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Best companionzzz, your ideas?


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Dont know If I can say for level up, as he comes last, and late in the game, but Guss Tuno without exception will give you the easiest time while levelling.


Absolutely zero downtime. I occasionaly have to switch to a tank pet, and heal him, for champions or really hard hitting elites but, for 99% of content me and Guss breeze through content like gangsters.


Plus Guss owns in almost every social situation. Hes awkward, and funny and fantastic.

Edited by tinybabychickens
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My favourite companion as a Sawbones Scoundrel would have to be Akaavi. She can take almost as much punishment as Bowdaar and not having the taunts and the AOE allows me to CC more effectively. We have next to no downtime and we shred through most opponents.


Plus my character ended up marrying her. I must have a thing for angry, bald Women.

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For everything except melee elites/champions, Risha is my go-to girl.

Between the two of us, we can bring down damn near anything.


Unfortunately, the closer I get to 50, the more difficult it has gotten to maintain my stance that "the best defence is overwhelming offence". I've had to start gearing up Bowdaar at the last minute, just to stay on top of things.


So my advice to up-and-coming smugglers would be: pick two, gear them well.

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yes Guss Tuno is the best one becouse he heals you with his "Jedi Powers" !


I only added Guss to my companions yesterday, but he's been a real boon to my Sharpshooter.


"Weeee" makes me chuckle, as do all his comments.


I shall only bother keeping Guss and Bowdaar geared from now on.

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The 'tanks' Corso and Bowdaar are virtually useless later in the game.


Even in good gear they take a lot of damage fast and unless your heal specced you aren't using energy efficiently, it isn't worth the effort. Even if you -are- heal specced in most situations you are better off with a true DPS companions - Akaavi rocks cause she wears heavy armor and is AE DPS.


Risha is single target DPS: she creams things, one at a time, so if you don't mind CC'ing Risha is the go to gal and I love her, I played with her the vast majority of my leveling and post 50 time.


What happened to me was that I found equally geared Akaavi's AE helped me pound through adversaries way faster than CC and 1 by 1 with Risha so now Akaavi is my sidearm.


Gus only comes out on Heroics I hate to say since I burn stuff down too fast with Akaavi to bother with him, but need his heals if I'm doing Champs or multiple elites.


Sometimes I bring out Guss for the dailogue, and sometimes I let Corso or the wookie beat on things just to spice it up, but nothing kills as efficiently as that crazy Mandalorian.

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Without a doubt, Guss Tuno.


For one, he's our only healer.


Secondly, he's the only male companion that actually gets the fact that smugglers are criminals and appreciates the lifestyle, so you don't have to deal with him disapproving of everything you say. And he doesn't disapprove of you flirting with the ladies.


And thirdly, he has the best lines with my favorite being: "You've never known true rage until you've been lectured about emotional control by a four-year-old in a robe."


Classic Guss.

Edited by drewtheacedrew
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