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The true problem with marauder PVP - Resolve


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First off, I would like to say that Marauders are 1v1 and even 1v2 beasts. Our failures lie within group PvP. This game is based around group PvP and not 1v1 or 1v2 PvP. This is where most of the marauder community is split.


I was CCed in huttball for so long the other day, all I could do was laugh. I was stunned, knocked back with a snare, stunned again, and finally pulled to my death. This happened withing a timeframe of 8 - 10 seconds. Granted the pull may have been lag after the second stun, the fact of the matter is that there is WAY too much CC in this game.


This game by its very nature is designed against the melee population. The knockbacks +snares, channeled dmg effects with snares, stun after stun, and I am not going to keep going. You get my point.


My gear is still in the making, i have 4-5 pieces of champ gear mixed with centurion. I still am wearing some orange leveling gear. I know that I should get my butt kicked because marauders are a gear dependent class. I CAN play the marauder "smart" and pick off people in 1v1 battles and engage in battles that I know I can win. Playing the objective can be downright frustrating at times when fighting groups of other players.


Resolve is not broken, but flawed in design. Lag does not help matters either. You can be stunned, knocked back, and pulled all within that same stun. CC should not override the current CC in place. I don't care that CC is in the game. It is a challenge to overcome. However, when you get CC'ed into oblivion while helpless without your break free, the game can be down right frustrating.


Two stuns should always max the resolve bar and knockbacks need to cause twice the resolve effect. This would improve our quality of combat and fix most of the QQ about the marauder class. This would create a more tactical approach to spamming every CC ability that you possess.


The marauder isn't broken, its the resolve system in where the problem lies.




A song that reminds me of Marauders-

Pinball Wizard

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I agree that resolve needs some adjustment. I am also not sure what causes it to go away so quickly. It should not diminish so fast. It seems to save you from a single CC effect, then the next 4 come without being affected.


I feel this is a problem too. I get cc and rooted for 10-15 sec straight... if I survive through this I get CC immunity for 2-3 seconds then I am back to the start.


I think roots effects need to build resolve for one.


Resolve should build off of dmg done while you are not in 100% control of character. So everything but slowed would build resolve while you took damage. Rooted would have a smaller multiplier than completely CCd, but it would add to it as well. This would stop the chain roots, or worse the 6-8 players on the other hutball team form constantly AoE knock back on the catwalks. Nothing worse than spending 90% of the match in the pits, or in acid/fire.

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I don't think that building resolve twice as fast when knockbacked is a good idea but simply making snare build resolve (and resolve affecting snares) would make warriors' life so much easier. It's kinda stupid that even if the guy can't stun you, he snares you and there's nothing you can do about it. Edited by gibmachine
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Snares building resolve is not a good idea. Mainly because that instantly becomes one less thing Marauders can help with at all in pvp. Your target have a full resolve bar? Well, your charge won't snare him anymore and that effectively makes you more worthless than you were before. Especially in huttball.
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Knockbacks need to build more resolve. Currently you can be knockbacked 4 times in a row before resolve fully fills, which is a bit ridiculous. When you add on the fact that many sorcs spec into the snare option upon knockback, which essentially is a stun for maras in most situations.
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Im just gonna say I hope they dont implement this... If ccs cant override existing ccs, this would be the biggest buff to snipers possible.


What does that mean? well I am a PT Bounty Hunter. Currently the only way to fight snipers for me, is to stun them and then pull them to me. what YOU are saying is if I stun the guy to get him out of cover then I cant pull him...

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I sad this in like 30 days ago but none Care to understand .


Only problem i have with the class is


The reslove don't work ... Thats it .........



And 1. Only 1 tree is woth specing into .......


I have yet not died from a carange marauder ..

Maby some times to a rage, speced


But others wise no,

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Honestly knockback/stuns/incapacitates should overall be the only thing really affected by resolve.


Roots possibly, but some that are very situational and hardly spammable (Force Charge, Sorc knockback talent) shouldn't be effected.


Resolve should then also reduce the duration of said effects by 50% of your total resolve %.

-50% resolve

-4 second stone becomes a 3 second stun(50% of 50% is 25%, 25% of 4 is 1 second less on stun)

This could even effect snares, at 100% resolve our 50% snare becomes 25%. It's still a snare and should still keep us on them. But if he's being CC'ed to hell it at least gives them a chance.

This helps reduce the effectiveness of being spammed by CC.

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