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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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I Unless they do a total rewrite of the game...which they're not going to do, then I don't see how my particular issues with the game will ever be resolved.


At least you recognize the issue.


There is no point to you checking back in 6 months or even 6 years. They're not going to change the fundamental nature of the game.

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Ill probably stay subbed for some time. However i too have been following TERA for years and after playing the sneak peak I will most definately be playing that game. There is so much there that i have craved for so long.


Gw2 doesng really appeal to me. But TERA will become my home and SWTOR will probably become my sleazy ex girlfriends appartment where i sometimes visit for shameful pleasures....

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Trying out TERA's beta weekend event right now, and I'm really liking the non tab-targetting gameplay. Fast-paced & much more fun than the Tracer Missiles spam. So I might stay with TOR until GW2 or TERA is officially out.


Will be back when Bioware releases new content to the class storylines.


I really like tera as well

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A few more months, no single player RPG could hold me longer than that except those with mods like the elder scrolls games...no amount of online capabilities like this single player game will make a difference.


Yes, I called this a single player game with online capabilities cause that is what it is. To call this an MMORPG is a slap in the face to other MMORPGs. This is no more MMO than shooters like Quake which is also played by millions online.


if im playing a game with millions but never seen more than a few dozen no matter the time or place...its no different than quake or some battlenet game.

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For awhile...



GW2 is the only other MMO I kinda have my eye on

TERA is nothing more than a grindfest korean mmo they..."Westernized" (HAH) catering to pedophiles (having a child like race that has the hips and thighs of a full grown woman to oversexualize them...how quaint Asia.)

DMO is VERY *********** MUCH ON THE LIST! (Warhammer 40k mmo please.)

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My wife and I are looking at about six months. We are much enjoying playing and the newness of the game. But as I said in another thread, the combat is still pretty broken and we don't feel that it will ever be fixed to be what mmo combat should be. The game has a number of issues that we do not have a lot of confidence in a fix ever happening.


So we will play as long as we enjoy it and are having fun and then leave. I said six months because I think at that point the new game smell will be gone and we will have seen just about everything. I played WOW long after the game lost it's fun factor just because it felt so good and combat was so rewarding (again as far as feel and natural flow) and swtor just does not have that.

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8 days left here. Only thing to do at endgame is boring Ops over and over again, which I have always felt spending 3 hours beating up elite mobs to be pointless, or PvP which depending on the server results in disjointed war zone ques with not enough players or elitism on the part of people that do participate. Once you get a full set of gear from either there doesn't seem to be much else to do but the same boring dailies over and over again for no good reason since you're not getting anything out of it.


If this game was the same, except a fantasy setting or otherwise not a part of the Star Wars license I doubt anyone would have paid much attention to it. As it stands I didn't come in expecting a lot, as a friend of mine got it for me so I could play with him, but I didn't think it would be this lifeless and dull.


Ont he plus side the single player story parts were interesting and fun, but once you're done with those the monotony and the flaws of the game really start to make themselves apparent. If any game makes me collect 30 boxes every day as 'content', ever again, I'll have a seizure.

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For awhile...



GW2 is the only other MMO I kinda have my eye on

TERA is nothing more than a grindfest korean mmo they..."Westernized" (HAH) catering to pedophiles (having a child like race that has the hips and thighs of a full grown woman to oversexualize them...how quaint Asia.)

DMO is VERY *********** MUCH ON THE LIST! (Warhammer 40k mmo please.)


Have you played TERA, sir? It is far from a grindfeat. Not even the Korean version was.


And yeah the Elins are a little ambiguous. But most of the races are serious :D


Idd with the rest of your post.

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OH please...Elin are a race of kids that are over sexualized...apparently the dance is kinda awful too. I refuse to play a game thats gonna cater to pedophiles.


People are gonna be like BUT NO ITS ASIA THEY DONT KNOW ANY BETTER...well ******** its being westernized they should know better. OH ITS LOLIS ITS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE...my ***. TERA is just some MMO thats there...its not really gonna be a main competition to SWTOR like WoW is or GW2.



I do see myself leaving sooner or later, still got WoW to play...GW2 to "try" (before I buy) and im pretty much waiting for Dark Millennium Online because I always wanted a Warhammer 40k mmo.

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Probably not long, maybe one more 2-month card.


The game is boring at 50. The game world feels dead (surprising what citters does to make a world feel filled out). No named NPCs that are just there to fill the game out. No reputation to go and fill up when you are on downtime. No pet farms. No mount farms. No real reason to go revisit the worlds you quested in while levelling (I used to love going and chilling in Nagrand atop a flying island back in TBC for instance).


Couple all of this with the incredibly annoying bugs, poor performance of the game, crappy FPS, long load times, too easy raiding and the complete and utter lack of any customer support whatsoever, and I gotta say it, this game won't last long at all.


Don't get me wrong, I detest WoW. But for the sake of logging in and actually having things to do outside raiding, I'm tempted to go back and reroll horde or summat for something new.


This game has been a massive disappointment from the get-go. WoW always felt like a labour of love, from the sheer amount of details and in-jokes put into the game. This feels like a cashgrab. I really hope I see some reasons to stay, but I'm beginning to doubt that.

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OH please...Elin are a race of kids that are over sexualized...apparently the dance is kinda awful too. I refuse to play a game thats gonna cater to pedophiles.


People are gonna be like BUT NO ITS ASIA THEY DONT KNOW ANY BETTER...well ******** its being westernized they should know better. OH ITS LOLIS ITS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE...my ***. TERA is just some MMO thats there...its not really gonna be a main competition to SWTOR like WoW is or GW2.



I do see myself leaving sooner or later, still got WoW to play...GW2 to "try" (before I buy) and im pretty much waiting for Dark Millennium Online because I always wanted a Warhammer 40k mmo.




Are you saying you don't find a girl that looks like a half child half adult attractive? North America did you wrong bro, you don't even know.

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I unsubbed today, have 5 days left. I may check back sometime in the future; but, right now the game is dead on the inside. I also kind of like it when I don't have to tweak my OS to get a game to perform better on my system when every other game on the market runs fine for me and don't even get my started on their robot operated customer service...
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I unsubbed today, have 5 days left. I may check back sometime in the future; but, right now the game is dead on the inside. I also kind of like it when I don't have to tweak my OS to get a game to perform better on my system when every other game on the market runs fine for me and don't even get my started on their robot operated customer service...


Yeah this game definitely wasn't ready for release, that much should be clear to everyone by now, this was rushed for the holiday season and we are playing an unfinished game. It should get better in a few months but we'll see.

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Are you saying you don't find a girl that looks like a half child half adult attractive?



Yea I dont, because it looks like a damn kid and im not a pedophile. Im sure anyone from /v/ is creaming their pants over that picture too.

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Yea I dont, because it looks like a damn kid and im not a pedophile.


I do find them attractive so i guess i'm a pedo, CALL THE FEDS!



In all seriousness though, they aren't even real dude, it's a *********** video game, and you can't seem to tell the difference between real life and video game, you take things way too seriously and don't deny it because you've said the word pedophile in every post you have made here.

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Im too alittle disappointed i have over looked alot of things that has annoyed me like graphics settings and the lack of how big the world really is and such.The questing cutscene are cool and the swinging to the light and dark side are great.and alot of quest have a good story line.But i would imagine they ran out of money and released it early to get some money rolling in to help finish it.Its the only answer i can see.And by far there are other games that are DX9 that look fabulous.This was my first Starwars game since XWing.And i think i have been burnt.Its good for a change from the high fantasy to space.I expected more out of it for the money i spent for the prelease to start playing with my friend.well never again with Bioware.So much could of been done different.
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In all seriousness though, they aren't even real dude, it's a *********** video game, and you can't seem to tell the difference between real life and video game, you take things way too seriously and don't deny it because you've said the word pedophile in every post you have made here.



Oh so I guess if I were to make a game about child *********** its ok...because its just a game...ok then! Thanks for clearing that up, sorry for my reaction, lets just move on to something else!

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I see myself here for ten more days then I might come back in six months to see if the bugs have been fixed and if they improve the shoddy MMO core that exists now.


I had high hopes for this game, but had no idea it would be 90% Single player, 10% MMO assuming there are enough people your level to run flashpoints.



You need a new guild. There is a TON of endgame content. Between raiding 3 times a week and doing flashpoints everyday, I am never bored.

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