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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why X-SERVER anything is a BAD IDEA


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Current boxed warzones are already anonymous. World PvP is absent because of the way the planets are designed.


Not really. I've made a lot of in-game friends in the "boxed warzones". I would expect to rarely see them again, other than in premades, when the game does the usual "we are going x-server for the good of the game" crap. And, in my opinion, it is crap of the rankest sort.


[edit] ^^ And I don't. I'm curious why people believe that what they want outweighs other peoples' desires to the point that they become abusive.

Edited by astrocanis
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  • X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.
This already occurs. Not sure what game you are playing, but pretty much everyone queuing without cross-server warzones is doing so from a central location standing by the pvp bounty terminal and pvp reward vendors.

Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.
Again, already occuring...

X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.
90% of this is already ocurring (again)... the other 10% is a stretch. Power leveling will be done with or without queues, and how in the heck does this lead to "real money trading". regardless of the methods of leveling or gearing a character, these services will ALWAYS be sold online to willing purchasers...

X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.


You already covered this up there somewhere pretty much. Rewording it to make it appear as though you have yet another bullet on your list doesn't strengthen the argument.


If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


I do agree with this in a way...except that I am not sure that we have "low population" servers... they all seem to be populated somewhat similarly, with a few exceptions where multiple large guilds and communities decided to go.

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Cross Server + Rated WZ = Fun. There is a limited amount of 'good/great' players per each server, just due to the random nature of players picking a server. At the moment, I'm near the skill cap of my server, and so I'm left with very little challenge. There are some servers that have larger PVP guilds and so forth, that I've been told would be the place to be, but that would mean I have to leave behind my community and my character to be able to seek them out.


By the time I hit cap level and obtain gear, that group may have already dissolved, or my desire to play the game may have been dramatically reduced. However, with a X-Server battle system, I'm able to maintain my current friendships and seek out the best challenges possible in PVP since we'll have a rated structure. No remember, rated WZs are going to be happening in 1.2 and without X-Server, it's going to be -very- boring once you reach the top.

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