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Stuck on Ord Mantel storyline


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Stuck doesnt work as it never does.

This is after the warehouse fight when helping the girl.




Normally we'd say queue for PvP, but you are too low level for that :(


Are you inside a mission instance or inside a normal building? If inside a mission then resetting the mission in your log could do the trick.


But most likely you will have to file a customer support ticket and hope and pray that they understant that they have to manually move you.


Which server are you on? It may be possible for other players to duel you and either knock you away or at least kill you? Though your stuckness may mean they can only hit you with non-targeted AoE.

I am on Space Slug so if you are on that server I'd be happy to try...

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It may be possible for other players to duel you and either knock you away or at least kill you?

as far as I can see he's at Viidu's house. It's an instance. So - no duels' I guess.


Could it really be that restarting a client did not help? Then support is your only hope, I'm afraid...Such bugs are seem to be top-priority afaik.

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Usually any time you get stuck and you're inside a 'green' area, logging out and in will put you at the entrance.


This doesn't help if you get stuck under a lift outside though. Do not play with elevators/lifts. Especially going underneath them.


Stuck is on a 2minute cd. You can't use your fleet pass, because its thinks you're moving. Same with Quick travel ...

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Since you didn't say anything about trying to use your quick travel button, I'd try that. But other than that, your best bet is to re-log so it'll spawn you outside of the instance. If none of that works, your only chance is to have CS help you out, though I'm not sure if they can.
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