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10 Good
  1. Hi guys I've been looking for this belt for quite a long time now with no luck. It's the only piece of the set I don't have yet and I just wanted to know if anyone knows any good ways of finding it. I know that jedi master on taris drops it and I've killed him well over 50 times with no luck. Anyone else had any luck finding this belt?
  2. IMO the people who say deception is bad are the ones that tried it, died a few too many times and then decided it wasn't good because they didn't take the time to learn it well. I played mainly as deception from 1-50 (yes i tried madness and darkness) and while leveling i rarely finished a WZ outside of the top 3. Now at 50 with mainly centurion gear with a few champ pieces i finish 9/10 WZ's in the top 5. Most of the time if I'm having a bad game, it's usually because the other team frequently focus fire's me the second i come out of stealth, which is annoying at times but it's not a common scenario. Now here's why. Firstly you have to accept the fact that you're squishy, get used to it. Don't go running into a pack of 4-5 enemies and expect to survive because you just won't. To people that say we have no utility/cc, if 3 interrupts, a 4 second stun, a slow with 100% up time, force speed, force shroud and on top of all that the ability to escape a fight every 1 min and 30 seconds isn't enough tools to keep you're character in control of the fight, then I'm sorry but you're just asking for too much. Now I'm not saying this as if deception is an easy spec to play (otherwise so many people wouldn't ***** about it). You have to know all you're abilities and the best times to use them. The key to playing well as a deception sin is that IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN. Be patient, and when you die learn from it, don't just rage at your computer and cry that your class is underpowered. As a last thing to add, people have to stop thinking that being squishy means insta-death. Its not uncommon for me to go through a whole WZ with 0-3 deaths simply because of all the escaping tools a deception sin has.
  3. Hmm strange as I seem to rarely come out of WZ's outside of the top 1-5. Deception is not a bad spec it's just that people don't know how to play it right and then blame it on the spec being bad. Yes I have tried the other specs, I'm not saying they don't have potential but i just get the most fun out of deception's playstyle. P.S. Just got my champion focus from a gear bag today yay
  4. Agreeing with the fact that its a l2p issue. I've only got mainly centurion gear and 1 or 2 champ pieces and I very rarely finish a WZ outside of the top 3-4 players. I'm not saying it to blow my own trumpet i'm just saying that most people playing deception sins either try to play like a WoW rogue or they think they can run in to a pack of 5 guys and expect to live to tell the tale. You're squishy as deception, yet your burst is fantastic. I'm sorry but if people can't accept that then they might aswell reroll. P.S. I only seem to have difficulty against a well played sniper/gunslinger but that's about it.
  5. Thanks for the tips guys, I have got half decent pvp gear so far though (full centurion set with a few champ pieces) and I pvp'd heaps while leveling and I've been doing quite well so far as deception (i have been playing mmo's for like 5-6 years though). So ive picked up the playstyle of a dec sin pretty quick. E.g i know when to use cooldowns, which situations to avoid, when to guard etc etc. So with better gear im guessing itll just get better.
  6. Just saw mrhad's post. And yeah you're right im only in dark charge if im ball carrying or protecting a ball carrier which isn't all the time. So i guess i might aswell just save up for both and switch given the situation.
  7. Fair enough, but do the stats of a focus outweigh the minimal dmg reduction of a shield? I don't really do any number crunching so i wouldn't know if small dmg increase>7% dmg reduction.
  8. Hi guys i've recently hit 50 and have started getting pvp gear for my deception spec sin and i wanted to know what people think about focus vs shield in pvp. I'm well aware of our squishiness as deception but i've heard a fair few people say that shields arn't really worth it in pvp due to a lot of damage types ignoring our shield chance. I havn't tested one against the other since I've only got a shield atm and my focus is from like 10 levels ago. Thanks in advance
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