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Q&A Talks Cross-Server PvP


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I agree with OP %100. Cross-server PvP also leads to the crap talking trolls. I haven't seen ANY of this in SWTOR. I believe the crap talkers think they can say what ever they want because the odds of seeing these players again will be sparse. Worst part of the people who insult their team-mates is they're usually the worst players either statistically or objectively.
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Cross server ranked warzones is the only way to ever get remotley even games. The "pro"pubstomper premades get to face others of the same instead of crappy noobs.


Nothing wrong with cross-server ranked warzones, as I assume you still have to field a full team from your own server.


The OP's points regarding non-ranked cross-server warzones, however, are completely valid.


To add to this, I love zoning into a warzone and seeing a bunch of familiar names. It would be a real shame to lose this.


Now, to be fair, Gabe did say that "With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server", so it will really depend on how well this works.

Edited by Illidor
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Rofl yeah good thing we have a solid community. Cross server queues would only bring us things like kill trading for easy valor, bots farming chests for credits, and countless war zone exploits. :rolleyes:


Cross server queues will do far more good then bad especially for those of us the don't play during peak hours. We might actually get to PvP now.


Spot on, guy. I think everyone against x-servers and a LFD tool are just trolling for reactions. Nobody with a straight face can say they destroy communities.

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Keep the pug queue in current server. I agree with the OP it definatly helps you meet people on your own server, also helps build reputation.


However,if 8v8 rated are implemented, that NEEDS cross server to have enough competition. Put the ladder listing of guilds on the website.

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Cross server ranked warzones is the only way to ever get remotley even games. The "pro"pubstomper premades get to face others of the same instead of crappy noobs.


well most pre-mades aren't that great anyways, i have rolfstomped pre-mades with pubs. humilation complete. its when you have lv10s who haven't even got there AC vs 40+premades. but i am glad they'll just face themselves.

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It's not going to ruin the pvp to have faster queues and a larger variety of players to play with and against. Sorry, it just won't. There is no mythical, tight-knit pvp server community. That's all about guilds and friend lists. Use those, leave the rest of us to enjoy a better pvp experience.


This, all the way. Community, *snort*. 'Oh hey, there's that Empire guy again. Boy when we get back to fleet I'm going to rip him a new one for once again steamrolling my PUG with his premade that I've fought fifteen times today. Gosh, I love this community!,'. Guys, let's drop the whole community thing because every last one of us knows that beyond guilds and friend lists, community hasn't existed in an MMO since '97-'98.

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I don't know what your server is like, but I can tell you that the server I play on has an awesome community in the game. A lot of us know each other and love getting together and playing. We also know a lot of the republic and on both sides we will log over and shoot the breeze with some of the players that we have begun to respect.
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We may not need X-server as much as people think if they would fix World PVP a bit so that Warzones weren't the only way...please take a look at this thread:




I think it would help keep pvp alive and help negate the need for Cross Server anything.


What they SHOULD do instead is allow people to transfer servers up to 3 times for free, and make the Imperial/Republic level 50 populations visible from the server selection screen. This would solve the majority of the population issues we see.

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I don't know what your server is like, but I can tell you that the server I play on has an awesome community in the game. A lot of us know each other and love getting together and playing. We also know a lot of the republic and on both sides we will log over and shoot the breeze with some of the players that we have begun to respect.


And I agree COMPLETELY here. My server has a very robust PVP community and it's really excellent to have arch-nemesis and rivalry with people you see every day.

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Best news I heard. I rather have fast queues since we are paying to play not to have a community. Hopefuly is implemented asap.

To all the community thingie, please just make your groups, or guilds and channels with community, nobody is stopping you, and lets us play without sitting for 2 hours for a warzone, with early shutdown.

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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

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I got forced into a low pop pve server by my rl moron friends. A powertech on Firaxan Shark, im lucky to find a match that doesnt get cancelled due to lack of players.


I did roll and level a guardian on Ven Zallow. Maybe its time to head back there....but i love my powertech. So im all for x server pvp. But id much rather have meaningful world pvp.

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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!


For someone that is telling others to not be short sighted you are being extremely short sighted your self. The game is young, there aren't a ton of 50's yet. You may have queue problems atm on your server due to not having enough people at 50, but that isn't going to last forever. More people will be hitting 50 and the queues will shorten. If its a pop unbalance that is causing the long queues then there are many other ways to balance that out, such as offer faction transfers or offer leveling benefits to the under populated side.


While you may be having some queuing problems now, those will go away over time. However the community that is being built on many servers is finally becoming strong. Cross-server pvp will slowly kill that the way it has for many other games. Not everyone plays the game, just to play the game. Many people play MMOs because they enjoy playing with people they know.


Lastly you are right. I don't want to pvp with the whole pvp community. I will enjoy watching the videos they make and talking to some of them on the forums, but in the game I want a tight knit community, not a ton of random people from a bunch of random servers. FYI I am a solo quer 90% of the time, so no this is not just coming from some elitest ***** that likes to rick roll little kids like you seem to think everyone is that is against cross-server pvp.

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