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My Proposed Solution/Punishment for Quiting Warzones Early


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My proposed solution:


Anyone who leaves a Warzone before it is finished gains no rewards, valor, etc. and loses 10 Warzone commendations. The amount of Warzone (WZ) commendations lost stacks for every match left within in a 30 minute period.




Leave first match: -10 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes later: -20 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes after last: -30 WZ commendations


Leave another match 30 minutes later: -10 WZ commendations



If the player has less than 10 WZ commendations, he/she goes into negative. The total negative ceiling of WZ commendations that a player can accumulate should be 1,000.


Accidental quits arent that bad as the loss of 10 WZ commendations is trivial and can be made up quickly. However, frequent quiters will find they will miss out on being able to buy PvP bags as quickly due to having their numbers drop. Those same players will also need to stop quiting games in order to be able to make up the numbers of WZ commendations they've lost if they end up in the negative.

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There's always a limit though. Quitting should be done rarely, either when you need to do something IRL right away or when the team you're on is just so bad it's not funny.


Just do the old debuff of not being able to enter another WZ for 10 mins.

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Dear Poster,


Normally I would say "Dear Original Poster", but there's nothing original about what you're posting.


Get this through your pretty blonde (or whatever actual color your hair is, if any) head that the ONLY thing that ANY kind of punishment for leaving warzones early will accomplish is drastically increase the number of AFKers. That is ALL it will accomplish.


If I, or any other sane human being, ends up with a team of level 10 morons matched up against a premade of level 46-49s, we will quit the match. There's no point in it. The outcome is painfully predictable, and being killfarmed for 15 mins is not entertaining.


If we get punished for leaving, we will simply AFK. That is, put something heavy on the W key on our keyboards and walk off for 15 mins. And if we are a stealth class (1 in 4 chance), we will just park in some quiet corner and sit there.


Your idea is NOT going to solve anything. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is INTELLIGENT MATCHMAKING. Do I need to sit down and explain to you why matching a bunch of level 10-13s to a premade of level 45-49s is a bad idea? Or should I just draw it for you, in crayon, like usual?


Thank you for your time,


Sincerely, Condescending Jack*ss.

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Quitting a warzone should just be a simple time ding. If you are quitting because RL happened a 30 minute no queue time will be no big thing. But if you are quitting because you are warzone hopping until you find a team that can win without you for a free win then you should have a 30 minute delay between hops.


As far as "What if I get disconnected" they need to code in a 60 second grace period or so that will log you right back in to the warzone. If it takes you longer than that to log back in upgrade your WoW PC and try again later because after the 60 second grace the 30 minute debuff should be applied so the "crafty" quitters won't just be yanking ethernet cables to get out of the debuff.


Finally code in a quick report afk button and poof, everyone is happy (except quitters seeking easy wins, but really who cares about them?). Quitters who claim afk will become rampant are greatly exaggerating in hopes to keep their warfront hopping an effective way of easy wins so fear not and implement the debuff already.

Edited by Chocotaco
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I am bm,i /care bout credits xp valor and commendations.

Instead they should implement something that will make me want to stay.

Dailies based on personal skill will be good.

If you aren't doing PvP for the simple fact that it is PvP nothing will "Make you want to stay". PvP is fun because it is fun. If all you're doing is chasing the carrot get back to what it is you're really seeking (PvE). Edited by Chocotaco
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My proposed solution:


Anyone who leaves a Warzone before it is finished gains no rewards, valor, etc. and loses 10 Warzone commendations. The amount of Warzone (WZ) commendations lost stacks for every match left within in a 30 minute period.




Leave first match: -10 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes later: -20 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes after last: -30 WZ commendations


Leave another match 30 minutes later: -10 WZ commendations



If the player has less than 10 WZ commendations, he/she goes into negative. The total negative ceiling of WZ commendations that a player can accumulate should be 1,000.


Accidental quits arent that bad as the loss of 10 WZ commendations is trivial and can be made up quickly. However, frequent quiters will find they will miss out on being able to buy PvP bags as quickly due to having their numbers drop. Those same players will also need to stop quiting games in order to be able to make up the numbers of WZ commendations they've lost if they end up in the negative.


I would be totally fine with getting -WZ comms for leaving early. I don't run WZ's for comms I run them for the daily (3xWins). Other than that I could care less. I leave dysfunctional groups vs pre-mades all the time because it's a waste of my time. I am looking for 3x wins, and I don't want to spend 3-4hrs trying to get the 3 wins. I also have 2 level 50's, and so need x6Wins a day.

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I am bm,i /care bout credits xp valor and commendations.

Instead they should implement something that will make me want to stay.

Dailies based on personal skill will be good.


Daily's based on Wins or Medal counts would work for me. I think that's a good idea I would stick out a losing game to do that. If you have multiple characters these daily's becomes a time sink the way they are now. I want to get my wins, and move on.

Edited by pixelelement
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Dear Poster,


Your idea is NOT going to solve anything. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is INTELLIGENT MATCHMAKING. Do I need to sit down and explain to you why matching a bunch of level 10-13s to a premade of level 45-49s is a bad idea? Or should I just draw it for you, in crayon, like usual?


Sincerely, Condescending Jack*ss.





I am not sure what is supposed to be accomplished by punishing people who leave war zones. First, as said, people would just afk. Second, the reason people leave is they are outmanned and outgeared and outplayed. People rarely bail on a competitive game. People leaving doesn't hurt anyone. The ones who stay still get their commendations and points,


Once we have rated warzones, the leaving will generally end.

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I am bm,i /care bout credits xp valor and commendations.

Instead they should implement something that will make me want to stay.

Dailies based on personal skill will be good.


I'm guessing you meant you "dont" care about those things. Good point as someone in your place would still not care about losing such things.


Back to the drawing board! :p

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If you aren't doing PvP for the simple fact that it is PvP nothing will "Make you want to stay". PvP is fun because it is fun. If all you're doing is chasing the carrot get back to what it is you're really seeking (PvE).


How fun it is to w8 for your cd`s to make a solo atempt at scoring while none on your teams try to help?You can say that i should just go and kill stuff,but most ppl whom i enjoyed killing arent there anymore and stomping over undergeared or simply bad players isnt fun at all.

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Dear Poster,


Normally I would say "Dear Original Poster", but there's nothing original about what you're posting.


Get this through your pretty blonde (or whatever actual color your hair is, if any) head that the ONLY thing that ANY kind of punishment for leaving warzones early will accomplish is drastically increase the number of AFKers. That is ALL it will accomplish.


If I, or any other sane human being, ends up with a team of level 10 morons matched up against a premade of level 46-49s, we will quit the match. There's no point in it. The outcome is painfully predictable, and being killfarmed for 15 mins is not entertaining.


If we get punished for leaving, we will simply AFK. That is, put something heavy on the W key on our keyboards and walk off for 15 mins. And if we are a stealth class (1 in 4 chance), we will just park in some quiet corner and sit there.


Your idea is NOT going to solve anything. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is INTELLIGENT MATCHMAKING. Do I need to sit down and explain to you why matching a bunch of level 10-13s to a premade of level 45-49s is a bad idea? Or should I just draw it for you, in crayon, like usual?


Thank you for your time,


Sincerely, Condescending Jack*ss.



All of this is true.

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Dear Poster,


Normally I would say "Dear Original Poster", but there's nothing original about what you're posting.


Get this through your pretty blonde (or whatever actual color your hair is, if any) head that the ONLY thing that ANY kind of punishment for leaving warzones early will accomplish is drastically increase the number of AFKers. That is ALL it will accomplish.


If I, or any other sane human being, ends up with a team of level 10 morons matched up against a premade of level 46-49s, we will quit the match. There's no point in it. The outcome is painfully predictable, and being killfarmed for 15 mins is not entertaining.


If we get punished for leaving, we will simply AFK. That is, put something heavy on the W key on our keyboards and walk off for 15 mins. And if we are a stealth class (1 in 4 chance), we will just park in some quiet corner and sit there.


Your idea is NOT going to solve anything. What needs to be done, first and foremost, is INTELLIGENT MATCHMAKING. Do I need to sit down and explain to you why matching a bunch of level 10-13s to a premade of level 45-49s is a bad idea? Or should I just draw it for you, in crayon, like usual?


Thank you for your time,


Sincerely, Condescending Jack*ss.


Dear Condescending Jack*ss,


Thank you for wasting what I could only imagine is a great deal of your time in trying to comprehend the english language so that you could write a useless response to my post. Although I appreciate the fact you tried to make a point, you never actually explained how your "UNINTELLIGENT"...oh wait excuse me..."INTELLIGENT" matchmaking would really work as I am pretty sure there is no code or other system that can logically rate a player based on his/her IQ level...since after all, that is apparently what causes you to quit matches.


I also offer you this bit of advice, since this topic seems to be a very touchy subject for you...either that or you lack a great deal of emotional control regarding videogames. Be careful what you wish for in regards to your "intelligent" matchmaking, as I am fairly certain you would still be grouped with the same people calibur of players that make you upset.


Your bestest friend (not really),


- Original Poster

Edited by StrandtheMan
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I believe the current system we have is the best option we can hope to get.


There will always be leavers or rage quitters in any kind of pvp environment. Punishing systems always achieve one thing and that is to change the behavior of the leavers into leechers.


I will take a leaver any day if I can be spared a leecher. At least in SWTOR they can be replaced with someone else. Often did I win games with people leaving and be replaced by players who tried to contribute something.


If someone wants to leave a wz match because he believes it is already over from the start. I would rather see him gone than walking in a freaking wall all day long to avoid the punishment.


Also if someone wants to leave a 5 to 0 match 2 mins before the end of the game : Who the hell cares. All the -There is always hope- wannabees that still think a 5-0 game can be turned around in 2 mins should not have the right to complain about leavers. Like your team is going to be illuminated by god or your opponents are going to become pants on head retarded all of a sudden.


One constructive suggestion in my opinion would to add a resign option. Nobody likes to get farmed for 15 mins when you get steam rolled by a team in huttball. We should have the right to resign as a group.


It is always much easier to think in terms of punishment than actually using your brain to find positive incentives to keep people IN the game.

Edited by Theodorick
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All of this is true.


How is a statement claiming someone would AFK every WZ instead of actually playing it if there were cconsequences "true"?


AFKing is a problem the community can solve on their own by destroying players in-game reputations, which granted, mean nothing anyways, but may prevent grouping or limit other aspects. I know I personally do not invite or accept players who prove time and time again that they are spoiled or cant cope with applying effort in order to get a reward such as winning.


Not to mention if this became a real problem in game, all the devs would have to do is slightly turn the direction that player a player spawns at in their home base. That way you would not auto-run towards the door and in-turn recieve the deserter debuff to the delight of your team.

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I believe the current system we have is the best option we can hope to get.


There will always be leavers or rage quitters in any kind of pvp environment. Punishing systems always achieve one thing and that is to change the behavior of the leavers into leechers.


I will take a leaver any day if I can be spared a leecher. At least in SWTOR they can be replaced with someone else. Often did I win games with people leaving and be replaced by players who tried to contribute something.


If someone wants to leave a wz match because he believes it is already over from the start. I would rather see him gone than walking in a freaking wall all day long to avoid the punishment.


Also if someone wants to leave a 5 to 0 match 2 mins before the end of the game : Who the hell cares. All the -There is always hope- wannabees that still think a 5-0 game can be turned around in 2 mins should not have the right to complain about leavers. Like your team is going to be illuminated by god or your opponents are going to become pants on head retarded all of a sudden.


One constructive suggestion in my opinion would to add a resign option. Nobody likes to get farmed for 15 mins when you get steam rolled by a team in huttball. We should have the right to resign as a group.


It is always much easier to think in terms of punishment than actually using your brain to find positive incentives to keep people IN the game.


I agree that there will always be people who leave in PvP matches...it's human nature that says most people are impatient and incapable of dealing with loss.


However, I dont think the issue is people who leave a Huttball match with 2 minutes to go and the score is 5-0. Let them leave...all they had to do was wait 2 more minutes and they would have got something out of it. The problem is people who leave when the score is 1-0 and therefore, due to constant swapping of players...end making that score 5-0 in the end.

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AFKing is a problem the community can solve on their own by destroying players in-game reputations, which granted, mean nothing anyways, but may prevent grouping or limit other aspects.


You admit yourself that your idea does not make much sense? I'm also curious as to how this logic of yours can not be applied to the leavers as well? Are you telling me a server can't create a "bad reputation" to a leaver as much as it could to a leecher? How is it any different?


Not to mention if this became a real problem in game, all the devs would have to do is slightly turn the direction that player a player spawns at in their home base. That way you would not auto-run towards the door and in-turn recieve the deserter debuff to the delight of your team.


That's only a solution for bots not rage quitters or mid game leavers.



However, I dont think the issue is people who leave a Huttball match with 2 minutes to go and the score is 5-0. Let them leave...all they had to do was wait 2 more minutes and they would have got something out of it. The problem is people who leave when the score is 1-0 and therefore, due to constant swapping of players...end making that score 5-0 in the end.


I don't know about your experience, so I can not comment. However I do not get "constant swapping" that much in my server. It happens only at the end of a game and when the gap in the score is bigger than 1-0. I've often had games with tards leaving early to be replaced by someone that actually tried to help the team.



You can't win all the games and blaming it on others all the time is always so much easier than trying to picture a whole situation. When I look at the pros and cons of the current system I personally like it over a simple and reductive punishment system. At least right now the possibility of winning is not entirely gone if the replacement is a good team player. However with a leecher you are stuck with him the entire game.

Edited by Theodorick
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Before there are penalties for leaving warzones, there needs to be a distinguishing difference in the game between clicking "Leave Warzone" and having your game crash to desktop, lag out, get sent back to character select screen, or being bugged (like being stuck laying on the ground in the respawn zone) which results in getting booted.


If they can seperate those from people who actually just leave, then we can start adding penalties. Or they could just fix the mess of problems too, which would be nice.

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My proposed solution:


Anyone who leaves a Warzone before it is finished gains no rewards, valor, etc. and loses 10 Warzone commendations. The amount of Warzone (WZ) commendations lost stacks for every match left within in a 30 minute period.




Leave first match: -10 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes later: -20 WZ commendations


Leave another match 5 minutes after last: -30 WZ commendations


Leave another match 30 minutes later: -10 WZ commendations



If the player has less than 10 WZ commendations, he/she goes into negative. The total negative ceiling of WZ commendations that a player can accumulate should be 1,000.


Accidental quits arent that bad as the loss of 10 WZ commendations is trivial and can be made up quickly. However, frequent quiters will find they will miss out on being able to buy PvP bags as quickly due to having their numbers drop. Those same players will also need to stop quiting games in order to be able to make up the numbers of WZ commendations they've lost if they end up in the negative.


Does anyone actually care about WZ commendations anymore?


In all seriousness, it's too complicated/conditional a solution. Besides, even if we come up with something that'll stop people from leaving, it won't stop them from giving up. Sitting on the one node you've captured in Alderaan. Suiciding into the fires in Huttball... etc.

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The problem is uneven warzone matches, due to the frequency of these uneven matches many simply leave matches they have no chance of winning.


The problem didn't magically change from many warzones starting out with massive disadvantages for some sides including, one side heavily out gearing the other, pugs vs. premade or starting a wz before both sides have an even number of players.


We need to fix these through the match maker.


queue pugs vs. pugs, premade vs. premade

Add a gear check to the queue

Make sure both sides have an even number of players before the match starts or within 1 player at most.


Fix these problems that lead to people leaving and people will stop leaving.


Adding a debuff will just make people leave and log out to do something else or just afk through the match.


If there is still a problem after the match maker has added those requirements then talk about fixing the symptom which is people leaving matches.

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  • 4 weeks later...
They are already adding in incentives and punishments to address this. Before we come up with even more draconian punishments, lets first discuss fixing WZ issues (starting games with less then a full team, throwing someone into the middle of an already on going game, being dropped from the game and not being able to rejoin a still on going match...) and see what their changes do.
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