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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to stop leavers in warzones without a stupid penalty


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Stop trying to treat symptoms instead of the real problems! It's a really easy fix!




Daily/weekly Warzone quests:

Complete x objectives in a warzone or be nearby a team mate when they accomplish the task such as capturing a point or scoring for your team.

(ie., prevent x objectives from being completed, carry ball across goal line, heal the ball carrier, protect the ball carrier, interrupt a bomb being planted, interrupt a site being captured, get a killing blow on a ball carrier, capture x objectives or assist someone who is.)


And Complete one of the following (BONUS?):

Deal x damage to other players in warzones.


Heal x amount to other players in warzones.


Stop x amount of damage from team mates with protection.


x == a number sufficiently high enough to warrent at least 3 games being played to accomplish the quest objectives.



There are two sides to this argument. Those who support the OP which is a "MERIT BASED PROGRESSION" and those against the OP who support the notion of a "PRESENCE BASED PROGRESSION". Do not be fooled by any attempts by these so called "Pro-penalty" people to convince you that some how merely being present in a round from start to finish is more deserving of rewards or rather shows more skill than a person who consistently aids their team by capturing objectives and performing adequately at their desired role for their advanced class in a warzone which by indirect or direct correlation should in fact be helping their team to win. These same people are likely the ones who wish to be carried by their team or are simply afking in corners and don't want to lose the ability to do so. They've provided no arguement to the contrary.


It's pretty black and white there. Either you support the notion of merit = reward or you support the notion of presence = reward. There is no other valid arguments which have been presented in the what 14 pages?



Make dailies/weeklies based on a combination of individual performance and goal accomplishing rather than relying on your team to not be clueless to score wins. I am fed up with carrying afkers and the clueless to victories while they sit in a corner. As it stands now, it is futile to stay with a team that you know will lose because your team mates don't know what PvP is all about who to attack or how to accomplish objectives, especially after you have collected all of your commentations BM gear ONLY wins matter to get the rest.


Even requiring all of these would make my time spent doing dailies/weeklies worth it to not leave my team as my individual performance is almost always in the top 3 for each category depending on what class I am playing on. Usually I am #1 in what ever main role I'm trying to fill, damage on dps, healing on healer, protection on a tank, I am normally voted MVP no matter what class/spec I play because I am 100% goal focused and always doing all I can to help my side win.


Those who argue for penalties don't take in to consideration the fact (or are doing this perhaps) that you can easily afk and still get your 3 wins if you are lucky. Make dailies based off skill rather than luck!


Leave the commendations/valor bonuses for team performance as it is (win/loss) and remove the ridiculous requirement to win a warzone match to accomplish a daily/weekly quest.


Another poster suggested:


Another solution would be to just change the daily mechanics though to include an option for playing x number of games total OR 3 wins. (However this is kind of a welfare solution, which I'm not that keen on.. but it would be better than what we have now)


PS. Those of you who are not leavers should ask a person who does leave since they themselves are not leaving they probably don't understand the psychology of someone who does:


1. Why do people leave warzones?


For extra credit you can try this one on for size too:


2. Why do people care about winning or losing when the difference in terms of valor/commendations/xp/money is hardly noticeable between a win and a loss?






1. Because they need x wins to complete their daily/weekly

2. Because they need x wins to complete their daily/weekly



Edited by Aethyrprime
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Just make leaving impossible.


If you log back in, you will be in the same BG until it ends.


If you AFK, you get nothing.


If you are AFK / offline when the BG ends you get a 15 mins ban from BGs (logged in time)


Players will not be queued into games that are running.


If the team runs out of people, they lose.


That way leavers have to either log in a twink or go AFK, neither will help their main to become better.

Edited by skyflash
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Just make leaving impossible.


If you log back in, you will be in the same BG until it ends.


If you AFK, you get nothing.


Players will not be queued into games that are running.


If the team runs out of people, they lose.


That way leavers have to either log in a twink or go AFK, neither will help their main to become better.


Horrible stupid bad terrible. The first words that come to mind when reading this post.


Why are people leaving? Because they only have so much time to complete their dailies. Team looks like it's horrible. Leave and hope for a team that isn't. Otherwise.. forget that daily for the day because sorry you've run out of time.


Btw, I can't stand people that think like you. ugh.


You "Hello doctor, I cut my hand I think I need an anti-biotic.."

Doctor "NO.. IT'S TIME TO AMPUTATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Stop trying to treat symptoms instead of the real problems!


No really, the real problem is randoms getting queued with premades and the equipment problem, but both will be fixed soon.

Edited by Notannos
rude, no warning, kept getting reported
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The real problem is YOU, but I cant fix people.


The real problem is a flawed system design. If the quest was based on individual performance people wouldn't be leaving your team so often. :)


They'd stick around win or lose because they got what they came for.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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The real problem is a flawed system design. If the quest was based on individual performance people wouldn't be leaving your team so often as to make you come Q_Q here in the forums about it. :)

They'd stick around win or lose because they got what they came for.




If you dont give any incentive that players need to win the game, nobody will ever try to win.


Your "fix" will just make it worse, you will make everyone go for medals / damage / heal and never ever pass the ball cause he wants to score himself.


Its nice that it means YOU will not leave the team, but you wouldnt be playing for the team anyway, so you are useless to the team.

Edited by Qishari
rude comments
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or make people who leave get a deserter debuff like in wow. People may not like some of wow's solutions to problems but there is a reason they are #1 in mmo's.


deserter debuff that lasts an hour of in game time each time a person leaves a wz, and make leaving a trackable stat so when someone has left enough times they lose the ability to queue up for wz for a month or more. if after a month they leave again, their character is banned from queueing for wz.

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Just make Leave Warzone cost credits.


And lock d/c'ers to the WZ they got disconnected from for 5 minutes.


Again this is a stupid idea. Why? Because you are punishing people who are coming to a game to have fun. I would stay to the end of every single round win or lose if MY performance ALONE was the deciding factor to complete my dailies. I have 3 characters I'm playing right now.. yet due to so many bad pvpers who don't even TRY to win clogging up the ques it can take hours without a premade. Sometimes I log on too late and 99% of my guild is in bed. So what do I have to do? Pug it. And what a painful process that can be. After hours of warzones getting 0 or 1 win because of bad players is just infuriating. I'd rather leave and find a new team with a shred of a chance to win.


Again you people are so draconian in your thinking you'd think it was the dark ages. :mad:

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Again this is a stupid idea. Why? Because you are punishing people who are coming to a game to have fun.

Again you people are so draconian in your thinking you'd think it was the dark ages. :mad:


Yeah we need a real hard penalty so people like you are really hurt when leaving a game.


Here is the real fix:


1. Make PvP fair in grouping and equipment


2. Fix the AFK timer / crashes and disconnect issues


3. Make people stick to a BG until its over


4. Implement harsh penalties on leaving or AFKing.



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Somehow you think that the those who perform well in pvp are somehow less valuable to the team


People with tons of damage and heal are usually not the valuable players in the BG.


Fpr example, if you do the right thing in Hut, you wil never ever end up with much damage / heal and almost without medals.


If you perform well, you help bring the ball to the goal line, defend the ball carrier, decurse him and heal him.


IF I see someone with 300000 damage, I know he sucks ***, cause he must have been zerging.

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In all honesty, there is really no way to stop leavers in warzones. People will leave whether its about their teammates, getting pwned, etc. Leavers will always happen. If you make a long duration penalty however, it forces the player to play through the remaining session. Making a penalty like 30 minutes or an hour would definitely stop leavers. Those that left, probaly needed to leave due to rl concerns. An avid PvPer will not compensate whatever minutes remaining they have in a losing game for a 30-1hr penalty of not being able to PvP. Those that actually leave for the QQ reasons, well there just sore losers, you cant do anything about it. It will happen, and you cant stop it.


I do like the idea however on granting little bonuses to the losers in the warzone. Might give a little incentive or hope to fight back and win the game. But then..it wouldnt be fair for the winners in that perspective. So yea hard to say!

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You can't have it both ways. Either helping your team win is good or doing nothing to help your team win other than taking up a slot is good. It is black and white.


My suggestion is two fold, 1 part (the main part) is objective based capturing points, scoring or aiding someone who does counts toward your progression, with the added bonus of doing enough damage, healing and protecting during the matches for either a bonus reward or as part of the main quest. The very things you SHOULD be doing to help your team win.


Everything you said has no logical nor factual basis. You are defending your right to afk in the warzone and still get credit. There is no grey area here. Either you are supporting the afkers ability to get as much credit as the person who is scoring and capping, or you are not.


The very idea that a merit based system is easier to exploit or "Trade" than a win based one is also very naive. It is easier and faster to sit and do nothing to let the other side win than it is to get medals while accomplishing objectives to get the same credit. To attempt to argue otherwise is a fools errand.


I constantly top the boards AND am the #1 objective oriented person on my team. The two contrary to popular belief are not diametrically opposed. They are parallel in most cases. Will there always be people who are off farming damage, heals, medals? Sure but they won't be completing their quests unless they are doing it within the vicinity of an objective and actually participating in the objectives themselves.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I really don't care one way or another as I pvp for fun and win or lose doesn't change my fun. However, if you think there is a way to stop leavers without either A) Putting in a penalty or B) Making it so no one works together and is only out for their own credit then you are a perfect example of what the pvp players hate about leavers. You actually think your actually justified when you leave.


5 Minutes into a Huttball the score is 0-3 and you leave. This leads to the teams being unbalanced for 30 seconds or so which is enough time for someone else to leave feeling it is now hopeless. This causes a cascading effect where half your team leaves and are replaced with people who don't know the tactics the other team is using and in no time it is 6-0 we lose.


In the other scenario where you are as good as you think you are you communicate whats going on and manage to focus the sorc or powertech that is running the ball the most and keep them out of the equation. The other team shaken by the fact that their runner is down ends up giving up 3 points back to back and suddenly your tied and its back on even footing.


I have seen this kind of comeback from a 5-0 simply from my communicating which sorc on there team kept extracting the ball carrier and focusing him down.


PVP is supposed to be fun. If you leave a WZ because its losing your not having fun and you are hurting everyone else's chances at the same time. No one is EVER going to listen to change ideas from a leaver as its like taking Welfare reform ideas from the woman with 6 kids dating a drug dealer.

Edited by Saiyanbob
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You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I have 3 characters I play. I don't have time to waste on trying to complete 3 sets of dailies when it takes organizing a group of lemmings to get your daily done. It just doesn't mathematically work out. If I want to pvp for fun then "Winning and losing doesn't matter to me as all I care about is pvping". That totally negates everything you just said.


If my individual performance was the only thing that matter in regards to my daily/weekly quests I'd have more time to have fun pvping and less time worrying about that idiot that afks in the corner and taking the time to report them, facepalming at the 3 people trying to kill the tank when the healer is right behind him, or better yet.. stop the guy trying to cap the spot instead of going for the killing blow on the guy running in the opposite direction of the objectives. :D


Much of your frustration is that people will constantly que up for warzones until they complete their daily/weekly, and leave because they are not going to get any credit toward it in the next 15-30 minutes if they stay where as if they leave they have at least a chance in hell of getting a +1 to their quest in that same time period.


In the end it all boils down to a few things. Are people having fun? Are people feeling they are accomplishing things? Are people quitting the game because of forced behavior through draconian rules?

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Again this is a stupid idea. Why? Because you are punishing people who are coming to a game to have fun. I would stay to the end of every single round win or lose if MY performance ALONE was the deciding factor to complete my dailies. I have 3 characters I'm playing right now.. yet due to so many bad pvpers who don't even TRY to win clogging up the ques it can take hours without a premade. Sometimes I log on too late and 99% of my guild is in bed. So what do I have to do? Pug it. And what a painful process that can be. After hours of warzones getting 0 or 1 win because of bad players is just infuriating. I'd rather leave and find a new team with a shred of a chance to win.


Again you people are so draconian in your thinking you'd think it was the dark ages. :mad:


The idea of leaving a warzone costing credits isn't bad if you think about it. It wouldn't really effect a single person that isn't a habitual offender. I would rather see it cost commendations though as that's what you're there to get. Want to bail on a bad team so you can save time? Sure, but it's gonna cost you 30 warzone comms. There again, that would only effect people that do it often and repeatedly.


I have no problem with leaving the occasional warzone when the team is hopeless. I would be a hypocrite to say I did have a problem with it because I've done it myself. The real problem is people bail all the time when the situation isn't hopeless because they only want to play in a game that is a sure win. On my server, it's a Sith trademark that half their team will bail when they fall behind in a WZ. That's why I re-rolled to Republic. They have quitters too but it's not nearly as epidemic as it is on the Sith side for whatever reason.


Anyway, I digress. The problem of people leaving early has gotten bad enough that something needs to be done about it. I think a small 30 commendation penalty is enough to make people think twice about abandoning a situation that is still winnable. If it's really hopeless and your time is that important to you, you can still go but you don't have to wait 15+ minutes to queue again. I hate timer penalties just like you but there has to be some disincentive on leaving or the problem will continue to worsen.



I'm also a Battlemaster in BM gear.


The battlemaster title and the gear that goes with it are no indication of player skill. Just sayin'.

Edited by xOspreyx
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The idea of leaving a warzone costing credits isn't bad if you think about it.


The problem of people leaving early has gotten bad enough that something needs to be done about it. I think a small 30 commendation penalty is enough to make people think twice about abandoning a situation that is still winnable.


You can't have it both ways. Either helping your team win is good or doing nothing to help your team win other than taking up a slot is good. It is black and white.


My suggestion is two fold, 1 part (the main part) is objective based capturing points, scoring or aiding someone who does counts toward your progression, with the added bonus of doing enough damage, healing and protecting during the matches for either a bonus reward or as part of the main quest. The very things you SHOULD be doing to help your team win.


Everything you said has no logical nor factual basis. You are defending your right to afk in the warzone and still get credit. There is no grey area here. Either you are supporting the afkers ability to get as much credit as the person who is scoring and capping, or you are not.


The very idea that a merit based system is easier to exploit or "Trade" than a win based one is also very naive. It is easier and faster to sit and do nothing to let the other side win than it is to get medals while accomplishing objectives to get the same credit. To attempt to argue otherwise is a fools errand.


I constantly top the boards AND am the #1 objective oriented person on my team. The two contrary to popular belief are not diametrically opposed. They are parallel in most cases. Will there always be people who are off farming damage, heals, medals? Sure but they won't be completing their quests unless they are doing it within the vicinity of an objective and actually participating in the objectives themselves.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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This is wrong as I have tons of commendations to spend so it would not stop me from doing it as there is literally nothing to spend commendations on really anyway. Saying you are going to tax commendations to leave just allows me to leave anytime I want and most people who are still grinding up the majority of their gear to have no ability to leave and be forced to suffer through 15 minutes of bad team mates.


Seriously, do any of you even think before you post? :eek:


Look buddy, I know you think you are the smartest guy in the room here but you aren't the only player in this game. Just because you personally may have commendations coming out your ears, the vast majority of people that are still gearing up their characters do not. I know on my assassin I pretty much cashed all of them in whenever I hit the magic 200/200 mark.


In a loss, you are going to gain roughly 60 warzone comms. With my suggestion, if you bail early, not only will you not get those 60 comms but you will have to forfeit 30 that you have already accrued. The only problem I see with this is what to do with the people that don't have 30 comms in the bank. I guess the only option then would be the dreaded timer penalty because everyone can pay that.


Stop thinking you have all the answers and everyone else is too stupid to comprehend your brilliance. I assure you that none of that is true.


edit: I read your answers to the two questions you posed. Those answers are your answers, they would not be mine. I care about winning or losing because I hate to lose...at anything. If I play you in a game of Chinese Checkers, I am going to do my best to beat your ***.


My aging mother likes to play Words with Friends with me on Facebook. I try my best to beat her. I love my mom but my competitive nature drives me to try to win. So again, you are trying to project your viewpoints onto the playerbase as a whole and if anything is an invalid arguement, that is.

Edited by xOspreyx
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I agree! There is no reward anywhere in the pvp system for personal achievement, it's all about either A) getting lucky with seven strangers or B) being in a guild that does premades.


That's not true, you get bonus commendations for getting medals and you also get them for getting MVP votes. Now I will admit the latter is completely random since most people vote for their buddies or whoever had the most healing but it's still there.


There's a problem with giving too much reward for individual achievement when it's a team game with a team goal. As someone else said, I've seen guys get 350k damage in Huttball while their team loses 6-1. They are never anywhere near the ball, they are just seeking out the easiest marks they can find and going after them repeatedly. They aren't helping their team at all, in fact, they are hurting it by making one of the best damage dealers on their team (that would be themselves) irrelevant.

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LOL you are writing so much trash.


Your brilliant mind already found out that the only motivation to win the game is the daily / weekly quests.


And now you want to change that??


What a stupid idea is that?


Now WHY should anyone try to win the game after your change and not zerg along all day?


Explain that to me?

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OP's idea doesn't fix the quality of play issue at all. IF anything it makes it worse..




Once people have their dailies done its back to the valor grind and guess what.. if there is no penalty for leaving, people will still leave thus making the games suck for everyone who sticks it out.


I dont understand why people are so against an easy fix of just making people go on 15-20 min cooldown for afking.. It worked well in every game that has added it. Quality of games with a deserter buff has always been better than quality of games without it. It wont fix everything but it will stop all the people who just game hop till they get a winner.



You dont have a right to be on a good random pug every time you queue and win every game you play... So get over it.


Yes TOR's wz maps are not as fun as past games so people tend to just play only dailies and that is it. That is BW's fault for making TOR pvp nothing but a 15 min at a time minigame.

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Just make leaving impossible.


If you log back in, you will be in the same BG until it ends.


If you AFK, you get nothing.


If you are AFK / offline when the BG ends you get a 15 mins ban from BGs (logged in time)


Players will not be queued into games that are running.


If the team runs out of people, they lose.


That way leavers have to either log in a twink or go AFK, neither will help their main to become better.


LOL. Way to punish those who stay.

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