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Officially Angry now...


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So they assigned my guild to my old beta server,on that beta I had used the name i was going too and figured I would get to a different server without any worries,turns out someone too my unique name I made when I was just 11 from me,thanks for making me wait for about four days to have my name stolen Bioware,thanks a freakin lot...
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So they assigned my guild to my old beta server,on that beta I had used the name i was going too and figured I would get to a different server without any worries,turns out someone too my unique name I made when I was just 11 from me,thanks for making me wait for about four days to have my name stolen Bioware,thanks a freakin lot...


Seems like your name wasn't really unique then now was it?


I have three different user names that I go by and NONE of them are EVER taken on ANYTHING. Try coming up with more creative stuff that's unique to you.

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It was unique ,but now I am getting a different error when a name is taken,so I am wondering if they took out a specific type of name that was allowed in beta,did they decrease the amount of characters usable? Edited by Jinxey
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It was unique ,but now I am getting a different error when a name is taken,so I am wondering if they took out a specific type of name that was allowed in beta,did they decrease the amount of characters usable?



Probaly a silly or offensive 'unique' name then... :rolleyes:

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So they assigned my guild to my old beta server,on that beta I had used the name i was going too and figured I would get to a different server without any worries,turns out someone too my unique name I made when I was just 11 from me,thanks for making me wait for about four days to have my name stolen Bioware,thanks a freakin lot...


LOL! People actually crying about names!


This is too rich!


Like anyone gives a flying whomprat what your name is other than you!?



When will people realise, no one really cares about your character. You are not special. For every piece of gear you get, there is someone else who already has it or had it or has something better.



Get over yourself.

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