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So 1.2 will kill PvP?


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Where did I say that? Never said that everything else but the story is bad and they cant creat anything good but the PvE. I said that on the fact that Bioware them self stated that they focus much more on PvE than PvP. This they have been telling everyone since release.

And how is that twisting meanings? I just wrote what I (not you) see Bioware doing with the game. I did not stater that this is what Bioware actualy doing. You might want to check what a discussion is and that people are alowed to have theyre own thoughts.




They say they were surprised by the pvp response, you twisted that meaning into them saying they created pvp as a pass time and didn't put much effort into it. That's how you twisted the meaning.

I'm well aware of what a discussion is, I disagree with everything you've said and therefore I'm going to tell you why. Everyones entitled to their opinions but opinions can still be really stupid.

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Well this aint actualy whining. More of a look in to what Devs state about the future of the PvP.


And yes, despire all the problems I love Ilum and love warzones. So not sure why you said that I am mad about warzones?


Actually, you try to imply that you are only going to look at what they say, then you immediately assume the opposite of what they say. You are not looking at all at what the devs say. You are inserting your own negative comments/opinions regardless of the words stated by Bioware.

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You're whining like a kid.


What they are proposing is gonna help the game.


1. Giving another same faction WZ will give more variety. *** is your problem here kid?


Because it allows the more populous faction to gear itself and worsen the faction imbalance, kid.


2. Faction imbalance cannot be "fixed". Population movements will take time, and stupid propositions like "give extra valor to a side" is not an incentive. What if the populations get even? You take it away? Now people whine even more. It's not a longterm solution.


What they're doing is giving incentive through the legacy system. Wait and see, cause right now, you have no idea what it's gonna bring.


Based on everything else I've seen, it'll be underwhelming and shoddy.


3. Rated WZ's, they fixed the bags. Seriously, all I see is a whiny post of a raging kid.


Rated WZs that will favor the better geared faction on a server, which is Imp on probably 99% of them. Shocking.






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Sorry to say it but Faction Imbalance simply can't be helped on the Developers end at this point, except restricting factions at character creation.


Sorry, but I disagree with this.


Say a server has way too much Empire. I don't mind playing Republic, but I have no incentive to reroll right now.


If Bioware gives me +500% XP boost if I roll Republic, I totally would. It they gave me +500 Valor for each match, again I totally would. Population would rebalance itself overnight.


The incentive just has to be big enough. For example, I knew I could level from 1 to 50 JUST by doing my class quests with 20 hrs played? Why wouldn't I do it?! Of course I would. And if I knew that I could get a full set of gear within days, instead of weeks, because of the huge valor gains because I'm playing a lesser faction? Again, why wouldn't I do it?


Most importantly, as a new player, looking at the login screen, you'd have a choice. Make Republic and be 50 and fully geared with 2 days /played, OR roll Empire and still be in your 40s and ungeared with 3 days /played. Guess which most would pick? The path of least resistance!


It is TOTALLY in Bioware's hands. Right now a player is given ZERO reason to make an underdog. And TONS of reasons to go with the populated faction.

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As long as there is no incentive to join the underdog faction, and no disadvantage from joining the overpopulated one ( normally , longer PVP queues), people will continue to roll the overpopulated one. There is literally no reason not to roll Imperial ( on pretty much every server) right now. They have the same queues as Rep, thanks to Huttball, and because it's same faction, they gear themselves and further widen the gap. Top it off with Ilum and all the Imperial "Battlemasters" ( I have trouble believing any Imp BM I see got it legitimately) I see running around, someone just coming in to this game either has to really like Rep over Imp, or is a masochist.
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Faction imbalance can't be fixed. They can give +500% xp (and they won't because it'd destroy the story part), +500% valor or whatever, but the fact is that:

- Most players are barely aware (if at all) that the factions is imbalanced.

- Most players will not be interested by rerolling on a faction where they have no money, no friends, no guild.

- And more importantly, Imps will stay Imps because shooting lightning from your hands or using a jetpack to bombard your foes from above is way cooler than throwing pebbles or lauching some dumb mortar.

Huttball 2.0 isn't ideal but it's the best they can do. What they really need to stop, however, is Republic VS Empire Open PvP. This will never work, period. Guild VS Guild would make much more sense.


Besides, I believe their programmers have, serious, serious issues with the game. Just look at how many huge bugs / exploits there are and how slow they are to fix them. I don't think they even have the ability to make a decent, working open PvP at all.

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This thread is just ment to start a discussion, and all I write here is how I look at the things that Bioware has said. I do not try to change anything or whine about how PvP is or is gona be.


And then right after this you name the thread "So 1.2 will kill PvP?".


SUPER impartial.

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And then right after this you name the thread "So 1.2 will kill PvP?".


SUPER impartial.


Yeah, I noticed that to later. Was supposed to be a critical question... But it seemd not to work.


Anyway good reading, some trolls but at least some cunstructive discussion going. But yes, like some people said, we wont actualy know before they actualy implement the things thay said.


That said, I still thinkg its a bad thing to add another same faction warzone this quickly. It sure will help the Imps to gear up and lessen the que times, but will do 0 to faction balance.

Also I doubt the "Legacy System" is gona do much for faction balance. Just think, what can they possibly do to make Imps to roll Reps? Especialy once more and more people get battlemaster. They is just absolutly nothing they can add to the lagacy system to make you hit 50 and fight Imps with full battlemaster?

Be my guest come with some ideas?

Edited by OldxLady
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