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Companions in Warzones?


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News Flash, this is not WoW...


I just...I...good god.





And I agree with the others this is not a very good idea. I wish there was more for companions to do but PVPing is just a huge glitch-fest waiting to happen.

Edited by Kinsley
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I was just wondering if BW had any plans to incorporate companions into current and or/future warzones. At the least it would give us a reason to continue to collect and spend commendations to gear them up.


This is a VERY bad idea , i may have my companions on champ gear , in the end you will get them gear cause you simple dont have nothing to do with the shower of comms by gives you now, and i still think this is SILLY , really , is PvP , PvE is that way ---->

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Sounds good, as long as PvPers can come kill you during high-end PvE.


I chuckled.


Imp Raid Leader: "Okay guys, we're approaching 10% on Satale. Blow cooldowns. Avoid the fire. DPS. Yep just like-"


Republic Battlemasters appear: "ENRAGE TIMER, B****!"


Imp Raid Leader: "What the fu.... OH MY SPINE!"

Edited by McVade
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