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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is wrong with people?


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Today i was in Civil War and tried to come up with a plan. After no one listened they capped 2 bases and held them the entire game. when i attempted to get people to coordinate, i was told "stop worrying about what other people do and go get kills" do people not realize this is a TEAM game and coordination/communication is the key to winning? Why does everyone refuse to follow a plan and just want to farm medals? Sorry for the rant just got really annoying at losing yet another game because of incompetent players.
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Today i was in Civil War and tried to come up with a plan. After no one listened they capped 2 bases and held them the entire game. when i attempted to get people to coordinate, i was told "stop worrying about what other people do and go get kills" do people not realize this is a TEAM game and coordination/communication is the key to winning? Why does everyone refuse to follow a plan and just want to farm medals? Sorry for the rant just got really annoying at losing yet another game because of incompetent players.


Yeah, it's partially the player base but a majority of the blame falls on Bioware.


The medal system rewards kills and damage FAR more than it does guarding a node. The players want their comms and valor and you simply just get more for farming kills than you do standing at a node guarding.


I don't agree with it but thanks to BW that's what we are stuck with.

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Welcome to WoW clone #236..


Just give up already, I did! this game is not made for pvprs its made for carrot on stick kiddies who only care about the shiny. Take it for what it is, just some instant gratification crappy zerg fest to do between my EVE Alliance ops!



Its not that the game is broken or the Devs not having a clue.. Its the players!

Bioware knew who their market was and went for them. The only thing you can fault Bioware for is not having proper safeguards in place to avoid poor gaming habits or poor ideals.

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You dont step into leadership, and everyone follows you. You have to earn people respect.. and thats very hard in a video game. Basically after I play beside you and you are instrumental in creating wins.. I will be like HEY! ITS YOU LETS WIN! Then you would say HEY GUYS LEGS GO WIN OVER HERE! and we would be all like YEAH!



Thats how it werks..

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Winning with 3 medals: 99 commendations, 1320 valor

Losing with 7 medals: 56 commendations, 830 valor


Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?


Def not the case in every attempt I have made.


I play with a friend who only cares about kills and damage, he usually grabs about 9 medals a game and when we lose has just as much valor as when we win.

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Play with random ppl is a nightmare, honestly....

Nowone listen, or want to do what seems like an good idea, so sick and trired of it.

Yes i can go premade, but find decent players to play with is hard, all the good ones have left the game already, only random ppl with no brains left, and with "fancy champ" title that they think makes them skilled.

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Play with random ppl is a nightmare, honestly....

Nowone listen, or want to do what seems like an good idea, so sick and trired of it.

Yes i can go premade, but find decent players to play with is hard, all the good ones have left the game already, only random ppl with no brains left, and with "fancy champ" title that they think makes them skilled.



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Today i was in Civil War and tried to come up with a plan. After no one listened they capped 2 bases and held them the entire game. when i attempted to get people to coordinate, i was told "stop worrying about what other people do and go get kills" do people not realize this is a TEAM game and coordination/communication is the key to winning? Why does everyone refuse to follow a plan and just want to farm medals? Sorry for the rant just got really annoying at losing yet another game because of incompetent players.


This game has some of the DUMBEST people I've seen in any MMO to date. I am being completely honest and as objective about it as I can be. In other MMOs, you occasionally run into a complete cretin. It happens. But for the most part, people show at least some signs of rudimentary intelligence. But here? I've seen sheep that could outwit them. I've worn dresses with higher IQ...err...ignore that.


I don't know where these people came from. I hope these are new people though, because if it's the old players who have grown dumber, the possible repercussions for the future of gaming are dire indeed.

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You dont step into leadership, and everyone follows you. You have to earn people respect.. and thats very hard in a video game. Basically after I play beside you and you are instrumental in creating wins.. I will be like HEY! ITS YOU LETS WIN! Then you would say HEY GUYS LEGS GO WIN OVER HERE! and we would be all like YEAH!



Thats how it werks..


I pretty much was complimented by a fellow trooper in this way.

As a vanguard I was top dps and also had quite a bit of protection points, had like 8+ medals.

Not sure if we won but regardless its nice. Not sure how it will be when I hit 50, I've had sub par results with my lvl 50 Jedi Guardian despite having 2 champ slots filled.

I'm guessing it's the whole ranged tanking stuff. If I want to lower the dps of a crowd I pretty much have to throw myself into the lions den ending up dead very shortly afterwards.

Doing the aoe taunt safely only works if theres a big fight going at like mid in civil war or something. But since I have to stay in melee range and everything is so hectic its a pain in the ***, whereas with my trooper some of the abilities like Full Auto just auto faces and so on. Granted with my trooper I do play defense(nifty charge) and with my guardian vigilance but still.

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This game has some of the DUMBEST people I've seen in any MMO to date. I am being completely honest and as objective about it as I can be. In other MMOs, you occasionally run into a complete cretin. It happens. But for the most part, people show at least some signs of rudimentary intelligence. But here? I've seen sheep that could outwit them. I've worn dresses with higher IQ...err...ignore that.


I don't know where these people came from. I hope these are new people though, because if it's the old players who have grown dumber, the possible repercussions for the future of gaming are dire indeed.


It's usually the same old players that are stubborn, short sighted and very driven upon themselves, even though when playing in a team game playing as a team reaps the most rewards. The ones that still have the patience, albeit maybe not as skilled(or maybe they are) have become tired, grown cyncial or whatnot. I know I have.

They perhaps do very very well in pve situations and are top among their peers, but when they pvp their manners and common sense just goes straight out of the window.

It's like how normal people once they get in a car, go on the road and start moaning and road raging about every other driver that passes by. You should keep an eye of your relatives and friends when driving. They might be the kindest soul alive but when they drive ooboy.

Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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This game has some of the DUMBEST people I've seen in any MMO to date. I am being completely honest and as objective about it as I can be. In other MMOs, you occasionally run into a complete cretin. It happens. But for the most part, people show at least some signs of rudimentary intelligence. But here? I've seen sheep that could outwit them. I've worn dresses with higher IQ...err...ignore that.


I don't know where these people came from. I hope these are new people though, because if it's the old players who have grown dumber, the possible repercussions for the future of gaming are dire indeed.


Well you know what they say. "Buzzards on a carcass" "flies on sh#t"..

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Just give up already, I did! this game is not made for pvprs its made for carrot on stick kiddies who only care about the shiny. Take it for what it is, just some instant gratification crappy zerg fest to do between my EVE Alliance ops!



Its not that the game is broken or the Devs not having a clue.. Its the players!

Bioware knew who their market was and went for them. The only thing you can fault Bioware for is not having proper safeguards in place to avoid poor gaming habits or poor ideals.


This guy knows what he is talking about .

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Pro-tip: What team?


Yeah, forget everyone on your side exists because its easier. Several reasons


1. We don't speak Basic. Thats right, some people speak other languages


2. Most people don't bother to lead, so don't expect people to follow you.


3. RANDOM is R A N D O M! You can't pick and choose outside a group when you que and a group is maxed at 4 people...so 50% is on their own.


4. Some people are know at all A-holes with attitude that try to take charge, some people are cranky A-holes that refuse to take direction.


5. Don't bother. Its just easier.

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