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Bioware, you DO listen!


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Officially a paid beta.


There's no excuse for not launching with all of those features, especially for having used a pre-existing engine.


Opinion. None of those features are needed but things they are adding for QoL.


Lets also not forget that while the engine was pre-existing...it was barely pre-existing. They basically built it from the ground up.


You expect too much from a fresh released MMO.

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Pandering to the community. Smells of desperation. Though, some of those changes, SOME, are good.


I'm not sure I understand the attitude - can you elaborate, please?


I mean, I'm sure I understand that, say.. adding instant travel everywhere would be pandering. AC switching would be pandering.


Making orange gear viable at level 50 is.. not pandering, though. It's an improvement to a highly enjoyed game system that is highly desired by the crowd. Scalable UI isn't pandering, it's a.. improvement to a game system.


So, like.. where's the line between just plain improving the game by listening to customer feedback, and pandering?

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You expect too much from a fresh released MMO.
It's years old, with plenty of precedent within the genre for proven features.


now maybe people will stop qqing about these issues.
QQ stops when it's patched in and demonstrated to be working.


Until then you've got a developer statement, and that's it. There's no guarantee they deliver, or deliver in a way you expect.

Edited by Ansultares
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Options! Holy crap options! Bioware that's been one of my biggest complaints about you. Making the choice for the players... Keep giving us options, let us find something that works for us individually instead of implementing one system and saying that's good for everyone.



So, speaking of options... hi-res graphics please. I don't care if 90% of the population can't handle it, they don't have to pick the OPTION.


So, realID.. I notice your namesake system in that other MMO still doesn't have an 'invisible' option. And about ... what, three years or so? after the initial 'real name' furor, they've mentioned a nebulous future option to use .. gasp, your not-real-name. They'll all be having fun for the next nine months of killing Deathwing till MoP comes out!


We won't even mention the 5+ years it took them to get the hint about appearance customization. Meanwhile, here in SWTOR-land, three months in and we're getting blazingly fast feature development. Hehehe.

***? Why are you even mentioning another game? His post had nothing to do with WoW. Get off your WoW hate soapbox and talk about TOR.

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and those games add them AFTER launch.

Somehow, Trion managed to implement both multi-spec and customizable UI at launch. Seems like BW forgot to look at the current market to see what features are expected from a MMO released in 2011.

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It's years old, with plenty of precedent within the genre for proven features.


QQ stops when it's patched in and demonstrated to be working.


Until then you've got a developer statement, and that's it. There's no guarantee they deliver, or deliver in a way you expect.


What Proven Features?


The game works just fine for me in the condition that its in...are there things that I would like added? Sure...Does it kill the game for me? No.


Do I think this game is better than WoW and currently has a lot more ways to go than WoW at this point? You bet I do.


The game releases and now they're adding features. It doesn't matter what features they had at launch, you would have found something to complain about.


The name of MMO is launch now, add later. its that way for every MMO. No MMO is going to launch with a fully fleshed out set of features. If they take the time to develop that one feature before launch that could take a lot of resources to pull offf (see cross faction stuff as an example of a big time sink for devs) then they fall that much farther behind the curve. The game would stay in development forever trying to catch up with games that are out now.


MMOs don't work that way...Thank God. we have a good game now and BW is working hard to make it a great game. Like I said, it doesn't mean that I am completely happy with everything, but I do know that development takes time and they had priorities to maintain. With ToR, it was the leveling experience and man did it pay off. I love the leveling in this game and don't get tired of it on different play throughs because each character is different and even if you have two of the same class, you answer things differently and get different responses and sometimes different goals. Its pretty great.

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every single MMO is a paid beta by your standards.


I have a pretty high tolerance for bugs and some performance issues.


But why would I get excited over a short-list of the last half-decade's worth of MMO innovation finally being put into a game slightly older than the list?

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I think he may have been reacting to the username realID which was a WOW thing

Real ID is a Blizzard system introduced for Starcraft 2. Even if his name is some sort of homage to Blizzard, it is not unique to WoW. Don't be surprised if EA does the same thing with our user accounts.

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Somehow, Trion managed to implement both multi-spec and customizable UI at launch. Seems like BW forgot to look at the current market to see what features are expected from a MMO released in 2011.


Two things that aren't really gamebreaking. Trion also has a game that's just as linear as this game but doesn't nearly have the Immersion factor of the engaging story and characters.

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I have a pretty high tolerance for bugs and some performance issues.


But why would I get excited over a short-list of the last half-decade's worth of MMO innovation finally being put into a game slightly older than the list?


if you still feel it's a beta then WHY ARE YOU PAYING FOR A BETA?

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Two things that aren't really gamebreaking. Trion also has a game that's just as linear as this game but doesn't nearly have the Immersion factor of the engaging story and characters.

Those features are not game breaking in the respect that they do not make the game fail to run. However, they are definitely quality of life issues that keep people subscribing to the game. More subs means more money to implement new features. Implementing good quality of life features is critical to the long term sustainability of TOR.

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if you still feel it's a beta then WHY ARE YOU PAYING FOR A BETA?


Because people like to complain about things and they don't understand the way MMOs are developed. They also don't understand where BW's priorities were in this game (and if you did any bit of research, you would have known pre-launch priorities were leveling and now that the game has launched, endgame is the priority...They did a very good job here. They made leveling feel like it matters to me. They made the game start at lvl 1.)

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Somehow, Trion managed to implement both multi-spec and customizable UI at launch. Seems like BW forgot to look at the current market to see what features are expected from a MMO released in 2011.


design decisions. The launched a game that had enough features to get people toons from 1 to 50 and to do it with some good options mixed in. A MMO launch should be about getting the content out and playable. Qol stuff that are not game breaking should be implemented threw out the life of the game. I would rather the team spend time on content and game mechanics during development than worrie about things that are only need after game is launched with a healthy community. UI scaling could be debated that it should have been in game at launch but full blow customization is a QoL item that can wait.

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What is see is more flashpoint, flashpoint, operation, flashpoint, warzone, flashpoint... Looks like they don't have a clue of what will keep people in. They dodged the question (that they selected) about the housing. They even think of Ilum as a success. Completely disconnected from reality. How long will it take them to get to 2012? No hope. Edited by Dreossk
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Those features are not game breaking in the respect that they do not make the game fail to run. However, they are definitely quality of life issues that keep people subscribing to the game. More subs means more money to implement new features. Implementing good quality of life features is critical to the long term sustainability of TOR.


and with every feature left out that keeps people from Subbing, there are features left out that keeps people here...Things like Lack of Cross-server Flashpoints, no Flying Mounts, No Arena.

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now maybe people will stop qqing about these issues.


I think there are some confusions about what people ***** about on these forums. Alot of stuff is repetitive, much of it is QQ.


But a good moajority have solid concerns and take time to form their arguments to be comprehensive. Just every time their works gets flamed tho, some people really put some thought into what they post. Especially when trying to exrpess their concerns with the game.


I don't think anyone thought that SWTOR wouold not eventually begin to implement some of the basic things we've been asking for. It was never about IF they would ever, it is what they are doing that made me unsub, the poor handeling of their customer service, and lackuster / questionable patching techniques.


Their patches have had issues in just about every deployment. There are bugs that simply should not of made it into live. Features that without question should of been in at launch. It's the fact that the basics are not really being met.


It's cool to come back and fix things, Thats exactly what the devs are supposed to do and those are the things they will need to continue to do to help their game grow. Just because people come on here and ***** or QQ about the game. Doesn't mean we don't have a real interest in seeing the game succeed.


TL;DR: This is a start on some of the issues they have in game. It's good to see somethings like UI, and Guild options starting to be implemented. But they don't get mega points for putting in **** that should've been there before..


They still have ALOT to do before their game is anywhere near acceptable for myself.

Edited by Opapanax
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