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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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"With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server"


Depending on how such a thing is implemented this could mean anything.


Example: 8 republic get out of a warzone. The first 5 immediately get into a new warzone with 3 other people in the queue. 3 people are still queued. Before, if you were to wait ~5 minutes there would be other people who got out of other in-progress warzones and the 3 would pop into another warzone with 5 others.


Now....do those 3 get shunted into the world pool immediately? That would suck, because that server clearly has a healthy population that can satisfy numerous parallel warzones and doesn't need cross server.

Edited by EternalFinality
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The change is because of common sense. Not having cross server war zones is just bad game design.


Let me quote this once more:


This is taken from a Q&A a couple of months before the game was launched:


Q: Are waiting queues cross-server and, if so, also cross-language?


A: No. We believe that fostering rivalries and memorable encounters with recognizable players are important in building a good PvP community on a server. We suspect cross-server queuing compromises these key tenets. Additionally, systems like bolster and same faction vs same faction Warzones (like Hutball) help matches pop frequently and regularly.



No cross-server queuing was a deliberate game design made by Bioware that a lot of players approved of. Thus the outrage on the forums right now; we don't want to see it changed.

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"With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server"






Didn't WoW supposedly get same server preference for the RDF in Cataclysm? It never seemed to make much difference that I could see. Pardon me if I'm wary. It's just that blind faith in companies like Blizzard and BW hasn't worked out so well for me in the past.


Considering that all the random queues implemented in WoW were severely detrimental to server cohesion, I'm going to hang on to my anti-cross-server stance. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Best not to let it out at all.

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On the contrary, pvp will be worse for it. Accountability will have no impact whatsoever. Join a random BG in World of Warcraft and tell me that that is good pvp.





According to this post you've clearly proven that you're fluent in the English language, so how is it that you have not managed to understand any of the concerns? I could write you a wall of text, but what would be the point? I would just be repeating what so many people have already said. And what has been said is beyond just "bad".


What I wrote in my previous post is simply an effect of why no cross-server services is such a good thing. In wow, I never had anyone whispering me after a battleground. I never whispered anyone after a battleground and I sure as hell didn't team up with anyone lest they were in my guild. Compare that with my previous post and tell me to be optimistic about cross-server queues. Does that help you understand my frustration (if nothing else)? It's subjective. And I'm going to keep supporting these threads in hopes that Bioware will change their mind.


If you do not take these threads seriously, then why even bother to post?


In your previous post you stated you did not get whispered nor did you whisper people from your war zones. So, how is that different then what you just criticized about wow?


Here, these are your words;


"I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones, nor do I pretend to have whispered other people who I've enjoyed playing with. I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones."


Now, attacks on my intellect notwithstanding, explain to me how swtor current pvp system imposes accountability on players. Do we choose not to play with those players that aft through the game? No. Do we remove them from team? No. Do we prevent them from queueing again? No. There is no accountability in swtor pvp, so that argument is just more nonsense.

Edited by Mycrof
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There is no accountability in swtor pvp, so that argument is just more nonsense.


There is more social pressure to behave when you are grouped with a familiar set of people on a regular basis. It should be fairly easy for anyone to recognize this, I would think.


This hasn't been at the heart of my argument against cross-server queues, but it's not entirely without validity.


@fest: Read the thread. Oh, wait. That was supposed to be a rhetorical question, wasn't it? You're not really interested in hearing any opposing viewpoints, are you? My bad!

Edited by belialle
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you do realize reporting people does nothing right.

i snapped once at a guy, he told i would get banned blah blah.

nothing happened not even a warning.

i love carebears like you.

omg he looked at me funny reported, keep reporting.


If there's one thing Bioware did absolutely correct compared to WoW, is that they let you swear whenever you want. Instead of Blizzard's complete idiocy, they took the correct policy of "We have a profanity filter. Use it"

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I just remembered this right now, but the "server forums" are actually server group forums. The x-server battle groups will probably be made of the same servers in the server group forums, so x-server Q ing won't destroy the community at all.


You can still make forum posts to talk to other players and talk trash or compliment or just to say "gg".


As for accountability, BW is going to add some kind of deserter debuff in the future so it will reduce the amount of ******s leaving games. As for straight up terribad players, you can simply make a post on the server group forums and start a black list or something.

Edited by Smashbrother
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I just remembered this right now, but the "server forums" are actually server group forums. The x-server battle groups will probably be made of the same servers in the server group forums, so x-server Q ing won't destroy the community at all.


You can still make forum posts to talk to other players and talk trash or compliment or just to say "gg".


As for accountability, BW is going to add some kind of deserter debuff in the future so it will reduce the amount of ******s leaving games. As for straight up terribad players, you can simply make a post on the server group forums and start a black list or something.


I doubt they'll do groups alphabetically... In all likelihood it will be based on server populations.

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I just remembered this right now, but the "server forums" are actually server group forums. The x-server battle groups will probably be made of the same servers in the server group forums, so x-server Q ing won't destroy the community at all.


You can still make forum posts to talk to other players and talk trash or compliment or just to say "gg".


As for accountability, BW is going to add some kind of deserter debuff in the future so it will reduce the amount of ******s leaving games. As for straight up terribad players, you can simply make a post on the server group forums and start a black list or something.


The server group forums are alphabetical. It has nothing to do with warzone queues.

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If they roll out cross server it will probably end PVP and the game for me. My server has a great pvp group. Ques pop every few minutes. My server does not need cross server qing.


Bad ideas are still bad. Sad excuse to not roll servers into eachother.

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In your previous post you stated you did not get whispered nor did you whisper people from your war zones. So, how is that different then what you just criticized about wow?


Perhaps I was wrong about you being fluent in the English language.


"I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones" = People have whispered me after warzones.


"nor do I pretend to have whispered other players who I have enjoyed playing with" = I have whispered other players who I have enjoyed playing with.


"I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones" = The majority of people on my friendlist consists of people that I have met in warzones.




Now, attacks on my intellect notwithstanding, explain to me how swtor current pvp system imposes accountability on players. Do we choose not to play with those players that aft through the game? No. Do we remove them from team? No. Do we prevent them from queueing again? No. There is no accountability in swtor pvp, so that argument is just more nonsense.


Except there is.


Let's look at how accountability matters from a different perspective;


The awareness of knowing that the people you group up with will recognize you from how YOU behave and perform in a Warzone is enough to at least keep some of the usually loud players quiet. I do see jerks in SWTOR pvp, true, but not in every single game. In WoW, however, there was always someone complaining about how terrible everyone else is and yadda-yadda-yadda bla bla bla.


We cannot choose not to team up with the jerks, no. But the system itself keeps the jerks to a minimum. And the system also punishes the jerks on their own server. If I meet someone who is rude and offends other players in a warzone game, chances are I'm not going to help him or talk to him when I encounter him.


Basically this:

There is more social pressure to behave when you are grouped with a familiar set of people on a regular basis. It should be fairly easy for anyone to recognize this, I would think.
Edited by Majspuffen
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I don't know about you guys, but solo pvping at lvl 50 is how I made most of my in-game friends. After seeing the same faces in pvp over and over again you start to chum up with people. Next thing you know we are trading MVP metals, running flash points together, queing war zones together. Once x-server warzones are added any kind of server community will dissolve especially the pvp community.


Yes I realize you can set a preference to only play with those on the same server but: 'but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup'


So BW wants you to play with others from your server if you are a premade but if you still haven't made some friends on your server you have to x-server que where you will continue to not make any friends. What is everyone's thoughts on this? I remember when they added this feature to WoW and it was great that the que times dropped so much but suddenly I didn't know anyone I was playing with. And in less than a month I think the community was completely dead so I'm really not looking forward to this addition.


I haven't seen them say whether all servers would be mixed or whether they would group the servers so they each reach a certain population.


If my server cross queues with 3 others in a group of 4 servers then it would expand the community which I fight with / against, not destroy it.

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As you may have noticed, we have removed a significant number of posts from this thread, and we would like to remind everyone of the rules of conduct in the forums.


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The server group forums are alphabetical. It has nothing to do with warzone queues.


They can change it in the future to correspond to the battlegroups. Even if they don't, that doesn't prevent anyone from making forum posts to start rivalries with other players on other servers. Or to say how awesome so and so match was or w/e else you want to say.


People claim x-server Qs destroy communities, but in fact they enlarge said community by allowing players to fight against more worthy opponents (due to inc in player pool). If you're too lazy to put in effort to make rivalries or communicate with players on other servers, that's your own fault.

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Hello everyone.


As you may have noticed, we have removed a significant number of posts from this thread, and we would like to remind everyone of the rules of conduct in the forums.


  • No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
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That being said, we ask that you please keep your posts civil, on topic and respectful otherwise we will have to close this thread.


Thank you.


Hey, it's the middle of the night! Shouldn't you be in bed?

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They can change it in the future to correspond to the battlegroups. Even if they don't, that doesn't prevent anyone from making forum posts to start rivalries with other players on other servers. Or to say how awesome so and so match was or w/e else you want to say.


People claim x-server Qs destroy communities, but in fact they enlarge said community by allowing players to fight against more worthy opponents (due to inc in player pool). If you're too lazy to put in effort to make rivalries or communicate with players on other servers, that's your own fault.


That would be a terrible idea, as if they did introduce cross server groups, they should be balanced with a high pop server, a medium pop server, and numerous low ones per group.

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if they do it whit 3-4 servers it might work, but if they do it whit more than that it will make holy comunity part destroyed.


you wont know anyone you play whit, people start acting like total idiots, flaming and all sorts of crap will begin.


getting exploiters, hackers and bots banned will be even harder cause most people wont report cause they literaly cant rember who and what server the person was from.

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If you're too lazy to put in effort to make rivalries or communicate with players on other servers, that's your own fault.


Option for communicating with people on other server:


Stand still in a WZ to type out responses.

Create a character on their server to stalk them.

Create a post in a forum of multiple servers and hope that people on that server(Specifically the person in question) even use those forums.



YES, let's all go through hoops, and make excessive use of luck to create a community that Bioware has decided to tear down. BRILLIANT!

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Option for communicating with people on other server:


Stand still in a WZ to type out responses.

Create a character on their server to stalk them.

Create a post in a forum of multiple servers and hope that people on that server(Specifically the person in question) even use those forums.



YES, let's all go through hoops, and make excessive use of luck to create a community that Bioware has decided to tear down. BRILLIANT!





The problem lies within the lower populated servers. On high population (maybe even medium?) there isn't a problem, so why should we be punished by an actually unrelated issue? This is not two birds with one stone. This is one bird and one... foot, with one bullet.


Don't shoot yourselves in the foot, Bioware! Without your feet you'll just become all talk, like some other big company that starts with B...

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