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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Reason I Leave Losing Warzones


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i leave when we are losing and i feel i'm carrying many others.


the other day i joined a huttball where our side was 0-1 down. there was one vocal guy expressing his dissatisfaction on the team and then he left.


we won 6-1 that game. not ashamed to say i scored twice myself but more importantly i think because of the whiner that left the rest of the team shaped up and started pulling their weight.


it was a good game.

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I don't really mind losing a warzone, it's not like it actually means anything. However, if at the beginning of voidstar, the opposing team all runs left and for some reason I'm the only one going in the same direction as them to defend, I'm gonna leave. I'm not going to stick around for ~14 mins with a team that obviously has no idea what they are doing.
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I don't really mind losing a warzone, it's not like it actually means anything. However, if at the beginning of voidstar, the opposing team all runs left and for some reason I'm the only one going in the same direction as them to defend, I'm gonna leave. I'm not going to stick around for ~14 mins with a team that obviously has no idea what they are doing.


This. Same with Alderaan. If my entire team goes for the easier turret, it's going to be a loss. In hundreds of games across 8 characters I have never seen one of these events happen and the game coming out as anything but a loss. I refuse to play with complete morons, that's all.

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@OP you're totally wrong. I had several wins last night that were epic comebacks.


In one, there was a guy really good at PvP that I had queued with several times in a row when we were on a winning streak. He wordlessly left Civil War the very second that the imps took two of three turrets.


We brought that game back in hilarious fashion with great communication against a well-organized and focus-firing opposing team, and I have since lost all respect for this player. Apparently I was wrong about him being good and carrying our teams. We didn't even miss him when he quit :)


You can keep skipping out on tough games too if you like. Or, you can try to communicate and rally your team together with encouragement and strategy. In the end, SWTOR is a game just like any other, and in any other game you disrespect yourself and your teammates when you quit on them. Nobody wants to be the Albert Haynesworth of SWTOR. Do you?

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Alderaan, trailing from the start, down about 370 to 235, we lost 3rd turret. We won the game 5 - 0 on the last tick.


"Never Give Up! Never Surrender!"


I have have had this too or near.

Wining side changes back and forth and at the end we are both at 5 points and they go to 0 first.


Stunning. Alls i can say is wow and i wish i had a recording.


When things get to the point that its obvious we are stomping i declare "farm mode on" or "fun time"


Forget objectives and just do whatever the hell you want.

Open field fighting in CW is pretty fun.


Same when it obvious we are going to lose.


Its also good to set reasonable goals...


So if we are likely going to lose CW ask people to try and get them under 300.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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If you leave a game early whatever the reason is you are screwing over the next person who ends up taking your spot. There is a good chance they are going to have to endure a loss and waste their time because of you and your teams lack of ability to get it done.


Don't screw over your fellow player for your own selfish reasons.

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I've left warzones for only 2 reasons ever.


1. Huttball after Huttball after Huttball

I needed a break from Huttball


2. Last week I was in CW and 6 people ran left and 2 of us went middle. They didn't go left to ninja underneath and take right, no they all boldly held that left turret down. I felt compelled to leave that one.


I have been in some really good matches and some really bad ones but why leave in the middle and not get your comms and valor and leave everyone hanging. I have been involved in awsome comebacks and those are the best games!

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I only leave for 1 reason, force leaping in huttball / voidstar that caused the character to get stuck underneath the map (voidstar doesn't happen as much since i've stopped jumping on the bridge).


Seeing how my character is stuck falling through the floor, there is no point in being a burden to the rest of my team and leaving gives them another player that is willing to help them out (or leave as soon as he sees its a game in progress).


Even against premade i'll try to do my best to make something out of it, sometimes resulting in some very challenging matches (had one against a team with 6 ppl in a premade (one group of 4 and a group of 2).. ended up winning 1-1 by holding the ball in the last 5 seconds.

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