turrets and such blowup just fine).


My computer is probably middle of the road with Windows 7 64-bit, 8 GB Ram, and 4 core 2.67 GHz CPU.


Needless to say, I've had a frustrating time with invulnerable fighters.

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