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So 1.2 will kill PvP?


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Just some awesome quotes from Bioware on how they look at PvP and the future of it. This thread is just ment to start a discussion, and all I write here is how I look at the things that Bioware has said. I do not try to change anything or whine about how PvP is or is gona be.


Jeunedorsk: What will happen in the future for PvP (Ilum, new Warzones ?)


Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic and we’ve been doubling down on our efforts to bring exciting new content and systems to the PvP community. Right now there’s a new Warzone planned for Game Update 1.2 which we’re already testing internally and really enjoying. We can say it’s enabled for same faction vs. same faction play, so if you’ve been playing a lot of Huttball, expect some variety soon! Also coming in 1.2 is the pre-season of our Warzone ranking system, bringing better matchmaking which means better PvP. In the future expect a ton more PvP news as we expand and polish what has proven to be one of the most popular aspects of The Old Republic. We’ve got big plans.


So ignoring the usualy crap every developers say, about them having "Huge Plans" for everything. Those two outlinse prety much show how they see PvP in TOR.

1. They never saw this game beeing a sucessful in PvP. Thats why they are "surprised" how popular it is. So does this tell us that whey put little effort into the PvP system?

2. So they ignor faction balance and just implement "Hutball 2.0". So even less reason to re-roll, as you have even more Warzones to do against each other. This will ofcause also lead to Ilum numbers still beeing imbalance on most servers.


MrGerbz: What kind of measures will you take to improve the community, population, and faction balance of each server?


Daniel Erickson: Faction balance is always a concern and something we watch carefully across all servers. It’s also something you can never fully account for programmatically as it is different on each server. We have many servers where the differences are small enough to be negligible and then others where either the Empire or the Republic has a huge numbers advantage. The Legacy System will take some first steps towards incentivizing players to look at what the other side has to offer and we will continue watching the most extreme servers to see if additional steps are needed.


Not even gona color anything in here as this is just fantastic. So in short words BioWare does not see any reason to do anything about balance on servers that have 3-4 more imps, as they dont see it "to" imbalanced. So soon 2 month and they dont see any imbalance.

And Legacy System will encourage even more Republicans (yes Reps) to roll Imps, as why should they not especialy with "Hutball 2.0" coming at same time.


If you have a card that you have worked up 25% discount when you buy Diesel. And than you have Hydrogen fuel wich no one buys because it impractical. Will you than suddenly switch to Hydrgoen without any sepsific reason? Or will you rather switch to Hydrogen when you get a 50% discount if you become a member of another card company that gives you that bouns?


Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.


Well enough said. Even with the "preference to match players of the same server" this will fail. Some servers have to big of a gap between Imps and Reps. So what will happend is que times just as long for most servers (except small ones ofcs).

As there are not realy that many server that have an imbalance in faction toward Republic.


So yeah, what you guys think? Bright future ahead of us or not? To me it all seems to point in one direction, not so bright. But thats me.

Edited by OldxLady
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Stop whining about it. Go pvp on ilum if ur so mad about warzones


Well this aint actualy whining. More of a look in to what Devs state about the future of the PvP.


And yes, despire all the problems I love Ilum and love warzones. So not sure why you said that I am mad about warzones?

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and what you really expect from developer ? that they admit how poor this gmae system is? I am just standing in front of rep gate in ops and waiting for valor to come....no mass pvp just gate farming this is how open pvp is looks like and even if I would like to do anything I have 6-7 fps when there is around 50 imp and around 20 rep around...so I can only read forum in meantime of this amazing open pvp.....
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OMG, can you stop complaining and figure out what spell check is. Why are you complaining for Imps getting in to WZ's faster, they should have longer wait times. The minority faction will still get instant queue like we do already. So re-roll republic if you want to PvP and not wait to PvP.
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I love how people are putting a negitive spin on this... What a joke those ppl are they say that they are doubleing there efforts and working on things and you guys bash them. Mark my words this game will have the best pvp by far in the not so distant future.
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and what you really expect from developer ? that they admit how poor this gmae system is? I am just standing in front of rep gate in ops and waiting for valor to come....no mass pvp just gate farming this is how open pvp is looks like and even if I would like to do anything I have 6-7 fps when there is around 50 imp and around 20 rep around...so I can only read forum in meantime of this amazing open pvp.....


No, I expect Devs to take action. Such us for instance.

1. Give extra Valor/Commendations/Bags to Republic/Imps players on a unbalanced server.

2. Give extra xp depending on the imbalance to the faction with least players.

And the best one...

3. Dont make anouth "Hutball 2.0". That for sure wont help to balance the PvP.


As you caan see, the argument is mostly about the faction imbalance, which Devs seems to either dont see or ignor.

I bet if they implement all or at least 1 of those suggestions, the game will quickly balnace it self out. This will remove most issues espect the performance, but that the engine issue.


The biggest reason people dont want to re-roll, is because no one wants to do all that over again. Just imagen to grind BM gear again or the Valor.

Give them candy to stick and/or to re-roll the imbalance faction.That is the only way to balance the game. The numbers will not magicly even them self out, especialy if there no external force interfering. I am sorry, but that basic psychology, not magic.

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i think they are surprised at how popular it is because it wasnt their main sell point,more of a added flavor type thing.Not "they never wanted it to be good",why would you make a game and purposely make pvp bad?i hope your smart enough to not believe that.

About faction imbalance,i really dont see what they can do for that,i know personally there is no incentive that will make me switch sides.more exp,credits,valor..whatever ,i want to shoot lightning from my fingers ,nothing will change that .

You also state that legacy will make repubs switch to imp,why wouldnt the opposite be true?cant tell till we actually see the changes imo.

as for huttball 2.0 ,it is enabled for same faction but not only same faction..youll will get huttball 2.0 rep vs imps,wich means more variety,wich imo is a good thing.


so will 1.2 kill pvp,no ,not at all

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OMG, can you stop complaining and figure out what spell check is. Why are you complaining for Imps getting in to WZ's faster, they should have longer wait times. The minority faction will still get instant queue like we do already. So re-roll republic if you want to PvP and not wait to PvP.


Why should I spell check myself when its clear that you understand everything i write? So please go back to school and scream at some kids to do theire spell checking. As this is an International forum, not a US forum.


And for the rest of your post. Might want to get your facts straight, as I am almost Valor 60 Rep, and dont have any trubble whats so ever with queues or killing fully BM geared Imps.

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Finaly a constructive feedback. Thank you Carliiiiito.


But yeah, all this is assumptions, as we will never know for sure. And it was mostly my view on what I think after reading what devs wrot.


i think they are surprised at how popular it is because it wasnt their main sell point,more of a added flavor type thing.Not "they never wanted it to be good",why would you make a game and purposely make pvp bad?i hope your smart enough to not believe that.


Yes, they would not design a bad aspect of a game, but if you dont give everything to somthing it sure as hell wont be good. So what they will make is somthing to kill time, not somthing you can enjoy. I mean if they put half the time to PvP of what they did to PvE, you would sure see PvP in line with DAOC or WAR.


About faction imbalance,i really dont see what they can do for that,i know personally there is no incentive that will make me switch sides.more exp,credits,valor..whatever ,i want to shoot lightning from my fingers ,nothing will change that .

You also state that legacy will make repubs switch to imp,why wouldnt the opposite be true?cant tell till we actually see the changes imo.


Thats true, there is nothing you can do about the visual aspect. As who wants to throw rocks insted of lightning. But I gues this is a design flaw, as they would expect more people play Republic because of all the Movies, thinking everyone want to be Luke.

But they could have done somthing at least. Sure you wont be effected by extra Valor, Exp and what not, but many other would. Especialy those that are not sure if they want to stick with a zerg faction or those that want to be the underdog. Those people wont just switch sides when they have valor 60 full BM Sorcs and what not.

But if they knew they get some candy if they join the other side, many will re-roll. This is like I said basic psychology.


If you have a card that you have worked up 25% discount when you buy Diesel. And than you have Hydrogen fuel wich no one buys because it impractical. Will you than suddenly switch to Hydrgoen without any sepsific reason? Or will you rather switch to Hydrogen when you get a 50% discount if you become a member of another card company that gives you that bouns?


as for huttball 2.0 ,it is enabled for same faction but not only same faction..youll will get huttball 2.0 rep vs imps,wich means more variety,wich imo is a good thing.


so will 1.2 kill pvp,no ,not at all


Yes, ofcause the variety is good. And dont get me wrong its all good that they do it and add new stuff. But knowing that there is imbalance, why would they make it "imp vs imp" able? Why not just keep it "imp vs rep" only?

Is this just not even a greater candy to switch sides? As now you will get that warzone even more often.


But like I said this is what I thinkg, and again not a "QQ" or "I will unsub" thread. This is just me taking a look at how Bioware handels things.

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1. They never wanted this game to be any good in PvP. Thats why they are "surprised" how popular it is.

2. So they ignor faction balance and just implement "Hutball 2.0". So even less reason to re-roll, as you have even more Warzones to do against each other. This will ofcause also lead to Ilum numbers still beeing imbalance on most servers.

1. It's ludicrous to say they never wanted this game to be any good in PvP. If that was never their intention, they wouldn't have showcased the warzones so much prior to release. Every gaming convention in the last few months of development, they had warzones running up on big screens. That was what they were giving players to try out, mainly. Their surprise is that they didn't expect PvP to be so popular as to overshadow the PvE endgame.


2. No, they aren't ignoring faction imbalance and just implementing Huttball 2.0. They are bringing in cross-server queues, which will help to fix the lack of opposing faction players - at least for the warzones. On Ilum, that will still be an issue.


Well enough said. Even with the "preference to match players of the same server" this will fail. Some servers have to big of a gap between Imps and Reps. So what will happend is que times just as long for most servers (except small ones ofcs).

As 2/1 ratio on Imps/Reps will still be 2/1 ratio even with cross servers. So lets say each server has 100 Imps and 50 Reps quing for warzones at all times.

So doing a cross server matches will not improve mush. Lets say they do 3 severs, than we will ahve a 300 Imps and 150 Reps quing at all time. How is this gona give quicker quetimes for Imps?

Or perhaps they'll group the servers by faction imbalances, so that a heavy Republic server is in the same queue as a heavy Sith server.


It's going to give quicker queue times simply because there will be more players queuing. More games = faster queue.


So yeah, what you guys think? Vright future ahead of us or not? To me it all seems to point in one direction, not so bright. But thats me.
I think the 1.2 patch has a lot of potential. It doesn't sound like it's going to fix the open world PvP problems, but it will at least expand on the other areas of the game.


They've got a lot of pressure to get this 1.2 patch right, because it's going to be the determining factor for a lot of players whether they continue their subscription or not.

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1. It's ludicrous to say they never wanted this game to be any good in PvP. If that was never their intention, they wouldn't have showcased the warzones so much prior to release. Every gaming convention in the last few months of development, they had warzones running up on big screens. That was what they were giving players to try out, mainly. Their surprise is that they didn't expect PvP to be so popular as to overshadow the PvE endgame.


Yeah I know. Everytime I say that out lound it sounds so stupid, but it just feels more and more like that. And the more I think about it the more it seems like they just used those showcases to tick as many subscribers (especialy PvP focused) into the game as they could.


But hey I am still positive. Hopefully they will still manage to fix it, and should they not than there is Planetside 2 coming out next year =)

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No, I expect Devs to take action. Such us for instance.

1. Give extra Valor/Commendations/Bags to Republic/Imps players on a unbalanced server.

2. Give extra xp depending on the imbalance to the faction with least players.

And the best one...

3. Dont make anouth "Hutball 2.0". That for sure wont help to balance the PvP.





3.maybe something different would be better.

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3.maybe something different would be better.


Realy mature and constructive. Let me gues Imp?


The thing about "Hutball 2.0", what I mean is keep it "imp vs rep" only, just like the 2/3 of the warzones now. I mean I see why Imps would rage at this and call me "Emo and QQ'er", but it does not realy help the balance.

But we need more same faction warzones, it is sure fun. But add a new same faction warzone in the 1.3 not 1.2.

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Just some awesome quotes from Bioware on how they look at PvP and the future of it.



1. They never wanted this game to be any good in PvP. Thats why they are "surprised" how popular it is.

2. So they ignor faction balance and just implement "Hutball 2.0". So even less reason to re-roll, as you have even more Warzones to do against each other. This will ofcause also lead to Ilum numbers still beeing imbalance on most servers.


What the crap are you talking about. They obviously didin't mean they were planning on pvp failing. Their pvp just exceeded their expectations. Which is a good thing. Taking that and twisting it into the crap you spouted off is annoying.

As for faction balance, thats an entirely social and unforseeable consequence that applies differently to different servers. There is no way to balance factions without taking some weird drastic measure like forcing imps into repubs on whichever server has an imbalance. If you don't like the imbalance, reroll a repub. And no I don't care about all the time you spent on your imperial.

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What the crap are you talking about. They obviously didin't mean they were planning on pvp failing. Their pvp just exceeded their expectations. Which is a good thing. Taking that and twisting it into the crap you spouted off is annoying.

As for faction balance, thats an entirely social and unforseeable consequence that applies differently to different servers. There is no way to balance factions without taking some weird drastic measure like forcing imps into repubs on whichever server has an imbalance. If you don't like the imbalance, reroll a repub. And no I don't care about all the time you spent on your imperial.


Again, not a Imp... And I sure hope you are right. As its is Bioware we are talking about. Devs that have never ever created a good "Multiplayer" game. Just wait for Mass Effect 3, where they will for "first time" implement actual Multiplayer.


Also there are many ways to encourage players to roll the other side.

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Yes, they would not design a bad aspect of a game, but if you dont give everything to somthing it sure as hell wont be good. So what they will make is somthing to kill time, not somthing you can enjoy. I mean if they put half the time to PvP of what they did to PvE, you would sure see PvP in line with DAOC or WAR.




WHAT LOL! So, story is Bioware's biggest gift to gamers. That means that everything else in the game can't possibly be good and is only there to kill time. Do you realize that is what you're suggesting? You're twisting meanings and don't make any sense at all. You have an authoritarian personality, as far as I can tell.

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WHAT LOL! So, story is Bioware's biggest gift to gamers. That means that everything else in the game can't possibly be good and is only there to kill time. Do you realize that is what you're suggesting? You're twisting meanings and don't make any sense at all. You have an authoritarian personality, as far as I can tell.


Where did I say that? Never said that everything else but the story is bad and they cant creat anything good but the PvE. I said that on the fact that Bioware them self stated that they focus much more on PvE than PvP. This they have been telling everyone since release.

And how is that twisting meanings? I just wrote what I (not you) see Bioware doing with the game. I did not stater that this is what Bioware actualy doing. You might want to check what a discussion is and that people are alowed to have theyre own thoughts.


Also, good to know that everyone that say anything at all negative about somthing have authoritarian personality. Are you from North Korea or somthing? Couse I think the propaganda center is looking for new recruits.

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Honestly, these forums are just getting worse and worse. How the hell do you people even survive in the real world!?


Of ALL the things to see whined about.


Also, good to know that everyone that say anything at all negative about somthing have authoritarian personality. Are you from North Korea or somthing? Couse I think the propaganda center is looking for new recruits.


Says the person picking out small pieces of text and reading your own paranoid delusions into it.

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+1 Right here...


Some ppl are never happy, always ******in about something...


Bah I see this is pointless, as people assume things. That I am just complaining and want stuff changed, and dont like Ilum or Warzones. When in fact I am just trying to get a discussion going and see what people mean about the last "Q&A's" the Devs did and the 1.2 patch.


Ahh well gues my fault, as I knew this is a "Forum" and the forums are used 90% of the time for Trolling. Now go back to your Imp character standing infront of the Rep base before I come and backstabb you ;p

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