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Ancient Chest/T-7 **Spoilers**


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Could we at least get this in the known issues thread? This is beyond absurd. Other than the dev in shock that this puzzle was broken, we havn't heard anything. It's a GAME BREAKING bug that makes a class quest freaking stupid if you don't exploit fights. Is that what we're supposed to do? Exploit this BS?



Meh. Left the chest alone. Left the fight alone. Ran some warzones and came back. The chest was lootable. Equiped up T-7, and he still just falls like a rock.


Fought the last fight 5-6 times. He'd get to maybe 1/3 health, and then I'd just die. I was interrupting his big abilities the whole fight. Just ignored the adds and kept an eye on the channel bar of his. 1/3 way through. I'd get knocked back and I'd be dead. No channel, nothing. I kept on going at it until eventually, he just didn't do whatever it was that he kept doing to insta-gib me. I'm not sure if I just got lucky or if he stopped doing it cause I ended up force pushing him out of the room or I don't know. Something is not right with this fight at all. It needs some serious looking at. I did not feel accomplished at all for beating it. In fact the time that I was successful, I didn't do anything differently. He just didn't insta-gib me.

Edited by Averran
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Agreed. I figured out the puzzle, couldn't get the chest, /bugged it, and the GM couldn't help me.


I used my fleet pass and came back to it the next day and the chest was lootable.


I grouped with another Sentinel to do his fight and the same thing happened. We left, and came back, but it was still unlootable.

Edited by Tedroni
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Could we at least get this in the known issues thread? This is beyond absurd. Other than the dev in shock that this puzzle was broken, we havn't heard anything. It's a GAME BREAKING bug that makes a class quest freaking stupid retarded if you don't exploit fights. Is that what we're supposed to do? Exploit this BS?


You don't need to exploit the fight to beat the Emperor. It's just about common knowledge what's about to happen and that T7 for instance, should have been receiving gear from you for the past two or three levels of questing.


I did it on the first try with a geared T7 and without even attempting for the chest. You don't need the chest.

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I wondered about that chest. I assume its too late to go back and loot it? I already killed the Emperor.


It's just 5 greens, and doesn't really help with the fight in any way.

Even if you completely gear T7 to the brim you still have to exploit silly LOS mechanics and get lucky to be able to solo it.

Edited by PhoR
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Edited orignal post with this: An account of getting it actually done.


Meh. Left the chest alone. Left the fight alone. Ran some warzones and came back. The chest was lootable. Equiped up T-7, and he still just falls like a rock.


Fought the last fight 5-6 times. He'd get to maybe 1/3 health, and then I'd just die. I was interrupting his big abilities the whole fight. Just ignored the adds and kept an eye on the channel bar of his. 1/3 way through. I'd get knocked back and I'd be dead. No channel, nothing. I kept on going at it until eventually, he just didn't do whatever it was that he kept doing to insta-gib me. I'm not sure if I just got lucky or if he stopped doing it cause I ended up force pushing him out of the room or I don't know. Something is not right with this fight at all. It needs some serious looking at. I did not feel accomplished at all for beating it. In fact the time that I was successful, I didn't do anything differently. He just didn't insta-gib me.

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To the OP: Bro, I'm embarassed that you just called this a game breaking bug. Really? It's not game breaking in the least. Makes me sad for humanity that someone would actually type those words out in all seriousness. Reminds me of that sausage commercial the other day that said "these meatballs will change your life." If a meatball changes your life just shoot yourself because your life blows.


Anyways, the chest is bugged but whatever. The Emperor is absolute easy mode to defeat. Interrupt his one big attack (it'll pretty much one shot you) and focus on the main guy (forget about the shadows) and you'll own him. I didn't pop anything but Saber Ward and killed him with something like 71% health or more left and T7 alive and well (and T7 was decked out in pathetic level 30 gears, some empty slots).

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The Emperor is absolute easy mode to defeat. Interrupt his one big attack (it'll pretty much one shot you) and focus on the main guy (forget about the shadows) and you'll own him. I didn't pop anything but Saber Ward and killed him with something like 71% health or more left and T7 alive and well (and T7 was decked out in pathetic level 30 gears, some empty slots).


This is 100% bull&%*$.

Did you video yourself doing this? Of course you didn't because it didn't happen and/or would show the other people in your group helping you finish him so easily. (It IS easy if you have at least one other player with you.)


If you don't kill the clones, they hit you with thundering blast for ~700 apiece every 10 seconds.


So if you only popped saber ward and ended with 70% hp, that means you did 32k damage to him in ~20 seconds...

Get out of here with your completely fictional bragging.

Edited by PhoR
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This is 100% bull&%*$.

Did you video yourself doing this? Of course you didn't because it didn't happen and/or would show the other people in your group helping you finish him so easily. (It IS easy if you have at least one other player with you.)


If you don't kill the clones, they hit you with thundering blast for ~700 apiece every 10 seconds.


So if you only popped saber ward and ended with 70% hp, that means you did 32k damage to him in ~20 seconds...

Get out of here with your completely fictional bragging.


I just did this fight last night, and what he is talking about is pretty much what happened for me. I just tunneled the emperor, interupting everything. I put T7 in dps stance and turned taunt off and he was killing the clones on his own before the next wave would come out. I ended the fight at 70% with T7 still alive, not having used ANY cooldowns.

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To the OP: Bro, I'm embarassed that you just called this a game breaking bug. Really? It's not game breaking in the least. Makes me sad for humanity that someone would actually type those words out in all seriousness. Reminds me of that sausage commercial the other day that said "these meatballs will change your life." If a meatball changes your life just shoot yourself because your life blows.


Anyways, the chest is bugged but whatever. The Emperor is absolute easy mode to defeat. Interrupt his one big attack (it'll pretty much one shot you) and focus on the main guy (forget about the shadows) and you'll own him. I didn't pop anything but Saber Ward and killed him with something like 71% health or more left and T7 alive and well (and T7 was decked out in pathetic level 30 gears, some empty slots).


It's the last boss of the class quest. If it's bugged and uncompletable except through dumb luck, it's game breaking. It's like reading a book with the last 100 pages cut out. But you are right. It's easy mode IF he doesn't bug out and one shot(had 80% during one of the deaths) you with an uninterruptable, no channel bar attack. Maybe, the shadows cast his big attack randomly. Maybe you need to interrupt or defeat them before one of them randomly does it. (Which is ridiculous if that's what happens) But I did nothing different the fight I actually did beat him. Hell, I had more cooldowns down at that point. He just didn't randomly(apparently) insta-gib me with an attack that is not interruptable.


It's bugged. I was wrong. The chest itself being bugged apparently means nothing. T7 still dies in seconds. But there is something seriously wrong with this fight when you need dumb luck to beat it. And I'd even go so far as to say if you fix whatever the hell it is that's happening. He probably needs a buff cause the one time he didn't do whatever the hell he did- he WAS easy mode.

Edited by Alterin
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I didnt get the chest. I did equip T7 thru the previous few levels because I knew it was coming.


It didnt help. T7 is worthless on this fight except as a distraction.


And you can interrupt the Emp's big attack all you want, he'll still bug you out somehow and kill you randomly. I was at 8k hp and got insta-killed twice.


Got him on the third time. T7 had died in the first 10s that time, being on DPS mode vs tank mode made no difference. Just *that* time the emp didnt just instagib me. There's no skill or planning on this fight, it's bugged and stupid and a real letdown.

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It took me three tries to get this. The first two tries, he one shot me for over 9k damage with some kind of force push. The third time, I just ignored his friends, and beat him down fast. This made a new, exciting bug happen, though. The quest changed to "talk to the emperor". All of his little clones, there were about 12, had the quest icon over their heads, but they were still attacking me, it was all kinds of hilarious. I wish i had made a video of it. I just ran around the room hitting them with bladestorm when I could. After they were all dead, I was able to go up and speak to the real emperor.
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This is 100% bull&%*$.

Did you video yourself doing this? Of course you didn't because it didn't happen and/or would show the other people in your group helping you finish him so easily. (It IS easy if you have at least one other player with you.)


If you don't kill the clones, they hit you with thundering blast for ~700 apiece every 10 seconds.


So if you only popped saber ward and ended with 70% hp, that means you did 32k damage to him in ~20 seconds...

Get out of here with your completely fictional bragging.


Before you call ******** you might want to check reply after reply of other people in other threads experiencing the exact same thing.


Why would I bother to take the time to video a boss that was so easy a monkey could beat him? This was my strat: Keep T7's taunt off, and tunnel the Emperor. Ignore his clones completely and interrupt everything he does (Kick, Push, Stasis, Awe, Hilt Strike, Leap to interrupt). You'll wail away on him and he'll die and as I stated you'll end the fight with around 70% hp and T7 fine and dandy. Check your **** before calling bs on people.

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Before you call ******** you might want to check reply after reply of other people in other threads experiencing the exact same thing.


Why would I bother to take the time to video a boss that was so easy a monkey could beat him? This was my strat: Keep T7's taunt off, and tunnel the Emperor. Ignore his clones completely and interrupt everything he does (Kick, Push, Stasis, Awe, Hilt Strike, Leap to interrupt). You'll wail away on him and he'll die and as I stated you'll end the fight with around 70% hp and T7 fine and dandy. Check your **** before calling bs on people.


And yet not a single one of them have any proof.


You see, when you call something "so easy a monkey could" do it, and insult anyone who is having issues with monikers like "fail", you tend to get a lot of people on the internet to falsify claims to try to make themselves "look good", just as you are doing. Oftentimes these are kids, as their immaturity leads them to believe that making themselves look good is more important than telling the truth. It's a quite well studied psychological phenomenon that begins with a differentiation in the way children and adults delegate respect to their peers.


So you'll have to forgive me in trusting my own experience instead.


If in fact you WERE actually able to just tunnel the emperor and successfully solo the encounter, then you experienced the bug that prevented the clones from damaging you. Unfortunately that experience doesn't apply to the majority of people attempting the encounter.

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It took me 3 tries to solo the emperor. I had T7 in pretty much the best gear you can find and it I think it helped a ton because he actually survived the fight. He was at about 10% health and I was at about 20 - 25% health.


I did kill the first wave of additional clones and T7 did a good number on the second set while I was on the real emperor. I used all of my abilities including my relic. I died my first two attempts to his one shot ability because I didn't see the channel bar because there were too many damn clones about, plus in my first 2 attempts T7 bit the dust on the first wave of clones.


So, I think if you can keep T7 up for the second wave and make sure to interrupt the one shot ability (it takes a long while to channel) you should be okay. I don't know if the green set is enough to keep T7 alive, so I would definitely gear T7 as much as you possibly can and not worry so much about the chest.


What disappoints me about the battle is that I find the clone ability a cheesy thing that the big bad emperor would not do. I was expecting a massive, force heavy crazy battle, but got a scooby doo sort of game of find the real emperor. And no I don't have a video of the fight, sorry.

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I just did this fight last night, and what he is talking about is pretty much what happened for me. I just tunneled the emperor, interupting everything. I put T7 in dps stance and turned taunt off and he was killing the clones on his own before the next wave would come out. I ended the fight at 70% with T7 still alive, not having used ANY cooldowns.


Same exact way I took him down as well. It was quite easy and I was disappointed that it wasn't harder. The one thing I must add is that I had mostly Champion gear when I did this.


The first time I tried, he bugged out and there was no fight. He died in a cutscene and I was raging real hard on how they ruined the "main event" in the story line so I get why everyone is upset about this bug. I do think it's a game breaker cause it's like getting to see the end of the movie without the stuff in the middle. I reset my quest so I could actually fight him and hope it wasn't bugged.


And yes, the chest was bugged and couldn't open it after I solved the puzzle and I wasn't about to reset the whole thing again to kill the mobs outside to get to the chest.


I'm amazed that Bioware has not fixed it or responded to my ticket I made a week ago about this.

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  • 2 years later...
Hey guys! Nearing the end of 2014, annnnnnnnnd it's still broken. :mad:


Well, at least you admit to the crime of necromancy. :p


It's a bit weird, though, that you're referencing that problem, since the puzzle has been removed from the game. You now get a full set of droid armour from an ancient droid on the stairs up to the emperor's chamber, so you just have to click it.

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