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Screw this, I'm rolling a healer.


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I love healing and I know what I'm doing. I don't care about medals. Why should I? I made massive differences to games as a fresh 50 with 4 centurion pieces when I was heals.


Gear is nice, and titles are nice, and they'll come. But the real fun is seeing how much of an impact I've made on the game.


Healers are my favorite class in any MMO because they are so important to a teams success, you are basically the backbone, you keep your team alive, to me that means alot and i have so much fun doing it.

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The thing is you just don't feel appreciated as healer in pvp with the medal system.

You wont get kills for healing a target that kill.

You only have 4 healing medals which 3 of them anyone can get right now.

Most of the time you get a maximum of about 7 medals when you are working your arse off. while tanks almost do nothing to get about 10 medals and still can get 14+ medals, and yes I know got a high level alt tank.


When it is like this most healers I know included myself would rather respec dps for some warzones and we do so, because the system annoys us like insane. We work so hard in warzones as healers and get almost nothing in reward.

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Dude, why would you want to be merc healer, if you can be sage/sorc with tons of better healing, survivability and a whole lot more utility?!


No real, concrete reason. All I can say is that the idea of being a Bounty Hunter appeals to me more.

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You'd see more and better healers, if Bioware didn't design the medal system to specifically screw over healer classes.

This. And thus when nearing rank60, it's a huge pain, lots of healers friends have respec dps for that.


And when not doing a premade, you have 85% chance of not having a single healer (people healing 70K don't count), and 90% chance of having either 5 people in lv 40 green and no trinket or 6 people clueless about how pvp work altogether.


Get a premade already, you'll get roflstomp'd by them anyway so why not bother?

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Is it just me, or are you basically condemned to the worst healers in the game when you PvP without a premade? I'll be running the Huttball as a Jugg, and the healer standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME is trying to kill some non-factor Assassin or something in the pit!


So... anyone got some things for me to look out for as a healer Merc in PvP?


It helps that in every other game online you can pick your warzone. Here we are forced to play hutball. Half of those people just dont like the map and would rather kill stuff and I dont blame them one bit.

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It helps that in every other game online you can pick your warzone. Here we are forced to play hutball. Half of those people just dont like the map and would rather kill stuff and I dont blame them one bit.


So why do they roll a healer again...?

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Medals dont win warzones.... Teamwork and communication win warzones...


Might as well give up on this idea. I'm going to. Maybe teamwork and communication do win warzones, but when the people around you only care about their personal medals, either afk and find something else to do, leave the match, or join them, because you aren't going to change the outcome.


The problem with this is that healers get really screwed over trying to help people that need to be smacked silly instead of facilitated in their farming. Not only are healers unable to do what they do best (win teams matches by being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing) but they also get screwed over on those very same medals.

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You'd see more and better healers, if Bioware didn't design the medal system to specifically screw over healer classes.


This is true on so many levels.


I've done over 600K healing in one WZ, and there is no medal award. You get one for 75K and 300K and that's it. I was with another healer who did a little over 800K and no medal for that, either.


For example:

There is no medal for keeping somebody alive through persistent/immense damage; there is no medal for healing X-amount on the same target; healed X-amount in 1 life; etc.


I could go on, but you get the idea. The system is pretty much geared so you have to try to get medals other ways, even if it is just a killing blow or pathetically pelting people with dirt and rocks.


Because I am a Jedi Master... and I fight the Dark Side with dirt and rocks.

Edited by ShiningOne
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I feel your pain. However, as a healer I often stumble over players who do NOTHING to protect me. One thing you have to know is that as soon as you "get aggro" from the opposite team, you'll spend the rest of that WZ being gang-*****. UNLESS you get some help from your friends.


Sometimes it not confined to one class or role, but instead to one type of people. So don't give us healers a bad name :)

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You can thank the Warhammer team in charge of pvp for SWTOR they have stated in the past that they hate healers. That's why healers get R Kelly'd when it comes to medals.


Is this the Warhammer team that had unkillable runepriest/zealots, or the one with archmage/shamans that could wreck shop and heal?


no no you must be talking about the Warhammer team that made DoK's and WPs.. yes they clearly hated healers in that game...

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I feel your pain. However, as a healer I often stumble over players who do NOTHING to protect me. One thing you have to know is that as soon as you "get aggro" from the opposite team, you'll spend the rest of that WZ being gang-*****. UNLESS you get some help from your friends.


^ This. Tanks on my server are good at throwing taunts and leaping to me, but most dps classes dont think to help us. I do notice that a lot of healers on my server aren't full time healers though.

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I feel your pain. However, as a healer I often stumble over players who do NOTHING to protect me. One thing you have to know is that as soon as you "get aggro" from the opposite team, you'll spend the rest of that WZ being gang-*****. UNLESS you get some help from your friends.


Sometimes it not confined to one class or role, but instead to one type of people. So don't give us healers a bad name :)


I don't mind being destroyed by 5 dps if my team is actively trying to, say, score a point in Huttball and those 5 dps are on me instead of them. But yeah, understandable.

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Am I going to be the only one to ask why you didn't pass it away to either the inept healer or someone else? Also consider that sniper your inept healing buddies worst nightmare, if he doesn't go deal with him maybe you'd both be dead?


Snarky aside, I'm a pvp healer and the lack of medals is discouraging. Maybe if the commendation points for all a teams medals total was evenly distributed to the whole team it would be better? But then again, mmo fans are not big into communism.

Edited by kalexkhan
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Am I going to be the only one to ask why you didn't pass it away to either the inept healer or someone else? Also consider that sniper your inept healing buddies worst nightmare, if he doesn't go deal with him maybe you'd both be dead?


Snarky aside, I'm a pvp healer and the lack of medals is discouraging. Maybe if the commendation points for all a teams medals total was evenly distributed to the whole team it would be better? But then again, mmo fans are not big into communism.


That was an example.

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Winning a warzone is not worth doing. You get more from getting as much medals as you can.

50 WZ commandation for each medal. Get your medals then try winning. Anything ells is stupid.


...... i dont agree with this idea but that is the way it works. With a win of hutball with 4 medals in Hutball you get less then one who lost and got 8-10 medals.

It is simply stupid. You dont even get anything for scoring a goal even.


Umm, are you sure about this? I've played plenty of WZs and have never gotten 500 WZ commendations for getting 10 medals...

Edited by ThaLunatik
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I lol'd.


Commandos/Bounty Hunters have FAR better survivability.


Sage/Sorcs better healing? If both are left alone, yeah, Sage > Commando. But Sages cannot deal with pressure as well as COmmandos can.


Do we? Because I have a lvl50 merc and I'm simply not using him anymore. As a healer I can't burst-heal, which is the most important part of healing in pvp. If someone keeps a pressure on me, I can't outheal because of heat mechanic and if I do, I end up being overheated and can't do anything but default attacks.


On my sorc alt, however, I can burst heal and still lay out some hurt no problem. Worst case scenario-I can always run away, good luck trying to do that with the merc.


And if you're going to be healer just to be useful to the team, than sorc/sage is most definitely a way to go. He spams shield bubbles every 4.5sec, he heals non-stop, he has good aoe healing, he force-pulls friendlies, he has in combat resurrect, unlike merc and a ton more of CC.


So yeah, you wanna be a teamplayer, you go sorc/sage. If it's just soloing you want, than yeah-merc hybrid is very good. Than again, sorc/sage is still better.

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You do know all sages aren't healers correct? I also find a disturbing trend of people relying on a healer in situations they could have healed/med-packed themselves your survivability is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.


Maybe so... but if it's a merc with a combat support cylinder i have a pretty good idea on what he's doing there.

Edited by Anatlos
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