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Marauders: Retaliation does not apply deadly saber -_-


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This is a really really bad decision, Retaliation (the counter ability that is off the global cooldown) cannnot apply the DoT deadly saber... Now why is this? The deadly saber tooltip specifically says " Applied by successful melee attacks". It seems like this ability was designed to be able to apply full stacks of deadly saber faster. Just so dumb.....


PS: Obviously this only applies for the annihilation spec

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This is a really really bad decision, Retaliation (the counter ability that is off the global cooldown) cannnot apply the DoT deadly saber... Now why is this? The deadly saber tooltip specifically says " Applied by successful melee attacks". It seems like this ability was designed to be able to apply full stacks of deadly saber faster. Just so dumb.....


PS: Obviously this only applies for the annihilation spec



Deadly saber tooltip also says "This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.".


that means that you are probably using Retaliation while under the GCD , and so it is normal that It wont proc.

Edited by atreyuz
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Also some abilities are just built for other AC's (Even though they are shared). Unload for example is pretty much Merc only as without Merc talents it becomes weaker than Rapid Shots.


Retaliation is very much a Jugg skill (and mostly an Immortal Jugg skill at that), so it could have easily been over looked thinking you would not use it.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Dont agree.


Retaliation is all warriors skill, mainly DPS to add.


It allows for an additional attack (around or above 1k dmg) DESPITE OF GCD, and it always hit.

You can always pop retaliation without slowing your normal rotation more than fraction of a second needed to click another button.


It is VERY usefull to all SW.


For Immortal Jugg it is propably the most used skill.

Edited by KVork
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Dont agree.


Retaliation is all warriors skill, mainly DPS to add.


It allows for an additional attack (around or above 1k dmg) DESPITE OF GCD, and it always hit.

You can always pop retaliation without slowing your normal rotation more than fraction of a second needed to click another button.


It is VERY usefull to all SW.


For Immortal Jugg it is propably the most used skill.


Perhaps in PvP.... in PvE if you are being beaten on, you've probably come a cropper somewhere and there will be a tank on the otherside of the "mob" trying to regain aggro. Also in PvP, i find i don't often have spare rage for this ability, slash hits for about 1.5/2k crits and for less rage, GCD a side, there are bigger badder weapons that we have that you can use :)

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Perhaps in PvP.... in PvE if you are being beaten on, you've probably come a cropper somewhere and there will be a tank on the otherside of the "mob" trying to regain aggro. Also in PvP, i find i don't often have spare rage for this ability, slash hits for about 1.5/2k crits and for less rage, GCD a side, there are bigger badder weapons that we have that you can use :)


well actually it is a pretty amazing leveling ability so it does have its pve uses :p


if talented for the cd reduction on cloak of pain that is. It pretty much assures you will reset the cd every other pull and rage isn't really an issue when leveling.


I really like it in pvp as well though mainly as a rage dump so I don't cap after being cc'ed, situtational yes but not useless. Also the little bit of extra damage you get within the same gcd can make the difference when it's close.

Edited by mufutiz
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I save it for burst in PvP if it is up. Load up my dots, B-Assault, Annihilate+retaliation. Lots of damage there.


Soloing it's OK.


Group PvE it's ok if I have a lot of rage. While VS hits harder, Retal+assault his harder in DPS terms. Whether or not that loss of 1 rage will set you back overall is unknown.

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I never found myself using Retaliation. It does less damage than any other ability we have (even Assault) and costs way too much rage to be worthwhile. As Carnage, you'd rather use Massacre, as Rage, you need to keep your rage high during your usual rotation (as it can cost anywhere from 1 to 7 rage). As Annihilation, I find myself just dumping rage on Vicious Slash instead, since it can reduce the cooldown on Rupture.



So yeah, no point in ever using it, really. I can see it's uses, but they aren't numerous enough to warrant using the ability in the first place, if you ask me.

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