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Madness or Deception? PVP


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IMO the people who say deception is bad are the ones that tried it, died a few too many times and then decided it wasn't good because they didn't take the time to learn it well. I played mainly as deception from 1-50 (yes i tried madness and darkness) and while leveling i rarely finished a WZ outside of the top 3. Now at 50 with mainly centurion gear with a few champ pieces i finish 9/10 WZ's in the top 5. Most of the time if I'm having a bad game, it's usually because the other team frequently focus fire's me the second i come out of stealth, which is annoying at times but it's not a common scenario.


Now here's why. Firstly you have to accept the fact that you're squishy, get used to it. Don't go running into a pack of 4-5 enemies and expect to survive because you just won't. To people that say we have no utility/cc, if 3 interrupts, a 4 second stun, a slow with 100% up time, force speed, force shroud and on top of all that the ability to escape a fight every 1 min and 30 seconds isn't enough tools to keep you're character in control of the fight, then I'm sorry but you're just asking for too much.


Now I'm not saying this as if deception is an easy spec to play (otherwise so many people wouldn't ***** about it). You have to know all you're abilities and the best times to use them. The key to playing well as a deception sin is that IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN. Be patient, and when you die learn from it, don't just rage at your computer and cry that your class is underpowered.


As a last thing to add, people have to stop thinking that being squishy means insta-death. Its not uncommon for me to go through a whole WZ with 0-3 deaths simply because of all the escaping tools a deception sin has.

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[...] Disagree with me? Enjoy playing your darkness or madness spec. It'll be like a prot warrior with a resto druid playing 2s in WoW; sure the disc priest rogue combo they might fight cant survive as good as you, but who needs it when the prot warrior does so little damage they will never be a threat.


That's not as useless as two Resto Shamans. 45 minute arena match spent waiting for one of their heals, then another 5 minutes killing off the other.

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That Shalaska kid exploited Illum and nerdburgered Warzones for a high valor rank and now comes into EVERY deception post to spread his anit-deception **** like it's gospel.


****, nobody cares.


I can not wait for rateds and arena to come out so you ******* can see how useless both darkness and madness specs actually are.


Darkness + madness = classic BG hero specs, useless for anything else in PvP.


Example - 3v3, your sage healer CC's one target


Shalaska, the all mighty darkness assassin runs in " DERP DISCHARGE, OR WITHER... OOPS I BROKE YOUR CC, BUT IM ALIVE CUZ IM DARKNESS SO ITS ALL GOOD"


Either that scenario or he isn't as clueless as that and notices a CC 'd target, "DERP, CC, CANT USE ANYTHING USEFUL UNTIL IT RUNS OUT, SO ILL JUST SIT HERE AND TAUNT AND DO LESS DAMAGE THAN A LVL 10 OPERATIVE".


While if you were Deception in that situation, you and your group could fully utilize the situation. Seeing as it is now 2v3, you are taking a great deal less damage, and seeing as you don't actually need to AoE people to be useful, you will rip apart one target before the other group actually realises whats going on.



Disagree with me? Enjoy playing your darkness or madness spec. It'll be like a prot warrior with a resto druid playing 2s in WoW; sure the disc priest rogue combo they might fight cant survive as good as you, but who needs it when the prot warrior does so little damage they will never be a threat.


Why would you choose a spec based on a gameplay mode that's not even in the game? Of course you'd spec to be a WZ hero, since WZs are currently in the game and 3v3 arenas aren't.

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Darkness, my sin has been deception for a while and darkness makes a difference, I like the pull on the ball carrier in huttball or runners with full resove. Funniest thing I did in voidstar was run up behind a healing sage, jump off the bridge and force pull him down with me, did it repeatedly until he avoided going near the bridge (which got him killed more often). Edited by Sookster
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Why would you choose a spec based on a gameplay mode that's not even in the game? Of course you'd spec to be a WZ hero, since WZs are currently in the game and 3v3 arenas aren't.


Because people are practising for when different forms of PvP are implemented, meaningful forms of PvP.


WZ are the equiv of Random BG's in WoW; in other words, nobody gives the slightest **** about them.


You got 12 medals in a warzone? Grats, I've been getting 10+ every game since lvl 30 on my deception sin. Does that make me an amazing player? No, because Warzones dont matter. They do not test your skill in any way at all.


I can not wait for rated WZ's or arena or some meaningful form of PvP; these fail darkness and madness kids wont know what to do with themselves.

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Darkness, my sin has been deception for a while and darkness makes a difference, I like the pull on the ball carrier in huttball or runners with full resove. Funniest thing I did in voidstar was run up behind a healing sage, jump off the bridge and force pull him down with me, did it repeatedly until he avoided going near the bridge (which got him killed more often).


If you're on attack, that's a great way to take out anybody on the defender side that's otherwise hard to kill, and since you respawn way faster than they do, it's perfectly fine to trade kills that way.

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I have a valor 54 Deception Assassin and quite honestly it's the only spec I can have fun PvPing in. That's not to say Darkness isn't a viable spec for PvP, I've tried it and done pretty well, it's just kinda dull to play tank IMO (I do that enough in PvE). For people saying Deception survivability is awful, it's probably because you're playing like a tank in the middle of the fray instead of a hit and run paintrain.


While I have full champion gear, I actually use 4/5 Rakata set + weapon so I generally have about 200 expertise 18k hp. Using standard rotation and switching between relics, adrenal, and recklessness I have no trouble bursting down any dps/healer before they even realize what hit them. I don't even have to try to get top damage (generally 325-400k) in most warzones. Now this is coming from someone who played a certain stabby stealth class in that other MMO for many years so I'm very used to getting in and out of combat and gauging when/where to engage.


Deception is a very valid PvP spec if played right, while some people might prefer the Darkness playstyle more, to completely dismiss Deception as a viable spec just shows how little time you've actually spent with it or that you failed to adjust your playstyle to coincide with your spec.

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I have a valor 54 Deception Assassin and quite honestly it's the only spec I can have fun PvPing in. That's not to say Darkness isn't a viable spec for PvP, I've tried it and done pretty well, it's just kinda dull to play tank IMO (I do that enough in PvE). For people saying Deception survivability is awful, it's probably because you're playing like a tank in the middle of the fray instead of a hit and run paintrain.


While I have full champion gear, I actually use 4/5 Rakata set + weapon so I generally have about 200 expertise 18k hp. Using standard rotation and switching between relics, adrenal, and recklessness I have no trouble bursting down any dps/healer before they even realize what hit them. I don't even have to try to get top damage (generally 325-400k) in most warzones. Now this is coming from someone who played a certain stabby stealth class in that other MMO for many years so I'm very used to getting in and out of combat and gauging when/where to engage.


Deception is a very valid PvP spec if played right, while some people might prefer the Darkness playstyle more, to completely dismiss Deception as a viable spec just shows how little time you've actually spent with it or that you failed to adjust your playstyle to coincide with your spec.


The last part is the most important part of your post. Generally speaking, people who PvP in tank specs and aren't designated ball carriers, healer guardians, and taunt bots are bad players. Especially tank pvpers who talk about damage. They don't even know their role in their main spec let alone one that takes a bit of coordination to use successfully.


For all intents and purposes, average players flock to tank specs because, simply put. They're easier.

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  • 1 year later...
Only pvp build i will ever run is the tank one, and i have never lost 1 vs 1 with anyone on my server and im not even full champ gear yet. Fought many battlemaster etc.. nothing come even close to tanking spec.. in warzones maybe you get good on the scorecard, but i would rather take tank on my team than madness or the other.


Fact is nubs run dps specs.. Can you do 1 vs 3 or 1 vs 4 with those specs? No you cannot, if you disagree ****.


Prob's stupidest thing to say, all roles are equal when it comes to pvp, full team of tanks, gets no where, full team of heals, gets nowhere, full dps, they get killed fast. need tanks to guard heals and heals to heal dps. end of story.

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Prob's stupidest thing to say, all roles are equal when it comes to pvp, full team of tanks, gets no where, full team of heals, gets nowhere, full dps, they get killed fast. need tanks to guard heals and heals to heal dps. end of story.


I'm sure they'll rebuttal your post, seeing as it's coming close to 2 years old...

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