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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give Battlemasters a reason to not leave doomed matches.


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So basically you play for gear and not for fun?


Playing for fun is impossible in this game at the moment.


You can do a premade with friends, but every match ending disbands your team, and you have to re-invite, it's a pain and nobody wants to do it.


Playing with PUGs is far worse - this game has the biggest assortment of morons I've seen in recent years when it comes to PvP. It would be almost funny if I wasn't forced to put up with them. One thing this game is missing is the ability to rate other players - even if rating is something nobody sees but you. So that if a match has several players rated at -10, the game doesn't even put you into the same match with them. That would be amazing.


And I kinda agree with the OP. When all you really need is a win, not XP or commendations, there's little reason to stay in a match that is going to be an obvious loss because you know these a**holes. That's the upside of single-server Warzones, you get to know these dudes by name rather quickly. And if they implement deserter debuff, like so many dimwits suggest, I'll just AFK instead of leaving. Same difference.


Not that any of this matters, really. If Bioware doesn't pull its head out of wherever it's at and fix the PvP, there won't be anyone left to play with same time next month. A month ago, there were few 50s. Now, almost everyone has at least one, or 2-3 alts in their 40s. Boredom is one step away.

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There is no reason for a battlemaster to leave a doomed WZ. You get NO valor for leaving a wz and no comms. There is still a reason for valor as a BM because im sure the next tier of PvP gear will require higher valor ranks, as well as cool little bonuses like speeders and social items.
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Here is a suggestion.


Give the valor level 60 guys access to another daily or weekly. One outside of wins / losses and geared more to performance.


For example, set a goal for 350k healing or damage in one match.


At my champion / battlemaste mix, it is pure hell to reach that in a warzone especially as a healer. The opposing team always focuses the cc and interrupts on you and also tend to gang up on you. But it would give me something to stive for. Give me a reason to stay in a match that went south long before the barrier even dropped.


Would this leave to farming on the battlemaster's part? Likely, but in this case I honestly think something has to give and right now highly geared players leave with little interaction in the match. It is time to consider giving them some incentive to stay.

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Make your own 'premades' and learn to play, show a good game and nobody will leave it.


BMs are not the ones to blame they end up in a bad game of people who can't / don't want to / not interested in playing well. 'Deserter' debuffs won't change a thing - either way you loose time, but at least when you leave a WZ you can do something else, not waiting until the game is finished.

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There is no reason for a battlemaster to leave a doomed WZ. You get NO valor for leaving a wz and no comms. There is still a reason for valor as a BM because im sure the next tier of PvP gear will require higher valor ranks, as well as cool little bonuses like speeders and social items.


"Cool little bonuses like speeders and social items" don't cut it for PVP players. Never did.


If it don't give me even a 0.1% increase in my stats it isn't even worth the effort to get. Let the PVE guys go after the bling and let the big kids continue to play amoungst themselves.


As for valor, you get that regardless. Head to Ilum during one of the OPS groups throw downs and you can get more valor in two hours than you got all week running lost cause warzones.


Again, the only reason to do them in the first place is to get your dailies and weeklies done so you can get your gear.

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Make your own 'premades' and learn to play, show a good game and nobody will leave it.


BMs are not the ones to blame they end up in a bad game of people who can't / don't want to / not interested in playing well. 'Deserter' debuffs won't change a thing - either way you loose time, but at least when you leave a WZ you can do something else, not waiting until the game is finished.


Join a premade?


As an Imp, if you can't jump across half the Huttball field like superman, run across half the field like flash, or grapple / pull people you are dead weight.


So that means as an Imp unless you are a tank, a force runner inquisitor, or have some form of grapple (powertechs) no others need apply.


When I do play with "premades" they are setup to win Huttball matches nothing else. When those same premades go up against Repubs in Civil War or Voidstar they more often then not go afk or bail.


Why? Because they know the Repubs are coming in with heavy healers and the Imps are going in with usually just one. The excessive healing on the Repub side makes for all the difference in the world with those matches. Unless the Repubs get sloppy, get stuck behind barriers, or just simply suck altogether, the best that the Imp team can hope for is a tie.


It is one thing to CC a single healer into oblivion. It is another all together when the opposing team has 3 - 4 healers and they each do over 200k without breaking a sweat.


To give you an example, I was in a Voidstar match yesterday that end with the Imp defeated.


When the match came to an end, the Repubs had over 1.5 million in healing. One guy even had over 460k alone. They had 4 true healers total with other players throwing in heals to boot. On the Imp side was 240k - which was me. And I was harassed by their team the entire game. I was shocked I even had that much healing done as I spent more time CC or interrupted than I care to think about in that match.

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All of your complaints are player issues, not one has to do with game mechanics.


Nothing is further from the truth.


A warzone designed to placate 3 class stereotypes (Huttball) while leaving all the others to rot isn't a failed game mechanic?


Or creating another warzone (Voidstar) where the first defending team has to deal with a 30 second speeder ride before even having a chance to get past a barrier that is up more than it is down isn't a game mechanic?


Or a world PVP map (ilum) where one side turtles to their base and then grapple to instant kill any opposing players that get within range isn't a game mechanic?


And then take that same planet (give a dozen crates that can be interacted with) and expect that to placate an entire max level pvp population to replace the lack of world PVP isn't a game mechanic?


Or give one class such extreme versatility (Consulars / Inquisitors) that they become the heaviest PVP class played in warzones isn't a game mechanic?


And then forcing those players who aren't playing the chosen classes or who managed to get past their level 60 valor regardless of all the obsticles to deal with getting a couple of battlemaster bags a week that yield all but worthless champion tokens isn't a game mechanic?


I dear say, exactly what do you find not to be a game mechanic? Because all of these and more are all parts of the same problem. They all play a part towards a lack of a viable way to get bags and a lack of potential reward once those same bags are received.

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Its a shame really. 100% of my play time was warzones and Raid/flashpoint on my Jedi Sage. After hitting valor 60, I do my 3 wins and log out to play an alt. Its like a job or daily chore now. The ONLY thing good about getting the carrot off the stick with 60 valor is you actually care about objectives instead of medals. Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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You mean a reputation with those people who think that losing PvP for no reward is worth their time?


Yeah, I'll really miss playing with them.


This game rewards losses better than just about any I've played. Like someone said before, often people will leave and the replacements help turn it around because they don't simply quit the moment we get two-capped for half a second.


In fact, some of the best games I've played have ultimately been losses, but it was a heck of a lot of fun.


Maybe it helps that I know a lot of the regular PvPers on both the Republic and Imperial side on my server. We've even had a pub on our Teamspeak once. We also have an unofficial server forum offsite where people chat/smacktalk each other/whatever.


I get it if you're in a hurry and you just wanna finish your daily and log off again or whatever but if you have no fun unless you're winning I'd probably question whether you're actually having fun at all at this point?

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So basically you play for gear and not for fun? Is that what I understand? Because you said you wanted to play for gear and fun but I don't see the fun when you say you don't want to play if you can't get gear.

What will you do if you get full battlemaster? Will you still warzone?


I Play to progress my character which i find fun, if there was no upgraded gear to work towards i wouldnt play this game.... after all starwars is the mainly reason im even here..

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I don't know why BW didn't change it to 3/9 games PLAYED as soon as they had issues awarding credit for wins. It would have killed two birds with one stone and we wouldn't be having this conversation or patch notes claiming to have fixed it for the 3rd *********** time.
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Seems like this shoulda been put in from day 1 tbh...


this would help out a lot


As a leveling player, I didn't care really if I won or loss. I was getting credits, xp, commendations, and valor.


Once I hit 50, I didn't care really if a won or loss either. I was getting credits, commendations, and valor.


When I hit valor 60, I did care if I won or loss.




I don't need credits (already a millionaire several times over with nothing to buy).

I don't need xp.

I hardly use any commendations (except for medpacs) and I can get those if I win.

I really don't need the valor any more.


All that is left for me is gear at this point. And since I can't buy battlemaster bags I can only get them if I win.


And considering I generally am the highest geared person on my team and also the only healer, the odds of anyone else on my teaming be a "ringer" is slim. They lack gear which means they lack damage out put and they also lack Hit points.


These guys drop faster than I can ever hope to keep them healed.


So yes, I will leave a warzone if I think it has gone completely south and the game has barely even started.


There is after all no incentive for me to stay.


I am but a simple Merc healer and I am not Jesus. So even if you die in combat I don't even have a combat rez to save you with.

Edited by ForceWelder
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The worrying thing is that the Developers are encouraging players to report players who deliberately leave war zones after entering first pre-1.1.3, so as BMs we have to make certain we enter late into the war zone if we are thinking of quitting the losing match on a regular basis. Edited by Ewgal
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As someone not yet at 50, this statement has me curious. Is cheating/hacking/exploiting really that rife in TOR?


I see cheating/exploiting on the Jung Ma server constantly. While I am Imperial and probably am only noticing it when republics do it, I am quite confident both sides are doing it in equal measure.



Some of the exploits make you go "meh that was cheesy of them to do" while others are pants on head full retard that they haven't been patched already.

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As a leveling player, I didn't care really if I won or loss. I was getting credits, xp, commendations, and valor.


Once I hit 50, I didn't care really if a won or loss either. I was getting credits, commendations, and valor.


When I hit valor 60, I did care if I won or loss.




I don't need credits (already a millionaire several times over with nothing to buy).

I don't need xp.

I hardly use any commendations (except for medpacs) and I can get those if I win.

I really don't need the valor any more.


All that is left for me is gear at this point. And since I can't buy battlemaster bags I can only get them if I win.


And considering I generally am the highest geared person on my team and also the only healer, the odds of anyone else on my teaming be a "ringer" is slim. They lack gear which means they lack damage out put and they also lack Hit points.


These guys drop faster than I can ever hope to keep them healed.


So yes, I will leave a warzone if I think it has gone completely south and the game has barely even started.


There is after all no incentive for me to stay.


I am but a simple Merc healer and I am not Jesus. So even if you die in combat I don't even have a combat rez to save you with.


Some of us don't have those issues, im only half way through lvl 30 valor and wins mean the difference between wasting half your day or enjoying half your day. Not everyone is in your position

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This really is so simple....just have battlemaster bags that you can buy with commendations...no other sue for them.


The thing is when you get full battlemaster, which doens't take that long...what do you do then? Quit game?


They need to sort the end game pvp fast or lose another wave of players.

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So basically you play for gear and not for fun? Is that what I understand? Because you said you wanted to play for gear and fun but I don't see the fun when you say you don't want to play if you can't get gear.

What will you do if you get full battlemaster? Will you still warzone?


The fun part ended long ago. Have you even considered how many valor you have to gain to reach the rank of Battlemaster? Only to be rewarded like this... two dailies and then you can logout again.


At this point more fun to level an alt, even if you are a dedicated player to a single character only like I am myself. But there's just nothing to do as BM.

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