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Ok I'd like to know what the developers where smoking when they made choices Warzones...


PvP Warzones... Did anyone think all the way through when they decided to have lvls (10-49) grouped in the same Warzones... Let me point out the OBVIOUS errors with this idea. Despite the buff you get to match higher lvls you have to take into account the gear of the players and ABILITIES. I'm pretty sure when I (lvl 17) Crit for only 600 damage and a a higher lvl hits for 1200 yeah (this one happened to be a lvl 32, can't imagine a the difference in damage from a 40 up)... need I say more? Lvls seriously need to be divided up.

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Ok I'd like to know what the developers where smoking when they made choices Warzones...


PvP Warzones... Did anyone think all the way through when they decided to have lvls (10-49) grouped in the same Warzones... Let me point out the OBVIOUS errors with this idea. Despite the buff you get to match higher lvls you have to take into account the gear of the players and ABILITIES. I'm pretty sure when I (lvl 17) Crit for only 600 damage and a a higher lvl hits for 1200 yeah (this one happened to be a lvl 32, can't imagine a the difference in damage from a 40 up)... need I say more? Lvls seriously need to be divided up.


Maybe you are specced differently/wrong? Gear doesn't matter. If you haven't noticed in lower level people wearing social gear.

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i kinda agree... needs to be 10-29, 30-49 and 50.


Most classes are missing a large chunk of their classes key skills/talents before 30. and bolster or not, if one team is all under 25, with maybe one dude in the 30s, and the other is mostly over 40, with maybe 1-2 in the 20s.... its not hard to know whos gonna win due to the skills/talents alone.


ive played hutball matchs where 3-4 people on ym team didnt even have sprint!

Edited by XplaguesX
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Hmm Imo the warzone buff works just fine.


On my lvl 19 sniper I get around 4-7 medals and I crit for 4k-5k on my snipe ability, my ambush hits even harder then that.


Im far from a pvp player, would even go so far as to call me a pvp noob. So if I can pull off plenty of kills, (cant remember exactly how many), 12 killing blows and 4 solo kills, as a lvl 19, so can others. :p

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You do know they split 10-49 and 50s because the lowbies were pwning the 50s pretty hard because of the buff?


Seriuosly, gear doesnt matter in the low warzones.


no.... it was because 50s were getting PvP gear, and expertise made them goddly killing machines vs everyone without expertise.

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For the people QQing about WZ's needing to be split, gear, and crits, you really need to shut up. Bio has made some very calculated decisions based on past experiences in the MMO genre as a whole.


1. Splitting warzones any further would simply follow in the path of WoW with ridiculous queue times, thus bringing about more QQ and a general lack of pvp on already low population servers.

2. As was already mentioned, the bolster buff is great for low levels, however, when you go against pvp gear, the expertise far outwaights it. You might as well pvp naked.

3. When you try to compare your spammable abilities (i.e. Tracer Missile or even Sniper Shot) to that of others like Ambush and expect their damage to be equal, you make yourself look stupid.


While we're on the topic of pvp, do learn what resolve is.

Edited by LordKnives
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