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Deception - WEAK, proff here!


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if they break it I would put deflect up, I still have low slash and they still have a dot on them. it really up to u wether u want to use execute or low slash first. Different situations call for different things for me the goal is get their health down to 30% as quick as possible and still have some health to finsih the job if i know I can't do it I can always cloak + mind trap + seethe if its a one on one situation or cloak spike + 2 free attacks. Edited by warstory
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I think you may not be understanding how the resolve system works or how much resolve each of our moves generates. It does matter if you use LS or Elect first. The first reason it matters is because LS has a 15 sec cd whiile Elec is twice that. In a rushdown, abilities with lower cd's should be used first so they can refresh and be chained.


The second reason is that LS generates a great deal less resolve than elec. And, I may be mistaken in this, but I believe LS generates a good amount less resolve than spike as well. This means that LS + any other cc ability will put an opponent just short of a full resolve bar but won't actually give them the bar till you hit them with the next cc, allowing you to chain 3 cc's to their resolve bar, be it LS +elec+ LS or LS + elec + spike. Using a any other 2 cc, however ie: spike + elect, gives the opponent a FULL resolve bar, and bars you from utilizing your third attack. This is why you should never open with a spike. You're robbing yourself of a third chance to interrupt a cast by blowing the ability in a manner that it doesnt do anything meaningful.


Also, I'm fairly sure that spending 2 secs casting a crushing darkness when you could have gotten your first 2 voltaic slashes in is detrimental to burst, not beneficial. Crushing darnkess has no business on your bar unless you're specced into madness for raze.


Finally, mind trap generates just short of a full resolve bar just by itself and it's generally detrimental to sap someone if you plan on attacking them. Sap is a great tool for controling a 2v1 or 3v1 situation, especially if one of your opponents can heal. But generally, it's a really bad idea to open on someone you've given free resolve to. Sap the guy you're not gonna kill first or play sap games to force a cc break, then wait for the resolve bar to go away before opening.


I don't mean any offense by this, but your comments tend to lead me to think that you generally play a madness or darkness/madness hybrid spec, both of which have better up front standing survivability than deception builds, so they don't require as much precision with cooldowns. Deception's goal is to kill quick, and control the fight for as long as possible, and while you may be able to get away with using cooldowns out of order or giving opponents free resolve 1v1 vs similarly geared opponents, you'll be hard pressed to win 2v1, 3v1, or against opponents who outgear you if you don't fully utilize the control skills of the class and efficiently maximize your burst. (Generally, I've found that situations of more than 3v1 are unwinnable for me at least, so I don't really ever put myself into those situations unless I'm just trying to stop a cap or something).

Edited by Wargasmo
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u can get off all 3 I have done it before but for the sake of a pointless arguement use LS but spike gives u 2 free atacks no matter how u slice it. I like Crushing darkness cause when I have to go on the defense to jolt it still ticks, its not big dmg but....its My personal playstyle
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If you're as good as you claim to be then you would understand why the video looks the way it does. Multiple crits are pretty much common place once you're kitted right. It's not hard.


sure i understand why and thats why such videos are bad. It is not a video showing any kind of class or player capabilities. It is one showing only moments with everything up on opponents not fighting back at all.


not only is this boring to watch, but it is also giving absolutely wrong imagination about the class itself, cause outside of adrenals and recklessness, if ur not getting lucky with crits, sins damage is bad beyond belief. i im fully geared and there are enough moments where you just dont crit getting 1.5k hits on a sorc and guess what? a tank hits harder :)


now im not saying sin is that bad, it just has a bit flawed design. this class needs more thought and luck than others to do well. you can win 1v2, but anything beyond that is plain impossible if ur enemies are not afk.

Edited by Fairell
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Not understanding all the hating, the OP did not post this as an ego-stroke. It is simply to show the spec can put up decent numbers. Those complaining it doesn't show what happens when there are multiple ppl attacking the OP? What for? It's pretty obvious when that happens we die, to play the class well is to avoid being focus fired as much as possible. It not only keeps you alive to put up damaging numbers, but it also allows you to put taunt on people to help whoever they are hitting take less damage.


Most people in PvP once they lock onto a target they do not switch to another target that is full health. As Assassins we simply need to avoid being the first target enemy players see, once the skirmish between the two sides already started is when you appear and do damage.

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Not understanding all the hating, the OP did not post this as an ego-stroke. It is simply to show the spec can put up decent numbers.


See, I think there would be a lot less complaints if he just filmed the whole match, start to finish. Instead of showing us "best of" outtakes. Any class can have those. Just the other night on my PT I had an unbelievable string of crits, and I basically dropped the guy before he could say aloha. I could collect a bunch of those, and show them. But for what purpose? To show that crits happen, especially with CDs and consummables? Everyone knows crits happen, no point in showing it.


Plus, remember the OP sarcastically claims that this is "proff" (I guess he means "proof" and not "professor") of Deception being viable. Such a video hardly proves anything at all, except "Crits Happen".

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did you gys watch the second part? it has a full voidstar footage ;)


I'm trying to figure out how you can even make a meaningful footage of Voidstar. If the two teams are even, the attacking side always look incredible while the defensive side is just piling up bodies, because it's hard to fight against instant respawn attackers when you might need 45 seconds to respawn. It absolutely doesn't matter who you are. If you're on defense and it's an even fight, you will get mauled because the attacker has an equivalent of 2 on 1 permanent advantage due to respawn timer differences. If you're on the attack, you'll destroy the opposition. In fact you can get 6-0 victories while absolutely getting mauled (from your point of view) on defense, since defending a door is extremely trivial as long as 2 people didn't die out of your 8.

Edited by Astarica
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