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SOA - Illum - Wow what a crap game

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Hey BW - thanks, was really enjoyable having 8 of us waste 4 hours tonight trying to complete SOA tonight - between disappearing levels, mind traps that pop at 30% - pylons that people can't see and/or that don't come down - I mean the whole thing is just a sick joke.


What a waste of time.


Anyway - just another qq thread - sure you're all used to it.

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i love how you just say the word Ilum in your title but never mention it in the post. very random sir.

also, im going to repeat the thing most people dont understand, its a new game, there are going to be problems that they couldnt patch in beta. they probly have more people running ops on one server than they had across all the beta servers. give it time young grasshopper, dont be such a diva. they'll fix these issues. go have a fresca and calm down

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i love how you just say the word Ilum in your title but never mention it in the post. very random sir.

also, im going to repeat the thing most people dont understand, its a new game, there are going to be problems that they couldnt patch in beta. they probly have more people running ops on one server than they had across all the beta servers. give it time young grasshopper, dont be such a diva. they'll fix these issues. go have a fresca and calm down




More tears please, the internet runs on them.

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Hey BW - thanks, was really enjoyable having 8 of us waste 4 hours tonight trying to complete SOA tonight - between disappearing levels, mind traps that pop at 30% - pylons that people can't see and/or that don't come down - I mean the whole thing is just a sick joke.


What a waste of time.


Anyway - just another qq thread - sure you're all used to it.


disappearing levels? never had that happen. You prob were at the wrong spot or were too slow.


mind traps at 30%? learn the boss mechanics. His abilities are on a rotation. He mind traps and then tosses someone into the air. Don't burn him when someone lands from the toss because mind trap happens fast after that. Best to get him down to 30% a few seconds before the toss is done. even if he does mindtrap, the mindtrap drops onto the bottom level and you can just break that person out then.


pylons that don't drop? never happened before.

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disappearing levels? never had that happen. You prob were at the wrong spot or were too slow.


mind traps at 30%? learn the boss mechanics. His abilities are on a rotation. He mind traps and then tosses someone into the air. Don't burn him when someone lands from the toss because mind trap happens fast after that. Best to get him down to 30% a few seconds before the toss is done. even if he does mindtrap, the mindtrap drops onto the bottom level and you can just break that person out then.


pylons that don't drop? never happened before.



Thank you.

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disappearing levels? never had that happen. You prob were at the wrong spot or were too slow.


mind traps at 30%? learn the boss mechanics. His abilities are on a rotation. He mind traps and then tosses someone into the air. Don't burn him when someone lands from the toss because mind trap happens fast after that. Best to get him down to 30% a few seconds before the toss is done. even if he does mindtrap, the mindtrap drops onto the bottom level and you can just break that person out then.


pylons that don't drop? never happened before.


What are you not understanding? We know/understand how it normally works - we are talking about what happens WHEN IT DOESN'T WORK!


This encounter is buggy enough that when one of our party even got to the boss mob he was instantly put into a mind trap WITHOUT US EVEN STARTING THE ENCOUNTER!


After a reset - entire sections of floor were MISSING!


Mind traps were popping and someone would get thrown around the room on second level AFTER HE SHIELDED and floor had already dropped. And no, the person was not able to be freed from the mind trap on the bottom floor - when he was freed we would be put under the world through the duration of the fight.


Again, we are not talking about when this works just fine - we are talking about an entire evening of non-stop, completely out of the ordinary bugs with the encounter.


On three fight, the yellow pylons didn't even come down - at all.


Other fights, people were alive but put under the world and only allowed to watch from below.


Boss would reset early despite all being alive and engaging him - just POOF.


Other fights, people were not in mind traps but in completely separate instances.


Yeah - we were too slow and not understanding the mechanics.... . It couldn't possibly be an unimaginable amount of bugs and screwed up mechanics could it.


It didn't matter how perfect we got down to the bottom floor - we got down perfectly on any number of occasions - every single time there was some random or different encounter breaking mechanic.


I can handle a new game with bugs - but this is a little over the top.

Edited by Paralassa
removed insults
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Hahahaha. I see what the problem is here.


Tanking on a Watchman specced Sentinel for starters.


You try putting the cart before the horse in any given situation don't you?


That explains a multitude of quandaries I had while trying to sift through your wharrgarbl.


I was hoping that perhaps there were some uber stat sentinels out there with a fantastic group behind them that might be swinging this but it's looking like probably not.


If there's an 'uber stat sentinel' out there with a 'fantastic group' behind him, he sure as hell isnt going to be the one tanking. Wanna know why? Because in order to be 'uber stat' as you so eloquently put it, they would have to have already been running with a successful Ops group.


Who already has a REAL TANK. You know, one with threat generation, taunts, and gear that's meant to support the role...



Also, you're obviously an MMO hipster.


Well Everquest is probably the only one you've heard of blah blah blah MUDs blah blah blah where just about everything you know about MMO's sprang from including the trinity.


Do you also wear skinny jeans and ironic trucker hats? How about PBR tallboys? American Spirits?


Being an individual has its merits, but in this case you're just paddling a barge of garbage upstream with a teaspoon.



someone in your last BS thread beat me to it:


This thread is absurd
Edited by HagbardCelin
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Oh - you must follow WoW - suspicions confirmed. Thanks!


LOL k.


I think once again, you have it all ***-backwards. Were I a WoW fanboi wouldn't I be the one in here SUPPORTING your obviously trollish claims of incessant bugs and insurmountable difficulty due to them?



But I'm not. I'm the guy here telling you that you need to L2P or go back to a life of panda luxury where you can make macros on your little gaming keyboard...


Until you bail for GW2 in a couple months then light their boards on fire after you find out it isn't for special snowflakes either.

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Hahahaha. I see what the problem is here.


Tanking on a Watchman specced Sentinel for starters.


You try putting the cart before the horse in any given situation don't you?


That explains a multitude of quandaries I had while trying to sift through your wharrgarbl.




If there's an 'uber stat sentinel' out there with a 'fantastic group' behind him, he sure as hell isnt going to be the one tanking. Wanna know why? Because in order to be 'uber stat' as you so eloquently put it, they would have to have already been running with a successful Ops group.


Who already has a REAL TANK. You know, one with threat generation, taunts, and gear that's meant to support the role...



Also, you're obviously an MMO hipster.




Do you also wear skinny jeans and ironic trucker hats? How about PBR tallboys? American Spirits?


Being an individual has its merits, but in this case you're just paddling a barge of garbage upstream with a teaspoon.



someone in your last BS thread beat me to it:


Every issue with EV I discussed was with a well geared Vanguard tanking - none of these issues are tank related at all. I was simply DPS on this run. Nice try.



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LOL k.


I think once again, you have it all ***-backwards. Were I a WoW fanboi wouldn't I be the one in here SUPPORTING your obviously trollish claims of incessant bugs and insurmountable difficulty due to them?



But I'm not. I'm the guy here telling you that you need to L2P or go back to a life of panda luxury where you can make macros on your little gaming keyboard...


Until you bail for GW2 in a couple months then light their boards on fire after you find out it isn't for special snowflakes either.


Hey bright light - how do you explain the bugs listed?


Please - do your best.


How does one get sucked into a mind trap before the boss is engaged?


Have you ever been put under the world in that encounter?


Have you had half your group put under the world?


Have you been put into a different instance than the one you were originally assigned to halfway through a fight?


How are any of these issues L2P?


Sorry your game of choice sux man - must be a big disappointment to you.

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Every issue with EV I discussed was with a well geared Vanguard tanking - none of these issues are tank related at all. I was simply DPS on this run. Nice try.




They don't have to be tank related issues, I'm simply stating that your post hsitory indicates a track record of striving to make things difficult for yourself.


Nice Try!



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After a reset - entire sections of floor were MISSING!


A temp fix... just make sure everyone on the operation is out. Then one enter, goes to Soa, pulls him and then just die around there. That resets the whole combat and the floor will be restaurated.

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They don't have to be tank related issues, I'm simply stating that your post hsitory indicates a track record of striving to make things difficult for yourself.


Nice Try!




You mean min/max and pushing boundaries, sure... I enjoy it.


Not sure how it relates at all to a traditional party getting bug stomped in EV and your fervent denial of such problems existing.


Oh wait - it doesn't!

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You mean min/max and pushing boundaries, sure... I enjoy it.


Not sure how it relates at all to a traditional party getting bug stomped in EV and your fervent denial of such problems existing.


Oh wait - it doesn't!


Feel free to look at the link in my sig. We have killshots of all progress. I'm not denying that some of these things have happened to us from time to time, but what I won't agree with or concede is the notion that these bug are preventing people from progressing, it's simply not the case.


I'm not alone in my opinion that you're just whining and trying to vent your frustration about being a bad player on the rest of us in hopes that other bads will commiserate with you.

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No, we know that some people can figure out the right way to complete an event, and others can't.


Simple as that.


LOL @ a-holes like this. how big of a tool do you have to be to actualy post that? i guess you could just be some totaly clueless dps that has no idea what is even going on in your raid but i guess that makes you even more of a tool.

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