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Too Many Companion Gift Missions


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I just put this in the craft skill bug list. Seems rather prevalent and something they need to address. My last round, the entirety of the 4th tier consisted of companion gifts. Out of 14 missions overall, one metal mission was available.


Hopefully this will be included in the first round of fixes for tradeskills.

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If you zone into, or out of you ship, it will reset the mission list. This tends to work for me.


Logging out as well supposedly works. Not that these are real solutions, but at least they work as temporary fixes within the player's control until BioWare does something about it.


I do hope that BioWare does something about this - as a Diplomat, it gets annoying having one Light Side mission while the rest are Dark Side, and that one LS mission is a gift mission. *mutter* See, it could be worse, haha.

Edited by Aerithel
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Recently started a new toon and right now am on teir two underworld trading. EVERY single mission in the teir right now is for companion gifts. 5/5. and 3/5 at teir 1...8 of my 10 possible missions. That is just silly.


A thousand times +1 to this.


It is really annoying that I need grade 2 medical supplies on diplomacy on my dark side character. The 2 light side options are the supplies but the 2 dark side keep popping up as companion gifts. I could start my own companion gift store now at this point.

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It would appear to me that crafting was something they spent a great deal of time developing but then after they spent all this time decided to go a different direction.


The same direction every other MMO on the market is going......end game content.


Rather then the journey being all the fun they are making the same mistake every other MMO is making.....I stress MMO as in sandboxing MMO....(not FPS PVP RPG pretend MMO concept)


That mistake is to rush to max level and then make the rewards be gear and items that people used to craft, quest for and adventure for.


I play everquest 2 and they have done the exact same thing.........you can literally get to level 90 from level 1 in a couple days if you know how...then the real game begins......the perpetual carrot and stick hunt for better and better and better gear.......while crafters are busy making chairs that no one wants anymore cause you can quest for something kewler looking and then sell it on the broker.


Sad......My finger is hoovering near the cancel button every day as I force myself to hold out one more day in hopes they add content that is not PVP end game oriented.

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the perpetual carrot and stick hunt for better and better and better gear.......


I agree. I think Guild Wars did an awesome job by making the focus not gear based but skills based. Your character is good "end game" based on the skills they have acquired and the way you use them. Not based solely on the "uber" gear you are equipping.


Sad......My finger is hoovering near the cancel button every day as I force myself to hold out one more day in hopes they add content that is not PVP end game oriented.


I wouldn't cancel. Give BioWare some time to get things straight because they are fixing stuff pretty quickly. I fully intend to get to 50 (level 45ish now) then switch to my alts. The story line and BioWare's continued patches are what is keeping me playing.


Would be pretty sweet if the Legacy system was similar to Everquest's Alternate Experience system. That would allow us to really customize skills and have another end game focus.


EDIT: Sorry about getting off topic here. :eek:

Edited by DarthRavnos
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Ya, it's called random. If you flip a coin enough times, you're going to get streaks where it's all heads or all tails as well.


Work with what you have instead of whining for change.


Even a dice can be weighted to land a certain way. Same thing with the programming. If the code has a bug causing it to "land" on companion gifts too often then it isn't necessarily random.


And I don't think anyone is whining. Simply reporting that we see a potential bug. You, however, aren't constructively adding to this post.

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It seems to be an issue with all of the mission skills.


Like when you want light side medical suplies from diplomacy and you're lucky if you have 2 missions available for it. Or when you want underworld metals from underworld trading and you once again may have one mission available for it.


It makes it slow to level when you have to do one mission at a time.


It would be nice if the missions you do more than once would always show back up in your available missions and the ones you never do become more rare.

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This is why I say I think they put a lot of time and effort into crafting then another department put a lot of time and effort into commendations and rewards and neither department checked with the other and voilla.........the game was released and crafting was almost inconsequential.


You advance pretty fast. No real point in buying good gear from the Market. If no ones buying it and you can get decent gear just by earning commendations then that further negates the need for crafting.


I make all my money making implants because the QUESTING is seriously lacking in giving implants as rewards....yet for my Artificer I can hardly give away Earpieces because there are so many quest rewards for ear pieces.


In short.........crafting right now is more or less pointless other then if you want a pretty red light saber or want to MOD your own equiptment but to go to the broker there are either 300 MODS for 400 credits or you can just get one for 2 commendations from the mods merchants.


Beginning game this was a good idea. But the game is nearly 2 months old now.....raise the prices of these merchant items and crafters can start making some money.....otherwise crafting will become even more of a /fail idea in the game.

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Ya, it's called random. If you flip a coin enough times, you're going to get streaks where it's all heads or all tails as well.


Work with what you have instead of whining for change.


I'm guessing you don't do any crew missions? Every character I have has a similar issue. The companion gifts are always weighted extremely high.


Lets look at my 5 different alts right now and how many comp gift missions there are on each ones highest tier.


Alt 1(Underworld Trading): 3/4

Alt 2(UT and Treasure Hunting): 2/5, 1/5

Alt 3(UT and TH): 3/5, 3/5

Alt 4(Diplomacy): 3/5

Alt 5(UT): 3/4


That's 18 of 33. More than half and it if it was random(like your coin example) you'd expect that it would be 33% since each skill has 3 outcomes. There seems to be an obvious weighting to companion gifts. I see it constantly, as have others.

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Ya, it's called random. If you flip a coin enough times, you're going to get streaks where it's all heads or all tails as well.


Work with what you have instead of whining for change.


You see, despite how cute your troll post is, everyone who crafts realizes that, especially when trying to craft lower-level gear than their current skills, soon almost every mission list for all of the mission skills is heavily weighted in favor of companion gift missions. It is very discouraging to have 5 potential tiers of underworld trading, go through the list, and find that the first 4 tiers is literally nothing but companion gift missions.


This does not happen occasionally, this happens ALL THE TIME.


It's akin to flipping 100 dimes, where all but ten of them have heads printed on both sides.


Now, please redirect your venom back to the PvP threads where it's appreciated. This is a totally legitimate bug, and your ignorant spew is entirely unappreciated.

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Aye, truly a pain in the rear at the moment. Logged on to forums specifically to see if there were any constructive posts from Bio on this, haven't seen any. Really getting sick and tired of logging on and off character to get metal missions for Underworld Trading. Complete waste of time and one in a long list of things that need to be fixed in this game...


Edit: Just had to log in and out 6 times to get ONE metal mission to show up... pretty annoying

Edited by Aaroncows
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Im confused, what are you guys doing while you are running these missions? Are you setting them up then logging out of the game or do you continue on playing? If you are setting it up then logging out, I think it is a simple mechanic to prevent people from stockpiling and controlling the market...Think the guy at work that can ninja log when the boss isnt working, get all the primo missions set, then logout...repeat all day...I could easily dominate a biochem product line but I physically cannot do enough missions to keep u pwith gtn and personal customer demand.


I can appreciate the issue while at lower COMBAT levels when you have fewer companions, but levelling goes so quick, and the companions come along. At higher combat levels when you have multiple companions to send out and you have higher quality gift missions you can send them on, it shouldnt matter that you dont get metals. Same thing for me in biochem. I prefer the rich gift missions because I cant put enough up on the gtn that I am not cleaned out within 2-6 hrs of posting them. Some economist nerds would say my prices are too low, but I am still sitting at about a 100-150% profit on blues and 500% on purples...


The supply missions will come along, just need to have some patience. I see this as an issue for the power builder, I just dont see the game set up to fulfill the power builder in some carebear hearts.

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Im confused, what are you guys doing while you are running these missions? Are you setting them up then logging out of the game or do you continue on playing? If you are setting it up then logging out, I think it is a simple mechanic to prevent people from stockpiling and controlling the market...Think the guy at work that can ninja log when the boss isnt working, get all the primo missions set, then logout...repeat all day...I could easily dominate a biochem product line but I physically cannot do enough missions to keep u pwith gtn and personal customer demand.


I can appreciate the issue while at lower COMBAT levels when you have fewer companions, but levelling goes so quick, and the companions come along. At higher combat levels when you have multiple companions to send out and you have higher quality gift missions you can send them on, it shouldnt matter that you dont get metals. Same thing for me in biochem. I prefer the rich gift missions because I cant put enough up on the gtn that I am not cleaned out within 2-6 hrs of posting them. Some economist nerds would say my prices are too low, but I am still sitting at about a 100-150% profit on blues and 500% on purples...


The supply missions will come along, just need to have some patience. I see this as an issue for the power builder, I just dont see the game set up to fulfill the power builder in some carebear hearts.


Have you ever sold mats? A couple of my toons don't craft at all just sell mats. You can make 10 times the profit selling mats over gifts. Even tier 1 and 2 purples go for 500-1000 per unit.

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Edit: Just had to log in and out 6 times to get ONE metal mission to show up... pretty annoying


There IS an alternative, it's not quite as rough.


If you need, say, tier 1 metals, load all of your companions up with every single one of the tier 1 missions that is not metals.

Log off and back on

That should refresh the mission list. Only, the missions your companions are CURRENTLY on are not on the list. increased chance for the right one you need.


cancel all the missions your companions are working on. This should push them off the bottom of the list. Make sure you don't hit a loading screen while your companions are running the missions, or the mission repop will again favor those stupid companion gifts.


This is known as 'burning' missions.


It is doable, but WAY more trouble than you should have to go to.

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Have you ever sold mats? A couple of my toons don't craft at all just sell mats. You can make 10 times the profit selling mats over gifts. Even tier 1 and 2 purples go for 500-1000 per unit.


Not biochem mats, or medical supplies from diplomacy missions...not on my server.

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The problem is that companion gift missions are weighted too heavily.


a moderate companion gift mission is more likely to show up for rank 1 with 400 skill than a rich mat mission.


This is stupid, and is a massive design flaw by whoever was designing the crafting system in the first place.

when I have 400 skill, what POSSIBLE reason could I have to prefer a moderate mission over a rich one? There is no REASON to force people to jump through hoops to get materials to create stuff FAR below their level.

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