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Leaving PVP excuse - Not enough time to do dailies with losses


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1. Change warzone daily and weekly to require finishing Warzones; not winning.

2. Triple the amount required from 3/9 to 9/27 so it still kind of feels like effort.

3. People stick around til the end more often, reducing overall leaves and therefore improving camaraderie between teams due to playing with the same people that joined more often.

4. ????

5. Profit.


You think we have a problem with people afking in warzones now? They'll stick around for the whole thing yes, but they'll be watching tv, hitting autorun just to get to the end of the warzone. Winning needs to be part of the daily or we'll just get another kind of problem. 3/8 people afking is much worse than 3/8 leaving.

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I agree. There is no requirement to finish those once a day. If it takes you two or three days who cares. It is not a valid excuse for quitting warzones.


The irony is the reason win credit is not given sometimes because of people quitting.

Edited by RealAeiouy
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Winning needs to be part of the daily or we'll just get another kind of problem. 3/8 people afking is much worse than 3/8 leaving.


The number of wins *is* the leading cause of people dropping out of a warzone. By adding participation, that is, staying in a losing match to the mix we'll hopefully see the number of drops subside to negligible levels. By giving people the carrot of 1 win or 5 matches (to pick numbers) you make it easier for them to stick around as it is faster to stay than it is to drop and requeue hoping for another win.


Keep wins as the fastest route to keep people trying, but make the cost of losing from effecting those that just want to get a daily done.

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I agree. There is no requirement to finish those once a day. If it takes you two or three days who cares. It is not a valid excuse for quitting warzones.


The irony is the reason win credit is not given sometimes because of people quitting.


The irony is buggy programming which is the easy part to fix.


I do find it amusing that the concept of finishing a *DAILY* every day is something you don't grasp. It isn't a Semi-Weekly we're trying to complete, but a task by that is by definition one that is supposed to be easily doable every day.


Would you be happy if every other daily quest in the game took you two or three days to do? No? Maybe it would be better to just drop the daily and just have a weekly that awards all the commendations of seven dailies plus the current weekly. That would have less pressure to finish things each day and make the timing a bit easier on folks.

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Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


D would be extremely easy to do- though a good one. Although C is nice- fact is, usually the person doing C isn't the useful one- it's generally the two other people nearby who are throwing CC on enemies trying to get to the C person who are trying the hardest- so they'd need it too.


There's a great deal involved in huttball beyond scoring- I for example often can lead to 3-4 caps in a winning game using extricite, stuns, snares, knockback off ramp to clear a path- without passing or actually scoring. Similarly, a BH or SW can do a lot to stop a cap with roots, leaps and pushes.



Essentially, what I'm saying is- your ideas could work if greatly expanded on, but, a lot of the problem is how do you take metrics for something?


Rooting/stunning the ball carrier on a flame vent is a great thing... stunning them at random and filling up their resolve actually helps the other team considerably- it's very very hard to truly judge smart play with a computer- on the other hand, things like damage, healing and protection are simple to judge- as are wins.




I'd personally prefer 'need 9 points for daily, 27 for weekly- 1 point per loss, 3 per win'. If you're good, you have your daily in under an hour- if you're bad, you have it in three hours- BUT you still know you'll get it eventually, and, you know you'll get it by NOT leaving games. Win/Win imo.

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Well i admit , i leave cause i want , i play much more than 3 wins a day ... 3 wins are not even hard to get , but if my team is weak/bad , you bet i will consider leaving , usually i only stay if i want to farm medals anyway , or if i respect one of the other BM in the WZ , i wont leave a good player behind because of a bad team.
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