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You make the call.


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You have 2 choices.



1.Remove all phasing on your server , fight over quest mobs but have living cities with live people running all over or...........


2.Keep shards , no fighting over quest mobs at the cost of having dead steril cities.





I choose 1 seems like a easy choice.


You do realize there are other MMOs with 2x 4x 6x the subscriptions who don't use sharding right? Plus you said,


"..no fighting over quest mobs at the cost of having dead steril cities."


You do realize the game feels dead everywhere except the Fleets and then repub Fleet is literally dead on some servers? Fail logic my friend, fail logic.

Edited by Aisar
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Isn't the phasing that keeps you from seeing lots of people. It is the fact that people are spread out all over the galaxy.


When there's 40 people on say Hoth. They are also spread across an entire large zone. Even with 40 I still see people around questing.


You must be playing Republic where Hoth has like 18 people... Then it just feels dead from the lack of physical players.


Server consolidation would be the best thing. At the very least transfers for those that got stuck on light servers.

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Isn't the phasing that keeps you from seeing lots of people. It is the fact that people are spread out all over the galaxy.


When there's 40 people on say Hoth. They are also spread across an entire large zone. Even with 40 I still see people around questing.


You must be playing Republic where Hoth has like 18 people... Then it just feels dead from the lack of physical players.


Server consolidation would be the best thing. At the very least transfers for those that got stuck on light servers.


The problem is:


On my server there could be 15 people on Voss (No joke, it's a dead planet). Yet, game-wide (All NA servers) there could be 400 people on Voss.


Which feels more like a MMORPG? And it isn't even a problem with "400 on one planet is bad" because you can separate them rather seamlessly and without incident by adding Planet Caps.


Voss has 10 channels, each channel holds 100 people. Once it reaches 100 people, the next people to join are shuffled to Channel 2. People in channel 2 will have a simple number by there name in Global chat like:


Azumi: LFG Heroic 4

Darkhosis (3): I'll go


I invite you, and I'm given the option to move to channel 3 seamlessly. IE: I don't have a loading screen, I simply get a count like:


You will move to channel 3 in 10 seconds


Being hit or in combat would make you unable to move channels to avoid people abusing it for PvP.


This makes the game feel more alive, the planets become fuller and people get to enjoy the content.


Add in a Global LFG tool so you don't have to sit at Fleet spamming for Flashpoints, and give the Leader the ability to summon party to Flashpoint Entrance (To avoid Datacron abuse).


Now the game is a lot more user-friendly to everyone. Easier to get groups, planets are brimming with life, etc.


What they have now is lets say 400 people on Voss spread over 60ish servers. Terrible.


And sitting at Fleet for xx amount of minutes spamming General Chat. Meanwhile there are 50+ other people out there, willing to run that Flashpoint but they aren't on Fleet.


The whole system is a joke, honestly. It's like the multiplayer aspect was made in 2004/2007 given minor updates, and the rest of the time was spent on Voice Acting, PvP and vacations to Fiji.

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really don't care if I see other people or not. When I want to group up, I'll do a heroic/flashpoint and join with other people to do those. But when I am soloing, I couldn't care less about seeing other people around me. Also, there always seem to be 175+ on Fleet on my servers, I don't stand around looking at other people, I'll do what I want at fleet and then head out, so a more "lively" city with players is of no consequences to me.


I don't think I need to say which number I would go for.

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