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Leaving PVP excuse - Not enough time to do dailies with losses


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It's pretty sad that the gaming community has become such a train wrek.

Back in the early MMO days of games like EQ and AO it was important to treat

people with respect because due to the smallish communities being an ****** could ensure you a one way ticket to solo ville... which there really was no way to solo back then so... you'd be sol..


With the solo everything mindset and the steal everything it's free mentality of today... it's no wonder the gaming community has hit the lowest common denominator.


I remember when people would buff eachother and wave and even spend time socializing in games... o well...


Guild Leaders would organize events that had NO REWARDS but were FUN and people found ways of having FUN even thou there were no rewards for it...


Well said


I wish we could get a newer MMO also that got away from the "must have two factions" mindset. I can remember UO back when it was new, no factions. And we still had a blast running and doing crap, pvping, or farming mats for crafting.

The whole idea of having a "war" going on never works. It always feels limp and static at the end of the day.


Myself I drank the kool-aid and have shelved my 50 Republic character and started leveling up an Imp. Seeing as how I never won a single level 50 WZ for 3 days, I should have no problem getting my gear Imp side in a couple of days.

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i used to stay ingames the full time.


But thats when it took 4 days to do the 3 win daily, and i play 6 hours a day, queueing non stop. Because of the lack of teamwork. Thinking its Deathmatch doing 1 on 1 crap nowhere even close to anything.


I unsub'd last night and unisntalled. Wont come back untill either they change the requirement to pre-50 participate, or i hear people are actually doing teamwork.

Edited by CKNairb
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People are saying they leave the PVP matches because they do not have enough time to complete dailies when they get in losing games.


I'm sorry but that is just a selfish, childish excuse. If you do not have time to do something then the intended way, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

I've never left a warzone for that reason (I've only left a single warzone since launch), but I can understand their point.


Some of the people in my guild don't have the ability to play every single day, and when they do get to play, it's only for a couple hours.


In the past, I've gone 6-7 warzones in a row without a win. With the daily requiring multiple wins, some of which may not count, I can certainly see where these people are coming from.


I don't think it's childish for them to do that, since they're doing it due to time constraints, not because they can't handle losing.


It is selfish, but then MMO's are designed for the selfish player. There's a good drop, I want it. We need to win so that I get more rewards, so that I can gear up faster.


Very few MMO's have attempted to make factions actually work together like factions. It's pretty much everyone for them self.

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Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


THAT is the only solution to getting people to not leave.




I work for a living.

Don't think a game is important enough to stay up late and feel tired in the morning.

I still have student loans to pay off.

My time is valuable to me and won't be wasted in a 5-0 Huttball game or a Voidstar where the first attackers get to the end door with 4 minutes to spare.


Sorry, but if they don't change the WZ system to the above, and instead institute a 30 minute lockout timer I will cancel my sub right then.


Get it right Bioware, don't listen to the people who want a debuff.

You apparently don't have time to play anyway. You can cancel your sub right now, because it's going to happen.

Edited by vrok-
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I've never left a warzone for that reason (I've only left a single warzone since launch), but I can understand their point.


Some of the people in my guild don't have the ability to play every single day, and when they do get to play, it's only for a couple hours.


In the past, I've gone 6-7 warzones in a row without a win. With the daily requiring multiple wins, some of which may not count, I can certainly see where these people are coming from.


I don't think it's childish for them to do that, since they're doing it due to time constraints, not because they can't handle losing.


It is selfish, but then MMO's are designed for the selfish player. There's a good drop, I want it. We need to win so that I get more rewards, so that I can gear up faster.


Very few MMO's have attempted to make factions actually work together like factions. It's pretty much everyone for them self.


I've already addressed the issue of people not having enough time. That is their issue to deal with, not to enforce it on the other people that queued for PVP having enough time. If you can't supply the time to play losing matches to get your win, then you should not be playing.


In the past you've gone 6-7 matches without a win? So? Just because it's a daily doesn't mean that you have to complete it daily. Last night I got home from work (I work bankers hours, normally leave at 530) at 1030pm. So I'd be classified as one of those that "doesn't have time". It took me 3 hours before I got my first win towards the daily. It was MY DECISION to stay up later to complete that daily, which affects ONLY ME and not the people I play with. Had I left those (more than 6-7) matches that were losing I could very likely impact the outcome of the game. The point again is that leaving affects the rest of the group, not you only.


By the way, there were two matches in that time period where my team came back from a 3-0 or 4-0 game to 5 points. Unfortunately we lost both of them but it just shows that the first 5 minutes most definitely do not determine the outcome of the game.

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I'm afraid people would just AFK in a corner and not try to win the warzone.


they already do this to farm valor and gold if they dont care about getting the win for the quest


on top of that is a new breed of troll: republics with two accounts who have lvled up a sith alt that sits in our warzones and intentioally trolls the game to help the republic win


ive watched naked sith sorcs use speed boost to run out grab the ball and than return it to the SITH goal and than stand there fora r epublic to come kill them, take the ball and score


this is the new pvp on our server, republic cheaters with sith alts being used to twink republic with free wins


theres at least one entire guild on our server doing this and they are on 12 hours a day screwing up the majority of our warzone ques

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Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


I like where this could go.

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Feel free to disagree, but if you are by all means post your justification. Because I want Bioware to fix things right if they are going to make any changes.


The fact that there is no penalty for leaving means that there's no reason not to, and Joe probably isn't wrong that his team will lose if they're 2-0 down after 5 minutes.


On many servers (the low pop ones), you can tell who's going to win just by looking at the rosters.


If you don't know it, you can do a /who The Pit and see every character your faction in the Huttball zone.


On low pop servers, this number is never higher than 16 level 50's. You can look at all the players in the zone, and look at who's on your own side, and then deduce the other side. Like any server, low pop servers have their hardcore fully geared 4 man premades, and their people who PvP "casually" - meaning they do it to have fun and probably to complete the daily.


If you know who the geared 24/7 pvpers are on your server, and you see they're all on the other team, you know you're going to lose.


I'm sure that's what Joe is doing :p


(anyways, I've only ever left 1 warzone. I waited 5 minutes and requeued and got the same team in the same huttball, and somehow we actually won, so I felt really bad about leaving and haven't done it since.


that being said, I learned later that we won because the other team "let us". the single 4 man premade 50's in vent on my server found that if they won every single match, people stopped queuing and they didn't get ANY matches, so every third match they don't really try.


I have also seen them offering to PAY level 50's to queue in /general on the Fleet when they feel they won't get their daily 3 wins because there's not enough queuers to get a warzone going.


but that's life on a low pop server.)

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.. and Joe probably isn't wrong that his team will lose if they're 2-0 down after 5 minutes.


To me, the fact that you said this and quite a bit of what you said after it invalidates your argument.


You are saying he's justified in screwing the team because they for sure are going to lose?


I honestly can't believe there are so many people supporting this.




however, I am stating that in the mean time THIS IS HOW THE GAME WORKS. THIS IS HOW IT IS INTENDED OR AT LEAST HOW IT IS BUILT TO BE PLAYED. So just because you don't have time to play the game how it is intended or built to play now, does not for one second justify screwing everyone else over. Simply don't PVP until it functions the way you think it should function. By all means come to the forums and post suggestions all day that hopefully Bioware will implement but don't leave battlegrounds screwing other people over.

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To me, the fact that you said this and quite a bit of what you said after it invalidates your argument.


You are saying he's justified in screwing the team because they for sure are going to lose?


I honestly can't believe there are so many people supporting this.




however, I am stating that in the mean time THIS IS HOW THE GAME WORKS. THIS IS HOW IT IS INTENDED OR AT LEAST HOW IT IS BUILT TO BE PLAYED. So just because you don't have time to play the game how it is intended or built to play now, does not for one second justify screwing everyone else over. Simply don't PVP until it functions the way you think it should function. By all means come to the forums and post suggestions all day that hopefully Bioware will implement but don't leave battlegrounds screwing other people over.


This post is invalidated because most games already aren't being played as intended, at least in the low bracket. Unless the devs intended for games to run the full timer while teams farm medals?

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This post is invalidated because most games already aren't being played as intended, at least in the low bracket. Unless the devs intended for games to run the full timer while teams farm medals?


So just because you can do something justifies it? No.


If that were true there'd be no such word as exploit in the gaming community.

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To me, the fact that you said this and quite a bit of what you said after it invalidates your argument.


You are saying he's justified in screwing the team because they for sure are going to lose?


I honestly can't believe there are so many people supporting this.




however, I am stating that in the mean time THIS IS HOW THE GAME WORKS. THIS IS HOW IT IS INTENDED OR AT LEAST HOW IT IS BUILT TO BE PLAYED. So just because you don't have time to play the game how it is intended or built to play now, does not for one second justify screwing everyone else over. Simply don't PVP until it functions the way you think it should function. By all means come to the forums and post suggestions all day that hopefully Bioware will implement but don't leave battlegrounds screwing other people over.


Read my whole post.


I can 95% tell you if I'm on a winning or losing team (assuming everyone in the zone is trying) based on who's on each team.


But I'm also on a low pop server.


Again, read my whole post.


I'm not saying I agree with what "he" does (as if you read my whole post you'll see my point of view on this on MY server only, which is my only experience in TOR), but right now the game does NOT punish him for leaving.


Maybe it should (and I would agree that it should) or maybe how it is now is fine, but right now "how the game is intended to be played" is that there's no punishment for leaving a warzone, so why not leave?

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1. Change warzone daily and weekly to require finishing Warzones; not winning.

2. Triple the amount required from 3/9 to 9/27 so it still kind of feels like effort.

3. People stick around til the end more often, reducing overall leaves and therefore improving camaraderie between teams due to playing with the same people that joined more often.

4. ????

5. Profit.


The faction imbalance is the problem. Why would anyone choose to be abused on purpose?


Really Bio Ware ask yourself that question. What is fun about failure?

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we all pay the same price to play the game. if i want to join a WZ as a level 10 and run around naked doing /flex, i have that right. sorry if it makes you have a bad time, but im not playing this game for anyone elses enjoyment but my own.


if the OP would like to pay for my sub id be happy to do whatever he likes in the game. till then, its naked /flex.

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Either give a penalty for leaving war zones or change it from winning to just playing a full war zone.


Doing stuff like "passing the ball" or "taking the objective" will just encourage people to be in it for themselves more then usual.


You try and take the turret. The second persons tries to take the turret 1 second after you. the last thing on his mind is defending you, all he wants is for you to be hit rather then defending. People in huttball would just pass the ball between each other or try to be a hero and cap when they have no chance resulting in losing the ball just because it would add towards his weekly.

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Read my whole post.


I can 95% tell you if I'm on a winning or losing team (assuming everyone in the zone is trying) based on who's on each team.


But I'm also on a low pop server.


Again, read my whole post.


I'm not saying I agree with what "he" does (as if you read my whole post you'll see my point of view on this on MY server only, which is my only experience in TOR), but right now the game does NOT punish him for leaving.


Maybe it should (and I would agree that it should) or maybe how it is now is fine, but right now "how the game is intended to be played" is that there's no punishment for leaving a warzone, so why not leave?



I apologize I misread your initial post.


But there is no punishment for leaving a warzone, so why not leave? It punishes the others. That's why. Last night was a great example. I stuck out (and so did the majority of players) until the end - I always do anyway. It took me 3 hours roughly to get a first win. I didn't finish until extremely late on a work night, but I wasn't about to make the others suffer because I wanted to get my rewards quicker.


How do they suffer? If the first guy leaves because he is a visionary that foresees the future loss in his crystal ball, then there is a chance that the match will not refill. This will make the warzone end for short players, especially if others follow his lead. Then they hardly get anything for their time for lack of medals. If that doesn't happen it still affects the game because chances are he might be a decent player, so instead of trying to help overcome what appears to be a loss he is making it almost inevitable.


I'm not making any of these posts in regards to how the game needs to be fixed, I'm posting it to make people rethink their morals. You are playing an online game. If you are participating in a group activity whether it be flashpoints, group quests, or pvp etc.. Think about how you are affecting the other players. All I'm saying is if you are the one leaving just don't freaking PVP. It's making the system worse (until they get it fixed).

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they already do this to farm valor and gold if they dont care about getting the win for the quest


on top of that is a new breed of troll: republics with two accounts who have lvled up a sith alt that sits in our warzones and intentioally trolls the game to help the republic win


ive watched naked sith sorcs use speed boost to run out grab the ball and than return it to the SITH goal and than stand there fora r epublic to come kill them, take the ball and score


this is the new pvp on our server, republic cheaters with sith alts being used to twink republic with free wins


theres at least one entire guild on our server doing this and they are on 12 hours a day screwing up the majority of our warzone ques


Wait are you serious? That's effing devious.


And brilliant. =P

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People are saying they leave the PVP matches because they do not have enough time to complete dailies when they get in losing games.


I'm sorry but that is just a selfish, childish excuse. If you do not have time to do something then the intended way, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. That's about as good as the people justifying pirating software because they don't have enough money to afford the software in the first place.


So 8 people join a warzone, but player Joe Smith thinks that in the first 5 minutes because the other team got two points it's not possible to win. First of all Joe Smith is a moron. And by leaving the game he contributed to making sure that would be a loss. He just selfishly screwed the rest of the team over because he wants to only play winning games because of his time limit. A team can easily come back for a win outside of the first 5 minutes. I've seen it many times.


He should not be playing this game if he cannot play by the rules in his allotted time.


Feel free to disagree, but if you are by all means post your justification. Because I want Bioware to fix things right if they are going to make any changes.


The reason why he behaves this way is because of the way the system was designed. The environment is what shapes human behavior. In addition, humans, will almost always take the path of least resistance. We share this in common with a bolt of lightning.


The game designers created a stupid system. You wonder why players are behaving irradically?

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No I'm not paying for his subscription so no I can't tell him what to do. But that doesn't mean his actions aren't affecting MANY other people's experience. Again, selfish actions.

aren't you selfish yourself when you only view this in you POV that is:

"oh no people leaving me! how can I play this doomed warzone now ! there must be people to share the pain with me!"


The system is stupid in that it requires 3 wins a day to get BM bags (only way to get some gear at V60+, you can buy your champ bags whenever you want, BM can't).


Look a Ilum. People killtrading or trainwrecking opposing faction to get it done as fast as possible. On my server it's either share the chest spawn (which is even rarer than before thanks to BW newest patch) or killtrade. When you take 1h to get it done the legit way, I can understand people wanting to killtrade, especially when BW stated it's working as intended !


People can and will leave warzone if they see/think it's gonna be bad. (I'm 95% right when I see it and leave, even when there are friends inside, who tell me later they get faceroll'd)


You can't stop them.

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The button to leave is there. I'll be god damned if in going to get farmed in hutball for 8 min. If Bio wants me to suffer through getting farmed they need to make me chose between that and not being able to queue for a while.


I'm not a c average high school kid that plays all night. I have responsibilities one of which is not game design. You can almost tell who is a worthless piece of **** irl by the content of their forum posts. Pretty fascinating actually.

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aren't you selfish yourself when you only view this in you POV that is:

"oh no people leaving me! how can I play this doomed warzone now ! there must be people to share the pain with me!"


If everyone leaves, the same people that made it losing are still going to be queuing up for the next round.. What the hell else you think is going to happen?


Sure you might get lucky and grab a different round that might win but two things should bother you if you actually had morals like a decent person:


1. Had you stayed you could have helped them possibly pull a win.


2. Had you offered sound advice to your team (without complaining or negative remakrs) You might actually turn it into a win. You'd be surprised how many people are open to constructive criticism.

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If everyone leaves, the same people that made it losing are still going to be queuing up for the next round.. What the hell else you think is going to happen?


Sure you might get lucky and grab a different round that might win but two things should bother you if you actually had morals like a decent person:


1. Had you stayed you could have helped them possibly pull a win.


2. Had you offered sound advice to your team (without complaining or negative remakrs) You might actually turn it into a win. You'd be surprised how many people are open to constructive criticism.


People leave unwinnable situations, no penalty will change this.



The match maker needs to check for gear, player numbers and premade vs. pug.


Fix those problems and people will stop leaving.

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I have recently started to leave loosing warzones. Not affraid to admit is. The one and only reason i am doing it now is cause of that damn bug that doesnt count wins towards the daily/weekly. I simply cant affort to spend hour upon hour every evening to get them done like i am doing now. If the bug wasnt there, i would not leave. i would get my 3 wins a day prety easy. But i have had to win 7-10 WZ's just to get the 3 dailies one to many times now to keep putting up with it Edited by Faragon
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