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Bioware, you DO listen!


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Yeah Bio says alot of things. Like WZ credit is fixed.


Lets see how long it takes and if it works.




I ask too much, I know


Must be an influx of new players that arent wise to Bio's propaganda machine yet.


Mr Goerings was only slightly better

Edited by GothicSaint
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That doesn't take away it should've been in the game from the start. But hey, heaven forbid there might be elements in the game that are enjoyable.


You make it sound like it's a dealbreaker. Start understanding.


you're the one that was calling the developers incompetent.


But to be clear here you think Bioware is incompetent, the game launched with out key features, but you don't think it's a deal breaker just that Bioware isn't listening they are just incompetent.

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People troll and troll about how BioWare and LucasArts cares nothing about this game, but They are trying, they had to release the game a little early to make it in time for holiday season, *cough* Kotor 2,*cough*. So they didn't get in the extra perks they wanted to, but it's coming.... Sad thing is I dunno what Dual Spec is...
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When did they say that?


It's not in the patch notes that's for sure. I'm not sure if a DEV or someone said that it would be fixed but it's defiantly not in the patch notes. But this is kinda funny...


R1-V5 on 1/24/2012:


Greetings Bobberson,


This is an issue that we are aware of and are currently investigating.


Thank you for the report and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.


And the most recent on 2/09/2012:


Greetings folks,


Firstly, I understand the frustration this is causing you. This is an issue that our development team is aware of and are actively investigating. As soon as we have this issue resolved, we will update you. The best place to check for this information is The Dev Tracker.


Thank you for the report and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

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Anyone who complains about how the game should be is a total ignorant fool its said really really sad. I also see a lot of people complain about stuff like planets, mini games and end game content and you say Bioware isnt listening and well if you actually took some time to look around and see all the stuff biowares already announced and said theyre working on youll see a lot of stuff is already on its way you just werent taking any time to listen to Bioware. Some of you complain about useless **** and act like your right and think you can do a better job at theyre jobs which arent as easy and simple as some of you make it out to be its embarrassing.
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My question is this: will we be seeing player and guild housing other than ships? He just addressed the guild ships but I'd love insight on actual player housing and cities.


You won't see guild cities or ships in the fashion that SWG had them. The worlds aren't just barren landscapes that would support that type of mechanic.

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Pandering to the community. Smells of desperation. Though, some of those changes, SOME, are good.


Ahhh the hate machine Bioware actually gives them many of the things they have been whining for and it's pandering to the community and smells of desperation.


Just goes to show you 90% of the whines are nothing more than mock outrage these people could care less about game issues they just want to see TOR fail at all cost.

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This game's biggest problem is the Hero Engine, if they can find a way around it's limitations, this game will be extremely successful, if not, well, GG Bioware.


Excuse me have you ever coded with the Hero engine and if so on what project?


I have used the engine extensively; anyone who bashes it has no clue to it's capabilities.

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Ahhh the hate machine Bioware actually gives them many of the things they have been whining for and it's pandering to the community and smells of desperation.


Just goes to show you 90% of the whines are nothing more than mock outrage these people could care less about game issues they just want to see TOR fail at all cost.


I'm fairly outspoken about the flaws of the game and the frustrations they cause. I'm by no means wishing the game to fail nor am I against most of the changes that they're implementing. I for one am glad they're not allowing AC changes(I don't know why they would...).

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Excuse me have you ever coded with the Hero engine and if so on what project?


I have used the engine extensively; anyone who bashes it has no clue to it's capabilities.


My biggest issue is the overall GCD. Some of the time it just feels like my character is doing nothing.

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You got me..complaining just for the sake of it...


I'm glad to see you're happy to be stepped all over. No wonder the genre keeps falling deeper into the gutter.


the only person being stepped all over is you.


You say you are not happy with the game yet you pay them $15 a month.


I am enjoying the game and feel its worth my $15.

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so why are you complaining?


That's like knowingly buying a car with out AC and then complaining it doesn't come with AC


oh and I'm not a professor yet. I'm only working on my masters in Physics.


When was the last time you or anyone you know bought a car with no ac, or better yet when a car was produced without one.

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Excuse me have you ever coded with the Hero engine and if so on what project?


I have used the engine extensively; anyone who bashes it has no clue to it's capabilities.


Sad, people blame everything on the engine.


I personally have not yet used it, I have been using UT3 and now trying Cryengine 3.


Looking at the features they have, its just amazing.

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