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False Emperor HM - Malgus/Ship dude Bugged after patch?

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Not sure if this has happened to anyone else or not, but we were running FE HM for a couple recent 50's last night in the guild. 2 groups went through. 1st group, cleared without issue.


Ship dude (Can't remember his name). The ship was BEYOND bugged out. Turrets weren't hitting the ship at all. Not that it mattered, as the ship wasn't even firing on the group the whole fight. Made it quite an easy kill LOL.


Malgus - This was the part where we ended up leaving the zone with no loot. Malgus' knockback boss immunity wouldn't drop during his lightning phase. We've run this zone well over 30-40 times and I've never seen this bug before, so it's not like we were doing something wrong. We followed the same steps we've always followed on this fight.


We burned Malgus down, as per usual. When he gets to 15ish% (Just before lightning) we move him out to the walkway to position him to be knocked off. He starts casting lightning.. we all position him between us and the pit. Throw bombs, Force Wave, Jedi Push, NOTHING knocked him off. he wouldn't budge, just stood there and lightning'd us down. This happened 5 times, at which point we gave up and left the zone.


It is beyond frustrating when the main mechanic of killing a boss is not working. I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem since the most recent patch?

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Same thing happened to my group yesterday.

Wiped 5 or so times on Malgus... He just wouldn't budge.

The last try it worked for some reason even though we did the same thing as before.

The ship was working as always though, so were the turrets.

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ran it last night and we had a well geared group. burned him down quick and then spent about 1 full minute before succeeding in knocking his *** down. was a result of us sucking at knockbacks though. wasn't bugged. the jindo/ship fight has been kinda glitchy though.
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Yesterday I ran into bugs on both those fights.


Jindo's ship didn't respond to the Turrets, but he only tried to missile barrage us twice, and we just interrupted it.


On Malgus, he was a bizarre cake walk. He only Confronted one person, Never caste Unlimited Power, and didn't go into his Lightening phase, we just beat him to death.

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Yesterday I ran into bugs on both those fights.


Jindo's ship didn't respond to the Turrets, but he only tried to missile barrage us twice, and we just interrupted it.


On Malgus, he was a bizarre cake walk. He only Confronted one person, Never caste Unlimited Power, and didn't go into his Lightening phase, we just beat him to death.


Lol were you on my group last night? That's exactly what happened. If so, I apologize for a couple of dumb things I did :p.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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I was just running HM FE on my relatively well geared tank to help out some people. Should have been an easy run seeing as I've been tanking HM FE since opening week, but it was far from that. We wiped on Jindo Krey 5 times before calling it quits. We could get the ship to reset once per fight, but once it came back in for the second pass, it wouldn't have mattered if we could have spam shot the turret, the ship was completely unaffected by them and didn't reset after being hit by the turret. On top of that Jindo decided he didn't want to be interrupted today and would spam his Warship Missile Barrage through an interrupt. This boss hasn't been this bugged since opening week, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it's due to the patch implemented to fix Ilum the other day. I hate walking out of a FP without completing it, but after 5 attempts at him, and all 5 attempts resulting in failures, we just decided beating our heads against the brick wall that is Jindo Krey was not worth our time.


I would suggest avoiding False Emperor until further notice. From other accounts on our server, it was a matter of getting lucky that he wasn't bugged, so I don't suggest wasting your time in there until they fix him, especially if your luck is as bad as mine.

Edited by Nexexitium
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Ran this tonight and his ship never attacked or moved. It gave the warnings of increased damage from the ship but it didn't mean anything. The other night it was unresponsive to turrets and took a few attempts for it to not bug. Something sure is wonky.
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