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Request to Change Project and Throw, with suggestions and examples…


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Flashy animations: a Jedi craves not these things. Good ideas but I feel the somewhat understated attacks as compared to Sith are in keeping with canon.


I think "pure force " could be understated, even in comparison to the rocks. Faint, luminous eddies of pale blue-to-colorless energy, lile the way convection can make the air "shimmer," just to represent the action would be very fitting, IMO. "Rock smash!" and pebblestorm aren't exactly understated, just inelegant.


/2 cents

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Some possible compromises to fix this is to:

-change project and throw (consular base attacks) to be more in line with OPs vision

-add the rock tossing attacks to the shared skill Tree for sages/shadows and put them very early in the tiers. That way any sages OR shadows who love those animations could have the option to use them in their rotations. You'd have to adjust some of the various ranged buffs to keep everyone viable and balanced. But that isn't too hard



- keep project and/or TT and just add disturbance/telekinetic wave like attacks to shared tree and adjust accordingly.

-I like the first option better but the point is trying to give consulars who are really turned off by rock throwing more options without taking away options for consulars who love their pebbles


Anyone else have any constructive solutions/ideas/compromises?

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/\ THIS !!!!


when i first saw the "hope" trailer and heard about the Jedi Shadow....i REALLY wanted to create that sort of character:

  • cool acrobatic double bladed lightsaber combat
  • awesome fast force push attacks
  • cool padded gloves, combat boots, non-"flowing robe" armor/look


sadly, the shadow in the actual game really doesn't get any of those things. (the lightsaber animations do get better WAY late in your build) They are more awkward running, psychic casters who throw lots of rocks and wear formal gowns :(





I love the way the shadow seems like it should be, but find myself greatly disappointed in what Bio ware delivered. If this melee class(with a seeming scarcity of melee abilities) has to do so much casting I would love to see some less clunky mechanics like quick pure force abilities. That are more in line with the trailers and the way Darth Maul fought in the movies(I admit to not being certain but I would almost swear I read somewhere the devs say he was the basis for shadow and assassin). Lots of saber moves and acrobatics not a lot of casting but when he did it was quick force pushes, pants(yes he was sith and had monkish like clothing on but he wore pants, like almost every at least male Jedi I remember seeing in the films) and oh yes less funky headwear(can't imagine running around stealthed in some of the helms I see at vendors lol).


Sorry for the clothing and depressing lack of melee abilities tangent at the end there. But I really agree with swapping the animations to pure force type abilities. I wonder how the idea for the galactic junkyard and pebble stream even came into works, I would think a basic force(condensed air) type image would have been far easier to implement then the current animations. With those and the animation for the rocks floating around you for the shield it's like may the rubble be with you.

Edited by AlJohnson
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Read the OP, but not much of anything else after it... but I'm ok with the rocks. Used to be Septic Tanks. Imagine how god-awful and embarrassing that was!


I won't however, cry if they change it to your suggestions. Nice work!

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To throw in my personal views on throw/project, I have to say I like them for the most part, a lot more than the inquisitor versions simply because they look different, its not just 10 different ways to electricute someone.


That said, I think making both abilities "location aware" would be a wonderful change and would mitigate some of the OP's concerns such as making only crates/droids etc in 'city' areas, only types of rocks out in the wilderness and like for Project; and for Throw, it would just need a second "bits of junk and crap" animation for city/ship areas instead of rocks.

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This is the best suggestion I've seen on the topic.


I, too, strongly wish for other animations for Project and Throw, the abilities I use most often. The OP's options seem both reasonable and achievable. Please consider them!

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I love the animations. I would be so disappointed if they changed them. The only thing I think that should be corrected is the delay on project's damage compared to shock, but I don't think it is really that big of a deal.


Project has the most varied and dynamic animation in the game. I hope it never changes.

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tl;dr My goal is to have all animations on the Sage side as thematic and awesome as what is on the Sorcerer side. Thanks.



I know I already posted, but I had to comment on this.


Sorcerer animations are far worse in my opinion. Lightning, lightning and more lightning.

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definitely AGREE with the original post! :D


Brings up some great points.

Project's animation could definitely look better and complete faster to deal dmg.


pebblestorm is pretty fugly... Would look awesome if it threw bigger chunks of debris, and the enemy target interacted with the oncoming debris w/ an animation slicing it in half or shooting/dodging it which subsequently causes target to be slowed during the animation.


Shadow Strike animation is horrendous imo.

Edited by AnonymousRobot
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So far I really like the 'clean' feel of the sage animations. I got bored fast playing a sorc- i felt like been there done that with a elemental shaman from wow. Sage provides something different.


Now that may get boring over time, but I'll bet for me anyway that will be because both play like traditional caster classes. Kind of over that with all the DnD games I've played.


As far as the delay goes- that needs to be addressed or compensated for in another way. Don't know enough to comment more on that.

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I support this 100%. Great ideas!


so do i.


im currently level 41 with my sage and im starting to think im no longer playing star wars because of these animations we have!Its like im some sort of elementalist that throws rocks at people all the time.Not to mention i hardly use my lightsaber at all,almost never.I can live with that but this rocks are getting on my nerves.


totally agree with everything OP.bioware needs to do some drastic changes before its too late.they can always say ''we fixed it before its too late'' if they act now.

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so do i.


im currently level 41 with my sage and im starting to think im no longer playing star wars because of these animations we have!Its like im some sort of elementalist that throws rocks at people all the time.Not to mention i hardly use my lightsaber at all,almost never.I can live with that but this rocks are getting on my nerves.


totally agree with everything OP.bioware needs to do some drastic changes before its too late.they can always say ''we fixed it before its too late'' if they act now.


Too late? lol play another class. ALot of people like the animations in this thread.

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I think "pure force " could be understated, even in comparison to the rocks. Faint, luminous eddies of pale blue-to-colorless energy, lile the way convection can make the air "shimmer," just to represent the action would be very fitting, IMO. "Rock smash!" and pebblestorm aren't exactly understated, just inelegant.


/2 cents


I suppose I can't really argue with that logic.

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Too late? lol play another class. ALot of people like the animations in this thread.


There has been thread after thread, build after build from beta on up complaining about these two animations. The people that like them do so despite their obvious problems. But tastes vary. Point is there is a better, more jedi-ish animation solution for them...with a possible compromise for the fans of chunk a clunker (project, see #4)


To recap the problems with them:


1) Throwing debris is a darkside trait. From the movies to the games, as a general rule. Vader, Dooku, Palpitane all did it...no light jedi in the movies threw debris or items as an attack, except for Yoda, who threw a senate car BACK at Palpitane. It wasnt something Yoda initiated, though...so WHY base the fundamental, BASIC animations of the class on something that is NOT a jedi's style???


2) The animations ignore the obvious in the players environment. Endless supplies of pebbles from where? Rocks from where? Droid scrap yards everywhere? No. Its stupid.


3) Project has a delay. When you get a double project (through talent tree, 45% chance to throw two objects) it just looks all the more stupid by magically yanking up two rocks out of the starship deck plating...Same with endless pebblestorms, when cooldown is removed with talents...looks even more stupid to have an endless supply of low poly pebbles from out of nowhere.


4) People that still love chunk a clunker...well, perhaps it could be tied to Forcequake...it makes sense that it would be a channeled skill since pulling up rocks takes TIME. As the ground quakes, since you are ripping it open anyway, let them add in the chunk a clunkers to the quakes...so while the ground is quaking, you would also be hurling items/debris into the kill zone.


5) Project and throw are the basic ranged abilities for sage and shadow...by having chunk a clunker and pebblestorm instead of MUCH cooler kinetic force style animations, you are robbing both classes of their light jedi nature. Throwing rocks and junk, yes junk, is about as inelegant as you can get. Its downright uncivilized.

Edited by Dyvim
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i am "trying" to play shadow... all my friends are knights and i really do like the vision for shadows..


but the aesthetics are killin' me...

-so many robes

-they feel very less "jedi-like" no leaping, flipping, acrobatic melee moves

-no saber toss

-project and TT animations are so lack-luster


I rolled a guardian..parts of him are WAY fun, but i keep wishing I could be a shadow with some similar aesthetics.


would love for devs to tweak shadows a least a little bit

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