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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leaving PVP excuse - Not enough time to do dailies with losses


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People are saying they leave the PVP matches because they do not have enough time to complete dailies when they get in losing games.


I'm sorry but that is just a selfish, childish excuse. If you do not have time to do something then the intended way, then you probably shouldn't be doing it. That's about as good as the people justifying pirating software because they don't have enough money to afford the software in the first place.


So 8 people join a warzone, but player Joe Smith thinks that in the first 5 minutes because the other team got two points it's not possible to win. First of all Joe Smith is a moron. And by leaving the game he contributed to making sure that would be a loss. He just selfishly screwed the rest of the team over because he wants to only play winning games because of his time limit. A team can easily come back for a win outside of the first 5 minutes. I've seen it many times.


He should not be playing this game if he cannot play by the rules in his allotted time.


Feel free to disagree, but if you are by all means post your justification. Because I want Bioware to fix things right if they are going to make any changes.

Edited by snakester
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1. Change warzone daily and weekly to require finishing Warzones; not winning.

2. Triple the amount required from 3/9 to 9/27 so it still kind of feels like effort.

3. People stick around til the end more often, reducing overall leaves and therefore improving camaraderie between teams due to playing with the same people that joined more often.

4. ????

5. Profit.

Edited by Aurinax
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Dailies are like a job, which is why I hate them and think they are a stupid solution to get people to keep playing.


Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


THAT is the only solution to getting people to not leave.




I work for a living.

Don't think a game is important enough to stay up late and feel tired in the morning.

I still have student loans to pay off.

My time is valuable to me and won't be wasted in a 5-0 Huttball game or a Voidstar where the first attackers get to the end door with 4 minutes to spare.


Sorry, but if they don't change the WZ system to the above, and instead institute a 30 minute lockout timer I will cancel my sub right then.


Get it right Bioware, don't listen to the people who want a debuff.

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Are you paying for Joe's sub? No.


You don't get to dictate what he does, even if he acts like a sillybean.


When, (yes I said when) a penalty comes in, it'll improve.


No I'm not paying for his subscription so no I can't tell him what to do. But that doesn't mean his actions aren't affecting MANY other people's experience. Again, selfish actions.

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Dailies shouldn't be win 3 WZs they should be:


a. Pass the Huttball to a player who then scores

b. Score the Huttball

c. Capture a Turret on Alderaan

d. Interrupt a player from planting a bomb in The Voidstar


Complete 30 of these types of actions.


neat idea, I like it

you could even have winning a match as one of the many ways to get progress toward this kind of daily (instead of the only way)

Edited by Internicio
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Sith on my server have a much higher average gear level than Republic due to their vast numerical superiority that allows them to control Ilum 24/7. That means they win warzones at a rate of about 3 to 1.


As Republic, I actually DON'T usually have enough time to complete the PvP warzone daily. And that's ok. I turn it in every 2-3 days and still get my bag. It's not the fastest progression and I'm ok with that too. If I wanted to be full geared in a week I'd reroll Sith.


The Ilum PvP daily usually takes about a week to complete. I still haven't finished my first weekly there. That's ok too. Like I said, I'm not worried about trying to finish all the endgame content in a month.

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Joe Smith has no time for "Morons" that can not do warzones correctly.

Add in the fact that there are still too many bugs and glitches in each warzone that contribute to an edge to one side in the first 2 minutes, not 5 minutes and slant the outcome.

it is easier for "Joe Smith" and myself to just leave, and force a quick lose to everyone and try again on the next warzone pop. There are plenty of warzone pops to have an equal start on.


Now if the 8 players just blow then there is no reason to leave early. Get your commendations, your easy minimum 4 medals and stick it out...it will be over soon enough.


I am paying to play the game as it is presented to me. I am not here to be your friend.


Join a guild and queue as a premade 4 and then you know at least your 4 man will not leave early.

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It's an excuse but for the wrong reason. If leaving games really helps you getting dailys done faster, then in theory those guys ought to be done before the guys doing it the old fashion way. This means, if you're sticking out in your games in the presumably inefficient ways, you shouldn't see very many leavers since they'd have gotten their 3 wins already.


With the reason for wins not counting discovered, the more people leave, the more likely the win will not count for anyone. If everyone sticks around, the win will count for at least half of the guys (the winning side). Leaving early increases the chance that the win won't count for anyone, and it can easily be you when you finally get your game that looks like a 6-0 clownstomp.


To put things in number, let's say you expect to win 50%, you'd need 6 games to get 3 wins on average.


Let's say leaving a game increases your chance of winning to 75% on the games you do play, but because everyone is leaving, there's a 50% chance the game you win didn't count (half of the time the first person who joined is on the other side, and if they apply the same strat then your win won't count). You'd need 8 games on avearge to get your 3 wins (you win 6 of them, but half of them ddin't count). Also, each of your games will take longer than someone who never leaves, since that's only the games you played, not the games you leave early while trying to find a game that you can win, so you spend more time in queue.


So in the end leaving the game hurts yourself and hurts other people too. That's why there should be a deserter debuff, not to punish people, but to stop people from punishing themselves.

Edited by Astarica
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People that leave are screwing the people in queue. In most cases you wait a bit just to get dropped into a losing match. If people got the debuff they would be more inclined to try and win. Change it to matches completed and increase the number for the daily/weekly Also have a slight valor multiplier for people who never leave a WZ do that grows faster.. Cause the crawl to 60 is a pain in the tookis.
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1. Change warzone daily and weekly to require finishing Warzones; not winning.

2. Triple the amount required from 3/9 to 9/27 so it still kind of feels like effort.

3. People stick around til the end more often, reducing overall leaves and therefore improving camaraderie between teams due to playing with the same people that joined more often.

4. ????

5. Profit.


I'm afraid people would just AFK in a corner and not try to win the warzone.

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Do you guys realize that if ALL players leave the game because they don't want to participate in a losing game, you have an extremely good chance of getting right back in a game with them? It's that way for Empire who continuously get Huttball games. Not only is leaving a game selfish but when many people do it, you'll see the same results repeated over and over.


Have you tried actually contributing to the group instead of just getting pissed off and ditching because it's such a waste of your time? How about paying attention to who is the most likely cause of the losing and making helpful suggestions to them? It's called constructive criticism if you can keep from losing your patience, which many of you could but don't.

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It's an excuse but for the wrong reason. If leaving games really helps you getting dailys done faster, then in theory those guys ought to be done before the guys doing it the old fashion way. This means, if you're sticking out in your games in the presumably inefficient ways, you shouldn't see very many leavers since they'd have gotten their 3 wins already.


With the reason for wins not counting discovered, the more people leave, the more likely the win will not count for anyone. If everyone sticks around, the win will count for at least half of the guys (the winning side). Leaving early increases the chance that the win won't count for anyone, and it can easily be you when you finally get your game that looks like a 6-0 clownstomp.


To put things in number, let's say you expect to win 50%, you'd need 6 games to get 3 wins on average.


Let's say leaving a game increases your chance of winning to 75% on the games you do play, but because everyone is leaving, there's a 50% chance the game you win didn't count (half of the time the first person who joined is on the other side, and if they apply the same strat then your win won't count). You'd need 8 games on avearge to get your 3 wins (you win 6 of them, but half of them ddin't count). Also, each of your games will take longer than someone who never leaves, since that's only the games you played, not the games you leave early while trying to find a game that you can win, so you spend more time in queue.


So in the end leaving the game hurts yourself and hurts other people too. That's why there should be a deserter debuff, not to punish people, but to stop people from punishing themselves.


BTW thank you for doing the math. This is good, sound logic.

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It's pretty sad that the gaming community has become such a train wrek.

Back in the early MMO days of games like EQ and AO it was important to treat

people with respect because due to the smallish communities being an ****** could ensure you a one way ticket to solo ville... which there really was no way to solo back then so... you'd be sol..


With the solo everything mindset and the steal everything it's free mentality of today... it's no wonder the gaming community has hit the lowest common denominator.


I remember when people would buff eachother and wave and even spend time socializing in games... o well...


Guild Leaders would organize events that had NO REWARDS but were FUN and people found ways of having FUN even thou there were no rewards for it...

Edited by VoidJustice
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OP, I'm sorry but the daily is a perfectly reasonable excuse for leaving matches. If they do not change the daily but add a debuff, they will see hundreds and perhaps thousands of unsubs instantly. And then you will be on a lighter server with longer queues.


The only solution they need is to change the daily to 5 warzones completed and 1 victory, and the weekly to 15 (or 20) warzones completed with 5 victories.


These quests are the primary reason people leave, and imo rightly so. Once the daily is completed losing isn't so bad because the rewards are not so much worse. Although... currently as a BM there isnt any reward for pvping after completing the quests, but thats a separate issue.

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Do you guys realize that if ALL players leave the game because they don't want to participate in a losing game, you have an extremely good chance of getting right back in a game with them? It's that way for Empire who continuously get Huttball games. Not only is leaving a game selfish but when many people do it, you'll see the same results repeated over and over.


Have you tried actually contributing to the group instead of just getting pissed off and ditching because it's such a waste of your time? How about paying attention to who is the most likely cause of the losing and making helpful suggestions to them? It's called constructive criticism if you can keep from losing your patience, which many of you could but don't.


Short of getting into a game that's say 5-0 5 minutes into the game and being farmed, there's really no reason to be mad about being in a losin game. Now that people know the reason for wins to not count, farming literally makes no sense (longer game = more chance for disconnect, or someone getting mad and leave) since getting credit for wins outweigh the small gain in valor. Yes people are stupid, but if you educate them, they'll eventually get it. Once I explained to people how chance of game not counting increases the longer the game is, people quickly came to the conclusion that winning 6-0 is far better than farming, and that's also good for the losing team too.

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I don't even have a level 50. I leave when my team is off farming kills in the corner with no regard for objectives and/or the opposing team is wiping the floor with us with no regard for objectives.


In truth, it boils down to this: I hate feeding an enemy team free medals, it's a personal pet peeve of mine.

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I agree with having individual goals to fulfill in any mix and match way. Make these goals all dealing with ways that help your team win. Only problem with that is then you get 6 tailing a cap instead of ccing. Which need some good coding to address that. But also say 8 points of 30 is gained for winning and faster you win you can gain 10 or 12 points this to help prevent factions helping each other. I'm sure there will be easy ways to prevent it


As for penalty timer that won't work because it's the attitude that is preventing wins and if Joe smith has to stick around now he is just sitting in a corner somewhere or just plain not helping and just says "why ? We lose 80% of games anyways "

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It's also selfish to go off and do your own thing in warzones constantly which happen to screw your team over all the time.


Louis C.K. says it best.

And most people kind of don’t care. Most people are very selfish. Most people don’t give a **** what happens, as long as they get to do their favorite thing. People don’t even wanna back off from their favorite thing. They won’t even do their second favorite thing. Like, have you ever seen somebody in traffic, they’re at an intersection and they want to make a left. But they’re in the all the way right lane, because they messed up. So now here’s the guy, he’s in the right lane and there’s a whole lotta cars, like Sixth Avenue. Like, a lot of cars and he wants to make that left. So what does he do? He just does it anyway. He just goes ahead and he just shoves his car through everybody’s life. And everybody’s honking and outraged and you always see the guy…‘I have to. There’s no other possible thing I could do. What else could I do?’ …Except go up one more block and then go left and take four seconds!! ‘That’s not my favorite way, though! That only meets 99% of my criteria.’


It's a competitive game where you're being asked to win for a daily. That's not compatible with unique snowflakes running around in circles where they shouldn't be.

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